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Presentation on theme: "CLASSICAL GREEK ART."— Presentation transcript:


2 Early Classical Period ca. 480-450 B. C. E
Early Classical Period ca B.C.E. Defeat of Persians, Use of Bronze Sculpture, more detail in sculpture High Classical Period ca B.C.E. Parthenon & Erectheion, Doric and Ionic Orders, Caryatids, Canon of Polykleitos Late Classical Period ca B.C.E. Sparta beats Athens, Corinthian Order, ends with the death of Alexander the Great; Praxiteles redefines Polykleitos’ figures; sculptures are created with a more 360-degree interest Hellenistic Period ca B.C.E.

3 Greek city-states banded together and defeated the Persians in 479 BCE
Early Classical or Transitional Period Greek city-states banded together and defeated the Persians in 479 BCE This victory gave them a self-confidence that accelerated their society and art. Lasted until about 450 BCE Kritios Boy, ca. 480 BCE

4 KNOW YOUR “K” WORDS! Early Classical or Transitional Period KOUROS
KORE KROISOS KRITIOS BOY Archaic Archaic Archaic Early Classical

5 Charioteer, ca. 470 BCE, Bronze.
Early Classical or Transitional Period The use of HOLLOW-CASTING BRONZE developed toward the end of the Archaic Period made for more complex, detail poses. Charioteer, ca. 470 BCE, Bronze.

6 Early Classical or Transitional Period
Using bronze allowed such an extensive study of the anatomy that it paved the way for the achievements of the CLASSICAL period. Riace Warrior, ca BCE, Bronze. With Copper lips and nipples.

7 Poses like this could only be done with the invention of CONTRAPPOSTO
Early Classical or Transitional Period Poses like this could only be done with the invention of CONTRAPPOSTO Zeus, from the sea off Cape Artemision. Greece, ca BC

8 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
Polykleitos Wrote the treatise “Canon of Polykleitos” – set of mathematical rules or laws for human sculpture Doryphoros – The ‘Spear-Bearer’ Polykleitos, Doryphoros c BCE HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK

9 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
Polykleitos Wrote the treatise “Canon of Polykleitos” – set of mathematical rules or laws for human sculpture Doryphoros – The ‘Spear-Bearer’ Polykleitos, Doryphoros c BCE HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK



12 Lasted from about 450-400 BCE - Sparta and Athens became enemies
High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Parthenon Lasted from about BCE - Sparta and Athens became enemies ELGIN MARBLES – Statue Pieces from the Parthenon that Lord Elgin (Thomas Bruce) recovered from ruins and sold to British Government

13 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Parthenon
Iktinos and Kallikrates, The Parthenon, completed in 438 BCE. Sculptural designs by Phidias. Uses a y=2x +1 math in architecture

14 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Parthenon
Plaque of the Ergastines (Parthenon frieze), c BCE. HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK This sculpted plaque is a perfect example of Classical Greek art from the frieze decorating the exterior of the Parthenon, built between 447 and 432 BCE to glorify Athens and its divine protector, Athena. It shows one of the high points of the Great Panathenaea festival held every four years in Athens. Here, six Ergastines (young women in charge of weaving the peplos overgarment offered to Athena) are greeted by two priests as they walk in procession towards the assembly of the gods.

15 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Parthenon
Phidias (?), Sculpture from the East Pediment of the Parthenon, marble, c BCE. HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK These sculptures are from Phidias, a Greek sculptor, painter and architect, who lived in the 5th century BCE, and is commonly regarded as one of the greatest of all sculptors of Classical Greece. These sculptures were originally created an placed in the triangular pediment atop the Parthenon.

