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Fatimah bint Asad.

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Presentation on theme: "Fatimah bint Asad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fatimah bint Asad

2 The Prophet said - ‘ I gave my shirt to be used as a part of her shroud, so that she would be dressed the dress of Paradise.’

3 Parents Asad ?

4 Married to… Abu Talib

5 Blessed with… Talib Rabta Ali Jamana Aqeel Ja’far Tayyar Umm Hani

6 Relation to Prophet Paternal Aunt --- Chachi Fatima ’s mother-in-law
4th Mother

7 Q. Who were the other 3 mothers???

8 Q. Who were the other 3 mothers???
Aminah bint Wahb Haleemah as-Sa’diyah Barakah (Umm Ayman)

9 Her status Among the 1st few to accept Islam.
Very intelligent & an expert in poetry. Loved Prophet like her children. Prophet respected her greatly. He would often, visit her. Was given glad tidings of a place in Paradise.

10 Problems faced… Gave permission to her beloved son, Ja’far to migrate to Abyssinia. Faced the boycott of the Shu’ab Abi Talib, for 3 years, with patience. Migrated to Madina & left her son, Ali

11 Very Large Expensive Sheet
Once… Divided Into Very Large Expensive Sheet

12 Can you guess the four Fatimahs ???

13 Four Fatimahs – Fatima bint Asad Fatima bint Muhammad
Fatima bint Hamzah Fatimah bint Shaibah

14 Last Journey Anas bin Malik says that when the Prophet got news of her death, he immediately went to her house, sat beside her & prayed for her…

15 Prophet said… “My dear mother, may Allah keep you under His protection. Many times you went hungry in order to feed me well. Allah will surely be happy with these actions of yours. And your intentions were surely meant to win the goodwill & pleasure of Allah & success in the Hereafter. ”

16 Last Journey Prophet gave his shirt to be used as part of her shroud.
Prophet examined the grave, himself. He lay in it & prayed for her. He lowered her himself, into the grave.

17 Did you know ? Khadijah ‘Abdullah Mazni Fatima bint Asad
Prophet examined the graves of four blessed people- Khadijah ‘Abdullah Mazni Fatima bint Asad His son (from Khadhija)

18 Jazak-Allahu-Khaira

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