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Qur`an Appreciation.

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1 Qur`an Appreciation

2 QA

3 Lesson 5 QA Starter: LO: Studying Verses 16-18
Examining the evils of lying/deceit and the meaning of true patience Starter: How quickly can you answer the following: In the Holy Qur`an what is the: Answers: Baqara (Bonus – how many verses? (ans: 286) and how many juz? (ans: 2.5) Kawthar (Bonus – how many verses? (ans: 3) and how many words? (ans: 10) 2:282 (Bonus – which Surah? (ans: Baqara) and what is the Ayah about? (ans: loans/transactions – Ayah Ad-Dain) 55:64 (Bonus – which Surah? (ans: Rahman) and what does it mean (ans: it is one word meaning “2 Green Leaves/Dark Green Foliage” (Mudhaamataan) Longest Surah? Shortest Surah? Longest Verse? Shortest Verse?

4 Studying Verses 16-18 QA Vs 16 - 17:
The brothers wanted to make it look like it was an accident so that they could gain their father’s love and attention. So when they came back the brothers were weeping and began to explain that they were racing on their horses and Prophet Yusuf (as), being young, could not keep up with them. So they left them guarding their stuff When they returned they saw that a wolf had attacked and eaten him

5 Studying Verses 16-18 WHY? QA Vs 18:
The brothers showed Prophet Yusuf’s (as) bloody shirt to their father. They had stained it with the blood of a goat they had slaughtered. They lied to their father and did not realise the gravity of their sin Discussion on the evils of lying: Lies often tend to snowball  you need to tell more to cover the first Most people eventually get tangled in their own web of lies and get caught out Lying never lasts Hadith of Imam (as) If you can lie you can commit any evil and just lie about it Getting into a habit of lying makes one lie naturally People don’t believe liars Lying makes you desensitised to evil – so you are more likely to commit evil Lying is a major sin and disliked by Allah WHY? A hadith of Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) says: All evil is locked in a room and its key is lying

6 Studying Verses 16-18 QA Extended Learning:
Prophet Ya’qub (as) looked at Prophet Yusuf’s (as) shirt and knew that his sons were lying, as the shirt wasn’t torn. If a wolf had attacked then it would have ripped it up. Some traditions mention that Prophet Ya’qub (as) said that the wolf was very kind to not damage the shirt when he ate his son. Others say that he asked why there were no teeth marks on the shirt Discussion on whether recreation is a waste of time or not

7 Studying Verses 16-18 QA Vs 18: وَجَاءُوا عَلَىٰ قَمِيصِهِ بِدَمٍ كَذِبٍ ۚ قَالَ بَلْ سَوَّلَتْ لَكُمْ أَنفُسُكُمْ أَمْرًا ۖ فَصَبْرٌ جَمِيلٌ ۖ وَاللَّهُ الْمُسْتَعَانُ عَلَىٰ مَا تَصِفُونَ And they brought his shirt with false blood upon it. He said: Nay, your souls have made the matter light for you, but patience is good Prophet Ya’qub (as) remains calm and does not complain. He says that he will be patient as it is what Allah (swt) likes. Prophet Ya’qub (as) told his sons that their Nafs al Ammaarah, has made this grave matter seem very insignificant/inconsequential to them. and Allah is He Whose help is sought for against what you describe. He says that he will ask his Lord to help him deal with this situation and his grief. [12:18] Three things to note from this verse NB: explain “Nafs al-Ammaarah” – base soul, which gives into desires and attracts one towards evil

8 Studying Verses 16-18 QA A hadith of Imam As-Sadiq (as) states:
Extended Learning: Although Prophet Ya’qub (as) cries a long time for Prophet Yusuf (as) he did not have any resentment towards Allah (swt) nor does he complain. This is true patience. A hadith of Imam As-Sadiq (as) states: A free human being is free in all circumstances. Should a misfortune befall him he bears it with patience (sabr). If calamities strike him, they don’t shatter him. If taken captive and subdued; he turns hardship into ease

9 Plenary QA How would you define sabr?
Group work: - Can you explain the hadith of Imam As-Sadiq (as)? Thinking Points: How would you define sabr? How can you stop calamities from shattering you? Get children to discuss in groups and then bring together for a class discussion What does it mean to be free? What can you do to turn hardship into ease?

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