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ACT Test Prep:

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1 ACT Test Prep:

2 Plowing through ACT Spring Blitz 2016 By

3 Become familiar with the test format
Purpose Become familiar with the test format Share strategies to work smart and save time

4 Working together… For this session, I am asking that you don’t rush;
That you only complete the questions that I assign; That you let me guide you through getting to know the test. One of the strategies for doing well, is to KNOW the test. So, our work is designed to get to know the test.

5 Practice act Math Page 24, Complete # 1-5, Circle the correct answer.
Get your pencils ready…. Practice act Math Page 24, Complete # 1-5, Circle the correct answer. You may write your calculations in the book. 4minute practice.

6 Math Math: 60 minutes 30 questions correct = 21 scaled score (50%)

7 Let’s check your answers
1. D 2. H 3. E 4. F 5. E In general the test is arranged with easier questions in the beginning. But, there are easy questions at the end. So, it is important to work first on the problems that you feel most confident about. First 20 Questions!

8 Math Pre-Algebra (14) Elementary Algebra (10) Intermediate algebra (9)
Trigonometry (4) Coordinate Geometry (9)…graphing inequalities, slope, points, lines, distance and midpoint formulas, graphs of circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas Plane Geometry (14)…angles, circles, triangles, quadrilateral, parallel and perpendicular lines Look at page 57 for the categories. Count the EA. How many AG questions are on the test? What does AG stand for?)

9 Strategies Stay focused,
keep your head down and don’t look up – until the 5 minute warning. Work faster in the beginning Questions generally go from easier to harder, but there are easy questions at the end. Plug in the answer Answers are given from lowest to highest, so start with the middle answer, “C” or “H”. If its too great, move to the lower answers, If too small move up, reducing the number of answers to try. (pg 24, # 4) Easy questions first, if a question is taking too much time – move on…. Don’t leave any answer blank.

10 Starting with C to plug in
Let’s look at pg 24, # 4 Plug in the answer Answers are given from lowest to highest, so start with the middle answer, “C” or “H”. If its too great, move to the lower answers, If too small move up, reducing the number of answers to try.

11 What formulas should you know?
Area Perimeter Circle Distance

12 practice Pg. 26 Let’s work #15 – 20 6 min or 8 min?
Get your pencils ready…. practice Pg. 26 Let’s work #15 – 20 6 min or 8 min? 8 minute practice. Let students check answers on page 57 and check to see if questions are rhetorical skills or usage/mechanics.

13 Thanks for your cooperation
Questions……. More practice tomorrow! Thanks for your cooperation

14 Math practice for ACT Day two: Know the directions
Reminders about timing and test taking strategies Using the Calculator

15 Know the Directions

16 Strategies Stay focused,
keep your head down and don’t look up – until the 5 minute warning. Work faster in the beginning Questions generally go from easier to harder, but there are easy questions at the end. Plug in the answer Answers are given from lowest to highest, so start with the middle answer, “C” or “H”. If its too great, move to the lower answers, If too small move up, reducing the number of answers to try. (pg 24, # 4) Easy questions first, if a question is taking too much time – move on…. Don’t leave any answer blank.

17 Starting with C to plug in
Let’s look at Pg. 26, #24. Plug in the answer Answers are given from lowest to highest, so start with the middle answer, “C” or “H”. If its too great, move to the lower answers, If too small move up, reducing the number of answers to try.

18 practice Page 27, Complete # 25 - 28 5 mins Get your pencils ready….
8 minute practice. Tell students when 8 minutes is up, but give two (2) more minutes. Let students check answers on page 57 and check to see if questions are rhetorical skills or usage/mechanics. Go over answers to explain the correct choice. Remind students that we are looking for best answer from those offered.

19 CALCULATOR - Know how to use the calculator.
Trying to use it on every problem will slow you down – not every problem needs a calculator. Some problems are not simplified (#1) Some problems require you to suggest the best answer (#14) Examinees may bring any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator as long as it is a permitted calculator modified if needed. A list of prohibited calculators is available at ACT Calculator Policy The school will supply classrooms with calculators.

20 Strategies Don’t get stuck Write in the book
All questions count the same, So if taking too long move on. Write in the book Circle answers Question mark hard questions “?” Go back to hard questions with time Mark answer sheet at 5 minutes, Mark every question

21 Practice Using ACT Sample Questions Online ACT Math Practice Questions

22 Math concepts:

23 There is a break after the math test

24 QUESTIONS BEFORE WE GO ???? Do you know where to go tomorrow?

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