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A p-n junction is not a device

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1 A p-n junction is not a device
5.7 Metal-Semiconductor Junctions p n A p-n junction is not a device A p-n junction diode p n Difference: a p-n junction also has two Metal-Semiconductor (MS) junctions MS junction: can be either rectifying (Schottky Barrier) or nonrectifying (Ohmic) A rectifying MS junction is similar to a p-n junction in many ways Applications: high speed rectification, ohmic contact

2 Energy Band Relation for Rectifying Contacts (equilibrium)
5.7.1 Schottky Barriers Energy Band Relation for Rectifying Contacts (equilibrium) CASE 1: Metal/n-type semiconductor ; m> s This MS junction is similar to a p+n junction depletion region width junction capacitance However, no forward bias hole injection qm metal work function qs semiconductor work function q electron affinity q(m-s) =qV0 energy barrier prevents electron diffusion from semiconductor to metal q(m-) =qB energy barrier for electron injection from metal to semiconductor

3 Figure 5—40 A Schottky barrier formed by contacting an n-type semiconductor with a metal having a larger work function: (a) band diagrams for the metal and the semiconductor before joining; (b) equilibrium band diagram for the junction.

4 Figure 5—41 Schottky barrier between a p-type semiconductor and a metal having a smaller work function: (a) band diagrams before joining; (b) band diagram for the junction at equilibrium.

5 Energy Band Relation for Rectifying Contacts (under bias)
CASE 1: Metal/n-type semiconductor ; m> s Forward bias is defined as Metal +; semiconductor- The barrier q(m-) =qB is unaffected by bias Reverse saturation current I0 I0 exp(-qB/kT) Forward current is due to the injection of majority carrier No storage delay time, high speed. Rectifying! Schottky barrier diode

6 Figure 5—42 Effects of forward and reverse bias on the junction of Fig. 5—40: (a) forward bias; (b) reverse bias; (c) typical current-voltage characteristic.

7 5.7.3 Ohmic Contact (Non-rectifying Metal/semiconductor contact)
CASE 2: Metal/n-type semiconductor ; m< s Ohmic contact: linear I-V characteristics in both biasing directions; negligible contact resistance. No depletion region is formed

8 Figure 5—43 Ohmic metal–semiconductor contacts: (a) Fm < Fs for an n-type semiconductor, and (b) the equilibrium band diagram for the junction; (c) Fm < Fs for a p-type semiconductor, and (d) the junction at equilibrium.

9 5.7.4 Typical Schottky Barriers
ie. Real Schottky Barriers For a real semiconductor surface, we may have Surface states Interfacial layers Other effects Fermi level pinning

10 6.3 Metal-Semiconductor FET
The channel control by depletion discussed above for a JFET can be accomplished by the use of a reverse-biased Schottky barrier instead of a p-n junction. The resulting device is called a MESFET Why MESFET? Simplicity (No diffusion) Small gate length Why GaAs or III-V compounds? High electron mobility, high speed applications High temperature, high power operations Band gap engineering GaAs MESFET formed on an n-typeGaAs layer grown epitaxially on a semi-insulating GaAs substrate

11 Figure 6—7 GaAs MESFET formed on an n-type GaAs layer grown epitaxially on a semi-insulating substrate. Common metals for the Schottky gate in GaAs are AI or alloys of Ti, W, and Au. The ohmic source and drain contacts may be an alloy of Au and Ge. In this example the device is isolated from others on the same chip by etching through the n region to the semi-insulating substrate.

12 The High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)
We want high transconductance gmhigh channel conductivityincrease the doping of the channel and thus the carrier concentration Problems of this approach:impurity scattering; degradation of mobility We need Band gap engineering of III-V compounds ! Figure 6—8 (a) Simplified view of modulation doping, showing only the conduction band. Electrons in the donor-doped AIGaAs fall into the GaAs potential well and become trapped. As a result, the undoped GaAs becomes n-type, without the scattering by ionized donors which is typical of bulk n-type material. (b) Use of a single AIGaAs/GaAs heterojunction to trap electrons in the undoped GaAs. The thin sheet of charge due to free electrons at the interface forms a two-dimensional electron gas (2-DEG), which can be exploited in HEMT devices.

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