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Vocabulary Surge Level B: Word Mat and Word Card Demonstration

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Surge Level B: Word Mat and Word Card Demonstration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Surge Level B: Word Mat and Word Card Demonstration

2 Affix Mat Lesson

3 I Do: First Example is Ungroup

4 I Do: Second Example is Unclass

5 I Do: Third Example is Unmix

6 I Do: Fourth Example is Unmoist

7 I Do: Fifth Example is Unimpress

8 We Do: Sixth Example is Reclassify

9 Lesson 1: Affixes -an/-ian, -ary/-ery/-ory, -ese, -cious/-ious/-ous/-tious

10 Day 5: Review, Word Multiplier

11 Lesson 2: Affixes -ance/-ence, -ancy/-ency, -ant/-ent, -ile, -ine, -ster

12 Day 5: Review The Meaning

13 Lesson 3: Affixes -cian/-ian, pro-, sub-/suc-/suf-/sug-/sup-/sus-, -tude, -ure/-ture

14 Day 5: Review The Meaning

15 Lesson 4: Affixes -ate, de-, -ive, -ize

16 Day 5: Review The Meaning

17 Latin Mat Lesson

18 I Do: First Example is Predict

19 I Do: Second Example is Predicted

20 I Do: Third Example is Predicting

21 We Do: Fourth Example is Reclaimed

22 Lesson 5: Latin claim/clam, dic/dict, rupt, tend/tense/tense/tent, voc/voke/voke

23 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

24 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

25 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

26 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

27 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

28 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

29 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

30 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Dictated

31 Lesson 6: Latin cline/cline, flu/fluc/flux, jac/ject, rect/recti/reg, verse/verse/vert

32 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

33 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

34 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

35 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

36 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

37 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

38 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

39 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Rejection

40 Lesson 7: Latin art, fac/fact/fect/fic, fix, flect/flex, form, pict, scribe/scribe/script

41 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

42 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

43 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

44 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

45 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

46 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

47 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

48 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Fixed

49 Lesson 8: Latin cogn, grad/grade/grade/gress, mot/mote/mote/move/move, pend/pense/pense, put/pute/pute, spec/spect, vent

50 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

51 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

52 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

53 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

54 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

55 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

56 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

57 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Grading

58 Lesson 9: Latin spir/spire/spire, sist/stat, tact/tang, tain/ten/tinu/tinue, vis/vise/vise

59 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

60 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

61 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

62 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

63 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

64 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

65 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

66 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Contain

67 Lesson 10: Latin cas/cid/cide/cide, cause/cause/cuse/cuse, cern, cis/cise/cise, sec/sect/seg

68 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

69 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

70 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

71 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

72 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

73 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

74 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

75 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Occasionally

76 Lesson 11: Latin aud, cede/cede/ceed/cess, fer, grate/grate, magna/magni

77 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

78 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

79 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

80 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

81 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

82 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

83 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

84 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Precede

85 Lesson 12: Latin cred, feder/fid/fide/fide, judge/judge/judic, jur/jus, leg, sense/sense/sent

86 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

87 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

88 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

89 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

90 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

91 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

92 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

93 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Legal

94 Lesson 13: Latin anni/annu, close/close/clude/clude/clus, corp, dorm, fine/fine/fin/finis, vit/vita/viv

95 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

96 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

97 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

98 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

99 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

100 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

101 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

102 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Annual

103 Greek Mat Lesson

104 I Do: Photograph

105 We Do: Telephone

106 Lesson 14: Greek auto, chron/chrono, gram, graph, mono, phon/phone/phono, photo, tele

107 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

108 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

109 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

110 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

111 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

112 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

113 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

114 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Monographic

115 Lesson 15: Greek biblio, bio, geo, hydr/hydra/hydro, lith/litho, micro, sphere

116 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

117 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

118 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

119 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

120 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

121 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

122 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

123 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Microgram

124 Lesson 16: Greek ast/astro, geo, logy/logy/ology, mechan, morph/morpho, neo, proto, techn/techno

125 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

126 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

127 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

128 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

129 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

130 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

131 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

132 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Prototype

133 Lesson 17: Greek archae/arche, cracy/crat, demo, eco, pale/paleo, phob/phobia/phobic, psych/psycho, zoo

134 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – I Do

135 Day 2: Deepen the Meaning – We Do

136 Day 3: Word Multiplier – I Do

137 Day 3: Word Multiplier – We Do

138 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – I Do

139 Day 6: Deepen The Meaning – We Do

140 Day 7: Word Multiplier – We Do

141 Day 10: 2nd Review Day – Bibliographic

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