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Politics, segregation, and imperialism

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Presentation on theme: "Politics, segregation, and imperialism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics, segregation, and imperialism
Chapter 17

2 Populism Farmer’s Revolt The Grange, Farmer’s Alliance
Populism platform James Weaver for President, 1892

3 Populist Strength, 1892

4 Presidential election of 1892

5 Labor unrest Homestead Strike of 1892 Pullman Strike of 1894
Amalgamated Association Pullman Strike of 1894 Eugene Debs Federal troops being sent to help with Pullman Strike

6 Election of 1896 William Jennings Bryan William McKinley
Democratic and Populist Party nominee William McKinley Republican nominee Presidential election of 1896

7 Women in the Progressive Era
Women’s Christian Temperance Union National American Woman Suffrage Association Hull House Hull House

8 Segregated South Redeemer Party Disenfranchisement Kansas Exodus
Jim Crow laws Disenfranchisement Kansas Exodus Politics, voting Plessy vs. Ferguson Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver

9 Immigration Southern and eastern Europe China Tape vs. Hurley
United States vs. Wong Kim Ark Fong Yue Ting

10 Imperialism Annexation of Hawaii Spanish-American War of 1898
Teller Amendment Manila Bay Rough Riders San Juan Hill Treaty of Paris Platt Amendment Theodore Roosevelt

11 The Pacific The Caribbean

12 Imperialism Philippine War Emilio Aguinaldo American Empire 1898

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