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Diane Hubona CIU#10 PIIC Coaching Mentor

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Presentation on theme: "Diane Hubona CIU#10 PIIC Coaching Mentor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Discourse That Deepens Learning: Listen, Write, Dialogue, and Debate
Diane Hubona CIU#10 PIIC Coaching Mentor Ona Feinberg and Jennifer Tranell State College Area SD Coaches

2 Learning Targets Participants will explore the purpose and types of academic discourse Participants will analyze the scaffolding of instructional activities that leads to rigorous student-led dialogue Participants will participate in two model lessons employing academic discourse techniques

3 Food for Thought…Jot-a-Thought
"Reading and writing float on a sea of talk." ---James Britton

4 Sorting Things Out… Facilitating Classroom Dialogue


6 Dialogue…What we ‘ve done
1 thing that stood out for you about the teacher/student exchange How can we shift conversation from teacher centered to student centered?

7 Literature Circles—3-2-1 Protocol
Content-Area Conversations by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Carol Rothenberg 3 things that you learned in the reading 2 things that surprised you in the reading 1 question for group discussion

8 Talk in Essay Read Discuss Share Record

9 Fostering Student Questioning in the Classroom

10 Interview an Image

11 Create Interview Questions
Based on your pair/share discussion, make a list of questions you’d like to ask these boys. You might think about their work, background, ages, lifestyle, etc. Imagine you are a newspaper reporter assigned to do a story on child labor in 1909. What would you want to ask in order to write a story? Develop questions

12 Right Here, Right Now Mini-Inquiry
Pick one question to research Speak to the class as if you are one of the boys in the photo or Write a short, factually based narrative as if you were one of the mill workers

13 Ticket out the Door PD should not be about a workshop, class, or activity. It’s a mindset. It a relentless pursuit of being better tomorrow than we were today. Danny Steele—Alabama Teacher of the Year tweet Create a 140 character tweet discussing the professional learning you will share with your peers about academic discourse.

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