16 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period Temple of Athena Nike
The TEMPLE of ATHENA NIKE Complete 420 BCE, Acropolis. Nike means "Victory" in Greek, and Athena was worshiped in this form, as goddess of victory, on the Acropolis. Her temple was the earliest Ionic temple on the Acropolis. Here the citizens worshipped the goddess in hope of a prosperous outcome in the long war fought on land and sea against the Spartans and their allies. The Temple of Athena Nike was an expression of Athens' ambition to be the leading Greek city state in the Peloponnese.

17 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period Temple of Athena Nike
The TEMPLE of ATHENA NIKE Complete 420 BCE, Acropolis. Nike means "Victory" in Greek, and Athena was worshiped in this form, as goddess of victory, on the Acropolis. Her temple was the earliest Ionic temple on the Acropolis. Here the citizens worshipped the goddess in hope of a prosperous outcome in the long war fought on land and sea against the Spartans and their allies. The Temple of Athena Nike was an expression of Athens' ambition to be the leading Greek city state in the Peloponnese.

18 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period Temple of Athena Nike
The TEMPLE of ATHENA NIKE Complete 420 BCE, Acropolis. To prevent people from falling from atop the hill, a large parapet (a wall) was added around 410 BCE. On it contained numerous reliefs, including this one of Athena Nike adjusting her sandal.

19 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Erechtheion
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE. Architectural design by MNESIKLES

20 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Erechtheion
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE. Architectural design by MNESIKLES

21 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Erechtheion
The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE. Architectural design by MNESIKLES

22 PARTHENON (Doric Order) ERECHTHEION (Ionic Order)
High Classical or “Golden Age” Period The Erechtheion PARTHENON (Doric Order) ERECHTHEION (Ionic Order)

23 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
Grave Steve of Hegeso (Atrributed to Kallimachos) Marble and paint, ca 410 BCE. The main relief (on the right) shows a mature Athenian woman (Hegeso) wearing a chiton and himation, seated on a chair with her feet resting on an elaborate footstool. In her left hand, she holds an open pyxis (small container), and in her right she holds a piece of (missing) jewelry that was originally painted, at which she is directing her gaze. Opposite her, on the left, stands a maidservant wearing a tunic and a headdress described as either a snood or sakkos. The maidservant is presenting the pyxis, on the knees of Hegeso. On the epistyle there is an epitaph, “ΗΓΗΣΩ ΠΡΟΞΕΝΟ”, stating that the deceased is Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos. Grave markers like these which much more personal, thus costing far more money than figure vases.

24 High Classical or “Golden Age” Period
Grave Steve of Hegeso (Atrributed to Kallimachos) Marble and paint, ca 410 BCE. While Hegeso's relief may show a purely domestic scene, the virtues it honors may not have been solely for private use. Rather than simply celebrating the lives of certain women, the presence of stelae similar to that of Hegeso serve to define the female within a social framework. From 450 BCE on, a law by Pericles stated that any Athenian citizen needed to have a mother who was the daughter of another citizen. This law gave more importance to the child-bearing role of women (since their children would later select the gravestones) as well as the importance of marriage and familial relationships, since marrying non-Athenian women was so discouraged.

25 Sparta defeats Athens in Peloponnesian War
Late Classical Period Lasted from about BCE Sparta defeats Athens in Peloponnesian War Greek Art still flourishes with IONIC order, and even introduces CORINTHIAN order for interiors – Romans later copied it

26 Late Classical Period Praxiteles Developed more extensive rules based on Canon of Polykleitos (e.g. – body is 8 heads tall instead of 7) Hermes and Infant Dionysus – 343 BCE Roman Copy


28 Praxiteles, Apollo Sauroctonos LATE CLASSICAL GREEK
Late Classical Period Praxiteles, Apollo Sauroctonos LATE CLASSICAL GREEK

29 Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath –
Late Classical Period Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath – BCE Roman Copy

30 Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath –
Late Classical Period Praxiteles Aphrodite Taking a Bath – BCE Roman Copy

31 Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (The “Scraper”)
Late Classical Period Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (The “Scraper”) Roman copy based on bronze original ca 320 BCE


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