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Plans for B→Kππ γ Pablo del Amo Sanchez & Eli Ben-Haïm

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1 Plans for B→Kππ γ Pablo del Amo Sanchez & Eli Ben-Haïm
LPNHE (Univ. Paris VI et VII) – IN2P3 – CNRS

2 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Motivation Radiative modes B→Xsγ due to b→sγ loop amplitude Photon polarization probes V-A structure in the loop: b(b) decays in left-handed (right-handed) photon up to ~ms/mb≈ 2% Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

3 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Motivation (II) PRD 78, (R) (2008) Two ways to test photon polarization: 1) Since B→XγL and B→XγR don’t interfere, test polarization indirectly in time-dependent asymmetries, e.g. S(B0→KS0π0γ) = –0.03±0.29±0.03 →Poor vertexing + low stats… 2) Alternative method: infer photon polarization from angular distribution of resonance Kres→3body in B→Kresγ (Gronau, Grossman, Pirjol & Ryd, PRL88:051802,2002 & PRD66:054008,2002) KS0π0γ Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

4 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Method of Gronau et al γ spin proj ↔ Kres spin proj Kres spin Is Kres spin || pphoton or –pphoton? Distribution of events in θ depends on spin, parity of Kres: 1+ → 1+cos2 θ 1– → sin2 θ 2+ → cos2 θ+cos2 2θ …all in cos2 θ → no sensitivity Interference in Kres→3body gives terms in cos θ → sensitive! 1+ → cos θ 2+ → cos θ cos 2θ θ normal to plane Kππ plane photon φ E.g. Kres→K*0π0 or K*+π–→ K+π–π0 Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

5 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Kππ spectrum BaBar: inclusive BFs and background-substracted plots (211/fb): ns=899±38 eff ~ 13% ns=572±31 eff ~ 6% ns=176±20 eff ~ 4% PRL98:211804,2007 Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

6 Kππ spectrum (II) Belle: BF(B+→K1(1270)+γ = (4.3 ± 0.9 ± 0.9)x10-5)
PRL94:111802,2005 Also: (arXiv: , Nishida at CKM2008) Prominent axial vector K1(1270) Significant axial vector K1(1400) Small, well known contribution of tensor K2(1430) Possible vector K*(1680) …all decaying via several 2-body resonance modes → method of Gronau et al possible? (Non-K* region cut away) Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

7 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Analysis strategy Rich spectrum of J≥1 Kππ resonances, all decaying via several different 2-body resonance modes → method of Gronau et al possible? Analysis possibilities: Model all degrees of freedom: θ, resonances in mij2 (↔  »Dalitz») → Most sensitive to polarization; complex! Model only θ → Far simpler; is it sensitive enough? Decide by studying sensitivity with MC → Problem: subtle interference effects not in EvtGen → Have started to modify Laura++ to model them Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

8 Analysis strategy (II)
Tentative strategy: 1) Extract Kππ resonant content from mKππ 1D fit 2) Quantify sensitivity and decide fit vars (θ vs θ+mij2) 3) If using mij2, test fit on / extract Kres decay model from control sample J/ψKππ 4) Fit B→Kππγ data! Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

9 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Selection SimpleComposition + BtaTupleMaker in R24 used for ntuple prod Selection ongoing, heavily based on previous BaBar B→Kππγ analysis: 0.7 < mKππ < 1.8 GeV High energy photon: -0.74<cosθγ<0.93, distance to any other EMC cluster > 25cm, 2nd moment < 0.002, EMC status = 0, π0 and η veto KS0 from KsDefault, cosθflight > 0.995, cτKs > 5 σcτ PID on K+, π+ π0 from pi0Loose Neural Network (cos θBmom, cos θthrust, L2, L0, Tag04) Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

10 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Available MC samples None of the available samples contains right angular distributions → Reweight MC using self-coded Laura++ model Available SP modes: B0/+→K1(1270)0/+γ (SP-1452 & 1453) B0/+→K1(1400)0/+γ (SP-1454 & 1455) B0/+→K2*(1430)0/+γ (SP-1765 & 1766) B0/+→K*(1410)0/+γ (SP-1970 & 1971) B0/+→K*(1680)0/+γ (SP-1972 & 1973) Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

11 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
Summary and prospects Measure photon polarization in B→Kππγ from angular distribution of Kππ Just finished ntuple reconstruction code Now looking at selection… Have started coding signal model in Laura++ Aiming for results in summer Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

12 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
BACK UP SLIDES Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

13 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
The BaBar experiment Asymmetric energies: boost βγ = 0.56 √s = GeV = m(Υ(4S)) ≈ 2 m(B0) so e+e–→Υ(4S)→BB SVT: 100µm resolution in Δz ~ βγcτ = 250 µm SVT: good eff for low pt tracks PID from DIRC essential for tagging Belle experiment similar Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

14 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
The BaBar experiment Υ(4S) data taking ended Dec 2007: ~ 465 M BB Have recorded ~ 30/fb on Υ(3S) and ~ 15/fb on Υ(2S) Routinely collect data 40 MeV below Υ(4S) peak for background characterization Finished running on 8th April Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

15 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS
“Dalitz” analysis 2 degrees of freedom in B→P1P2P3, usually m2P1P2 and m2P1P3: 3 daughters x 3 p comp – 4 (E, p conservation) - 3 Euler angles Resonances, bands of constant m212, m22 3 or m213 Overlap → interference →sensitive to relative phase Observe intensity |A|2, with A ~ Σ ci BWi (Isobar) ci characterize model so |A|2 ~ck* cl BWk* BWl k, l > 1 lift degeneracies Ideal to measure phases! Réunion BaBar France, Octobre 2008 Pablo del Amo Sanchez, LPNHE - IN2P3 - CNRS

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