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Programming with NetWare® XPlat APIs

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1 Programming with NetWare® XPlat APIs
Novell BrainShare 2002 Programming with NetWare® XPlat APIs Joseph Cook Developer Support Engineer Novell, Inc. DCB105—Programming with NetWare XPlat APIs

2 Vision…one Net Mission
A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world


4 Introduction of the Novell Developer Kit (NDK)
Novell BrainShare 2002 Introduction of the Novell Developer Kit (NDK) What is the NDK? How do I obtain the NDK? How do I use the SDK? DCB105—Programming with NetWare XPlat APIs

5 What Is the NDK? NetWare® NDK
Set of components which allow development to NetWare Software Developer Kit (SDK) Hardware Developer Kit (HDK) Developer Tools Kit (DTK) Compatibility Test Kit (CTK)

6 Software Developer Kit
Provides Libraries Documentation Sample code An open Application Programming Interface (API) which allow you, to easily access the Novell advanced network, Internet, and management services

7 Hardware Developer Kit
Provides the information and sample source code needed for driver development and supports a wide range of hardware devices

8 Developer Tools Kit Provides the Novell and third-party tools needed to create solutions

9 Compatibility Test Kit
Provides the test suites and compatibility test needed to meet Novell Yes, Tested and Approved requirements

10 How Do I Get the NDK? Where to go DeveloperNet® home page
Novell BrainShare 2002 How Do I Get the NDK? Where to go DeveloperNet® home page Novell Developer Kit Development languages Novell source code Development and Test Kit information Downloads, patches, and updates DCB105—Programming with NetWare XPlat APIs

11 NDK on CD How to get it What do you get
Novell BrainShare 2002 NDK on CD How to get it Be a DeveloperNet subscriber at the level of at least Netplus ($150.00) What do you get Everything that is on the web site plus Novell Software Connection Library (100 user) Novell Appnotes® DeveloperNet University on-line lessons And other benefits DCB105—Programming with NetWare XPlat APIs

12 Supported Platforms NetWare 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
32-bit Windows 95/98/NT/Windows 2000/XP

13 Supported SDK Development Tools
Novell BrainShare 2002 Supported SDK Development Tools Borland C++ Microsoft Visual C++ Delphi Visual Basic CodeWarrior SDK DCB105—Programming with NetWare XPlat APIs

14 Programming with the Cross-Platform Connection Model

15 Objectives Initialization of the SDK
Connection services and connection states Authentication and connection identity Understand the connection APIs

16 Initialization NWCallsInit(null, null);
Called to initialization ALL SDK libraries

17 Connection Services NetWare SDK provides the APIs to allow control between the client and the network They configure, maintain and query the local client environment and connection tables

18 Connection Services (cont.)
Open connections Attaching to servers Getting connection information Close and clear connections

19 Connection States Novell Directory Services®
Novell BrainShare 2002 Connection States Novell Directory Services® Attached but not logged in Public access to the tree Logged in and authenticated Logged into a tree not to a server Authenticated and licensed Access to files on the server DCB105—Programming with NetWare XPlat APIs

20 Licensed Connection Automatic Program control
The first time a client tries to access a file Program control NWCCLicenseConn NWCCUnlicenseConn

21 Connection Identity Connection information
Not logged in After NWLoginToFileServer (bindery) Authentication = BINDERY Licensed state = CONNECTION LICENSED After NWDSLogin Authentication = NDS

22 Requester Connection Table Server Connection Number
Connection Model Client Server Application Connection Handles Requester Handle Tables Requester Connection Table Server Connection Number 0x 0x Process_A 0x x 0x 0x Server_A 0x

23 Requester Connection Table Server Connection Number
Connection Model Client Server Application Connection Handles Requester Handle Tables Requester Connection Table Server Connection Number 0x 0x Process_A 0x x 0x 0x Server_A 0x 0x 0x 0x Server_B 0x 0x

24 Requester Connection Table Server Connection Number
Connection Model Client Server Application Connection Handles Requester Handle Tables Requester Connection Table Server Connection Number 0x 0x Process_A 0x x 0x 0x Server_A 0x 0x 0x Process_B 0x 0x 0x Server_B 0x 0x 0x

25 Connection Calls NWCCGetConnAddress() NWCCOpenConnByAddress()
NWCCOpenConnByName() NWCCOpenConnByRef() NWCCOpenConnByPref() NWCCCloseConn() NWCCGetAllConnInfo() NWCCGetConnInfo()

26 Connection Calls (cont.)
NWCCGetConnAddressLength() NWCCGetPrefServerName() NWCCMakeConnPermanent() NWCCSetPrefServerName() NWCCSetPrimConn() NWCCLicenseConn() NWCCUnlicenseConn()

27 Reference Calls NWCCGetAllConnRefInfo() NWCCGetConnRefInfo()
NWCCGetConnRefAddress() NWCCGetConnRefAddressLength() NWCCScanConnRefs() NWCCSysCloseConnRef() NWCCGetPrimaryConnRef()

28 NWCCOpenConnByName Opens a connection handle to a specified server
rcode = NWCCOpenConnByName( /* > start Conn Handle */ startConnHandle, /* > Name of Server */ (pnstr8) name, /* > Name format */ nameFormat, /* > open state */ openState, /* > Tran Type */ NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_WILD, /* < Connection Handle */ &connHandle);

29 startConnHandle Handle used to resolve the name
Connection handle to a server 0 if you don’t care which connection to use

30 Name of Server Bindery name Tree name

Use the bindery server name NWCC_NAME_FORMAT_NDS_TREE Use the NDS tree name

32 Open State—Available Options
C Value Pascal Value Value Name 0x0001 $0001 NWCC_OPEN_LICENSED 0x0002 $0002 NWCC_OPEN_UNLICENSED This open state does not actually open a licensed connection It only sets a bit in the connection table that indicates that this is a PENDING licensed connection until such time that NWDSAuthenticate, or NWDSLogin is called This connection will then go licensed This is true even if the open state is set to NWCC_OPEN_UNLICENSED

33 Transport Type Values These are the transport type values
C Value PascalValue Value Name 0x0001 $0001 NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_IPX 0x0003 $0003 NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_DDP 0x0004 $ NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_ASP 0x0008 $ NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_UDP 0x0009 $0009 NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_TCP 0x000A $000A NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_UDP6 0x000B $000B NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_TCP6 0x8000 $ NWCC_TRAN_TYPE_WILD

34 connHandle Returns a connection handle to the desired resource

35 Summary This connection model provides a consistent interface across all platforms Now the developer has a single mechanism for obtaining a connection resource Summary

36 Now Let’s Code!


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