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The value chain of veal & Preliminary FMD risk assessment along the value-chain in Kazakhstan Gulzhan Nurtazina EuFMD Progressive Control Practitioners’

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Presentation on theme: "The value chain of veal & Preliminary FMD risk assessment along the value-chain in Kazakhstan Gulzhan Nurtazina EuFMD Progressive Control Practitioners’"— Presentation transcript:

1 The value chain of veal & Preliminary FMD risk assessment along the value-chain in Kazakhstan Gulzhan Nurtazina EuFMD Progressive Control Practitioners’ Network 30 th November 2017

2 Current Kazakhstan - the 9 th largest country in the world by its land; - located in the heart of Eurasia; - the climate is sharp continental (+45C; - 45C); -around 17 million human population; - ~ 73% of population are Muslims.

3 Agricultural system - 6.4 mln. cattle, 18 mln. sheep and goats, 2.2 mln. horses, 0.2 mln. camels and 0.85 mln.pigs; - animal husbandry is preliminary semi-nomadic; - a year-round pasture period and fodder supply chain; - more than half farming animals are kept by private householders (e.g. 57.5% of cattle, while 9.5% by large enterprisers and 33% by SMEs); - ~ 40% of consuming meat is beef, of which 16% is veal.

4 The FMD situation

5 The value chain map of veal in Kazakhstan Medicines Large Farms Small farms Medium farms House holders Inputs - meat (veal) - milk - yogurt - cheese - sub- products, -By products. Feed Types of animal husbandry Processors Abattoirs Veterinary legislation (requirements, licence, etc.) Consumers Services (vets, etc) Manure, waste, by products Cattle Middlemen Slaughter, processing Markets, shops, restaurants Middlemen (transporters, storages, retailers) Veterinary control and surveillance (vet certificates, etc.) Sellers Live animal markets Middlemen

6 The value chain map of veal with the risk hotspots Consumers Feed Medicines Services (vets, etc) Manure, waste, by products Types of animal husbandry Large farms Small farms Medium farms House holders Cattle Inputs Middlemen Abattoirs Processors - meat (veal) - milk - yogurt - cheese - sub-products, -By products. Slaughter, processing Markets, shops, restaurants Middlemen (transporters, storages, retailers) Veterinary legislation (requirements, licence, etc.) Veterinary control and surveillance (vet certificates, etc.) Sellers Live animal markets Infected animals Infected vehicles Risk hotspots: Middlemen Infected other fomites

7 The value chain of veal BY VALUE THAT FLOWS THROUGH EACH BRANCH 10%60%30% Producers International traders MarketsSupermarkets Large size farms Small shops Consumers Abattoirs House holders Medium/small size farms 40%50% 45%30%10%15% 10% 30% Retailer 40%30%

8 Major production/consumption centres with routes Production centresConsumption centresMigration routsTrading hubs

9 Risk determinants Value chain nodeHigh volumes/ quantities? Mixing/ Contacts/ Links with other VC? Mitigation measures in place? Socio- economic importance ? Other: Inputs++?+ Pasture management (commingling) Farms (large, medium, small) Live animal markets Abattoirs (public, private) Sub-products Vehicles People The chart to brainstorm about risk hotspots in the value chain

10 Risk determinants Value chain nodeHigh volumes/ quantities? Mixing/ Contacts/ Links with other VC? Mitigation measures in place? Socio- economic importance ? Other: Inputs++?+ Pasture management (commingling) ++?+ Farms (large, medium, small) +++ Live animal markets+++++ Abattoirs (public, private)+++++ Sub-products+?+ Vehicles+++++ People++ The chart to brainstorm about risk hotspots in the value chain

11 Area of concern Type of carrier involved in transmission Factors affecting riskRisk estimate (High, medium, low) Questions remaining/ comments FMD introduction to country/ area Live animals Animal products Fomites External: Internal: Medium/low Preliminary risk assessment in the tabular framework

12 Area of concern Type of carrier involved in transmission Factors affecting riskRisk estimate (High, medium, low) Questions remaining/ comments FMD introduc- tion to country/ area Live animals Animal products Fomites External: illegal animal movements incomplete legal demarcation lack information on animal diseases Internal: animal movements between zones with different FMD statuses movements between regions/areas with different animal health statuses. Poor compliance to the regulations and rules Transport links overlaying pasture/grazing places Rivers that use for watering of animals. Medium/lowVet border control Actual epidemiologi cal situation Preliminary risk assessment in the tabular framework

13 Area of concern Type of carrier involved in transmission Factors affecting riskRisk estimate (High, medium, low) Questions remaining/ comments Exposure of local livestock to FMD Live animals Fomites semi-nomadic pasture commingling type of grazing People movements between zones with different animal health statuses. LowCommuni- cation between farmers and vets Spread of FMD within the area Live animals Animal products Fomites Shortage of slaughterhouses/abattoirs Seasonal/traditional features Intensive trade (national celebrations) People’s movements LowData on slaughte- ring for own consumpti on Spread of FMD to another country/ area Live animals Animal products Fomites No BIPs between EEC countries Incomplete demarcation of the state border Medium/low Preliminary risk assessment in the tabular framework

14 Identification of the risk hotspots are important; a comprehensive view on the real production system; interventions (mitigation) are more targeted; a practical approach to design a strategy for disease control; a benchmarking tool? Lessons learned from this exercise

15 Thank you for your attention

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