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What inspired the magnificent blossoming of Greek art?

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Presentation on theme: "What inspired the magnificent blossoming of Greek art?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What inspired the magnificent blossoming of Greek art?
The Arts What inspired the magnificent blossoming of Greek art? One theory- Geek society let adult males use their spare time to follow artistic pursuits. Also they could get an education to help them with their talents. Another theory – Greek city-states welcomed outsiders to show their art. This helped the Greek artist get idea’s for the amazing art created.

2 Sculptures Sculptors were particularly interested in carving the human body. Sculptures can be dated back to as late as 675 BCE Most sculptures created of the body appeared to be in awkward positions. These works inspired artists such as Michelangelo. Carving nude males was a favorite theme. They scalped female forms to represent goddesses.

3 Continuing sculpture The “Laocoon” is a sculpture representing the Trojan War. P.183 Greeks carved stone, however they also carved into bronze. Bronze made it easier for artists to break down the human form in their various poses.

4 Architecture Symmetry and proportion were key in Greek architectural design. - See page 184. There are 3 main types of architecture: 1.Doric – plain, massive and dignified 2.Ionic – curled out on either side 3.Corinthian – rich and ornate, it was used to represent a bunch of acanthus leaves

5 Literature The Iliad and the Odyssey helped to created natural literature for the ancient Greeks. The poems were used for Greek boys education. Epics were poems of great accomplishments that affected the people. Hesiod created a famous poem (called Works And Days) that told the story of farmers in ancient Greece. He also wrote Theogony which is a story about the creation of the universe, and history of the gods.

6 Theatre The most famous theater in ancient Greece was the theatre of Dionysus, The Acropolis, the theatre at Delphi and the theatre at Epidauros in the Peloponnese which was the finest of all. The circular area in the middle of the theatre is called the orchestra (meaning dancing place). This name was given because actors would perform in this area. The earliest plays were only preformed by men.

7 Theatre continued.. One man who was called the “hypocrites” or “answerer” dressed up in robes to impersonate a character and was entered into dialogue. The “hypocrites” became the leading actors in the play. The main actor only played one role, while the 2-3 others played several roles Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes were all famous Greek actors/play writers A famous event in Athens was the drama competition, which took place in the city of Dionysia. Which was deticated to Dionysus. This was a four day event, and on the fourth day votes were taken to determine the winner.

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