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Mastering ArcGIS Attribute Data (Continued)

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Presentation on theme: "Mastering ArcGIS Attribute Data (Continued)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mastering ArcGIS Attribute Data (Continued)
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Attribute Data (Continued) Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 Editing and calculating fields
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Editing and calculating fields Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

3 Editing fields Open Editor toolbar Start editing* Type edits in fields
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Editing fields Open Editor toolbar Start editing* Type edits in fields Save edits, stop editing * select the layer to edit if asked Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

4 Calculating fields Add a new field if necessary
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Calculating fields Add a new field if necessary Consider whether you need decimal places! Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

5 Field calculator Right-click field to calculate
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Field calculator Right-click field to calculate Usually field should be EMPTY Be careful! Calculations can’t be undone unless you are in an edit session Enter expression Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

6 Calculating geometry measures
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Calculating geometry measures Feature geometry measures can be calculated Geodatabases are automatically calculated Shapefiles must be manually calculated Geometry can be calculated for: Line data (length) Polygon data (area) Use Calculate Geometry menu option on field right-click menu Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

7 Geodatabase geometry measures
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Geodatabase geometry measures Automatically created and maintained Usually appear at end of table Shape_Area field Shape_Length field Units will match units of the coordinate system Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

8 Shapefile geometry measures
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Shapefile geometry measures Shapefiles DO NOT create or maintain area/length fields automatically! Must be created and updated manually Some functions and operations can change the lengths and areas of features If you find an AREA field there is no guarantee that it is correct Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

9 Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Be careful! AREA/LENGTH/PERIMETER fields in shapefiles are NOT updated when features change. Before After Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

10 Calculating feature geometry
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Calculating feature geometry Right-click empty or incorrect field to update Choose type, coordinate system, and units Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

11 Test yourself: True or False?
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Test yourself: True or False? A field named AREA in a shapefile will always have the correct area? False. Shapefile area fields are not automatically maintained. A field named AREA in a geodatabase will always have the correct area? False. Automatically updated fields in a geodatabase are called Shape_Area. Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

12 Importing tables Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5
Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

13 Importing text (ascii) tables
Allowed in ArcGIS Tab-delimited Comma-delimited Not allowed Fixed-column Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

14 Importing text (ascii) tables
Also Allowed in ArcGIS Excel Allowed in ArcGIS Using ODBC MS Access Tables SQL Database Tables Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

15 Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Importing Excel files Excel worksheets with suitable layout can be opened as tables in ArcGIS Most functions that do not involve changing the file will work (sort, query) Tables cannot be changed or edited Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

16 Excel file requirements
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Excel file requirements First row must contain field headings with legal field names as defined earlier No blank rows or formulas should be used Each column should contain only text or only numbers. It is helpful for each column to be formatted as text, numeric, etc. ArcMap cannot open files that are already open in Excel—they must be closed first Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

17 Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Acceptable Worksheet Columns formatted as text or numeric Legal field names No formulas or blank lines Decimal degrees = degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600 Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

18 Excel Workbooks and worksheets
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Excel Workbooks and worksheets An Excel workbook file (.xls) may contain more than one worksheet. By default there are three named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. There may be one or more named worksheets. ArcMap can only open one worksheet at a time. You will open the workbook like a folder and select a single worksheet Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

19 Adding an Excel worksheet
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Adding an Excel worksheet 2. Open workbook file like a folder 1. Add data button 3. Add named worksheet, or the first unnamed worksheet. Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

20 Excel Worksheet in ArcMap
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Excel Worksheet in ArcMap You can use x-y locations in a table to produce points on a map. But first you must know the coordinate system of these locations. What is this one? Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

21 Displaying x-y values from a table
Geographic coordinate system (GCS) A table with x-y values can be displayed as points. Use any coordinate system, but you must know what it is. Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

22 Use the Edit button to define the coordinate system.
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Display XY Data Degrees indicate a geographic coordinate system (GCS). NAD83 is the most common. Other tables might have units in UTM meters, State Plane feet, etc. You must know the coordinate system to create correctly located points. Use the Edit button to define the coordinate system. Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

23 Oregon climate stations
Mastering ArcGIS Chapter 5 Oregon climate stations Stations appear as points on the map, an “event layer” Export to shapefile or feature class to keep permanently Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

24 Demo Copyright © 2015 by Maribeth H. Price

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