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Workshop: Experimental research in practice

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1 Workshop: Experimental research in practice
Roland Geraerts 16 November 2016 Picture: Please send comments to

2 Bad repeatability Why can it be hard to reproduce papers’ claims?

3 Bad repeatability (1) Problem Cause
The results cannot be reproduced easily Cause Details of the method are lacking Parts of the method are not described Degenerate cases are missing References to other papers (without mentioning details) Parameters don’t get assigned values (usually weights) Source code is not available The experimental setup is not clear Tested hardware (e.g. which PC/GPU, the number of cores used) Statistical setup (e.g. number of runs, seed) Details of the scenario(s) are missing Picture:

4 Bad repeatability (2) Problem Cause Solution
The results cannot be reproduced easily Cause Low significance caused by a low number of runs Hard problems can be hard to implement Solution Let someone else implement the method/paper Provide the source code Picture:

5 Data collection errors
What kind of errors occur during the collection of (raw) data? Picture:

6 Data collection errors (1)
Problem Errors occur during collection of raw data E.g., copy/paste values from GUIs into excel sheets or text files Cause The data collection process was not automated There is a GUI but not a command line (console) version Variables aren’t assigned the right values (how to verify?) The precision of the stored numbers is too low Statistics are computed wrongly (e.g. how to compute the SD) Only the execution of a part of the algorithm is recorded The visualization part is not strictly separated from the execution part of the algorithm E.g. While the method performs its computations, the results are being written to a log file and sent to the GPU for visualization purposes Standard deviation: Must we divide by n or n-1? Partial results:

7 Data collection errors (2)
Solution Automate the process using a console called from a batch file For small experiments, call the arguments in the batch file Otherwise, build a load/save mechanism Create an API that supports setting up experiments Standard deviation: Must we divide by n or n-1? Partial results:

8 Data collection errors (3): Time measurement errors
Problem Time is measured wrongly Cause Lack of timer’s accuracy C++: Don’t use time.h Don’t start/stop the timer inside the method, especially not if the parts take less than 1 ms to compute Intervening network/CPU/GPU processes

9 Data collection errors (4): Time measurement errors
Solution Use accurate timers C++: Use QueryPerformanceCounter(…) instead; be careful of 0.3s jumps, or C++ 11: std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Run fast methods many times and take the average; watch out for non-deterministic behavior Take the average of some runs, also in case of deterministic algorithms Only measure the running time of the algorithm Switch off the network Kill the virus killer Stop the program Disable update functionality Use only 1 core Don’t work on your thesis while running the experiments on the same machine; and yes, this happens

10 Bad figures When do figures convey information badly?
Figure 7. Motion planning result considering the effect of currents.

11 Bad figures Problem Cause Solution
The figures convey information badly Cause The figures are hard to read (e.g. too small or bitmapped) Axes haven’t been labeled The y-axis doesn’t start at 0 which amplifies (random) differences Use the right number precision/format Don’t display 100, Don’t display s, or … The meaning is not conveyed clearly Some colors/patterns don’t do well on black & white printers Solution Use e.g. GNUplot (set all labels and export to vector: EPS or PDF) Use vector images as much as possible (e.g. use IPE) Explain all phenomena Use vector graphics Picture:

12 Conclusions are too general
When are drawn conclusions too general?

13 Conclusions are too general (1)
Problem The conclusions drawn are often too general Cause Only one instance is tested, e.g. environment / moving entity Only one problem setting is tested A favorable setup is used, e.g. a few axis-aligned rectangular obstacles polygonal convex obstacles 1 fixed query Deterministic experiments do suffer from the ‘variance problem’ Variance problem: Deterministic versus randomized techniques Deterministic techniques can respond sensitively to small changes in the problem setting Even worse, there might be a statistical significance while a better implementation might halve the running times

14 Conclusions are too general (2)
Solution Try to sample the problem space as good as possible Don’t try to bias any method Use a favorable setup (to show certain properties) and a ‘normal’ one Also choose worst-case scenarios Tune all methods equally Compare against the state-of-the-art instead of old methods only Dare to show the weakness(es) of your method Variance problem: Deterministic versus randomized techniques Deterministic techniques can respond sensitively to small changes in the problem setting Even worse, there might be a statistical significance while a better implementation might halve the running times

15 Statistical weaknesses
When are the statistics less reliable?

16 Statistical weaknesses
Problem Statistics are done badly Cause Results have been collected on different sets of hardware Too few runs Not all running times are mentioned (e.g. initialization) Only averages are mentioned Solution Use the same machine (and don’t change the setup) Use e.g. GNUplot and set all (relevant) labels Use other measures, e.g. SD Boxplot Student’s t-test: statistical hypothesis test ANOVA: Analysis of variance Student's t-test, source: “A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student's t distribution if the null hypothesisis supported. It can be used to determine if two sets of data are significantly different from each other, and is most commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of a scaling term in the test statistic were known. When the scaling term is unknown and is replaced by an estimate based on the data, the test statistic (under certain conditions) follows a Student's t distribution.” Anova, source: “Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models used to analyze the differences between group means and their associated procedures (such as "variation" among and between groups), developed by R.A. Fisher. In the ANOVA setting, the observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation. In its simplest form, ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are equal, and therefore generalizes the t-test to more than two groups. Doing multiple two-sample t-tests would result in an increased chance of committing a type I error. For this reason, ANOVAs are useful in comparing (testing) three or more means (groups or variables) for statistical significance.”

17 Statistically significant?
Picture: Please send comments to

18 So your method is statistically significant
While a method was granted being statistically significant, this does not have to mean anything in practice… …due to the programmer’s bias. Suppose different methods run in 10.2, 10.0, 10.3, and 9.6 seconds (with appropriate SDs etc). While the latter one might be better, in reality it does not have to be… …since the third one might be the only one that wasn’t optimized. Picture:

19 Ways to bias your results (1)
Run the code with choices in of Hardware (CPU, GPU, memory, cache, #cores, #threads) Language (C++/C#, 32/64bit, different optimizations) Software libraries (own code/boost/STL) Implementation is done by different people

20 Ways to bias your results (2): Some code optimizations
Enable optimizations in your compiler Run in release mode! Visual studio full optimization inline function expansion Enable intrinsic functions Etc. Compile the code with a 64-bit compiler 2-15% improvement of running times due to usage of a larger instruction set Not having to simulate 32-bit code However, watch code that deals with memory and loops use memsize-types in address arithmetic See

21 Ways to bias your results (3): Some code optimizations
Unroll loops Improves usage of parallel execution (e.g. SSE2) Create small code E.g. by improving the implementation; properly align data Improves cache behavior Avoid mixed arithmetic Use STL Is heavily optimized Avoid disk usage and writing to a console etc. Follow the course: Optimization and vectorization

22 Ethics versus mistakes
Let’s have a discussion here!

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