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Decermber Theme: caring

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Presentation on theme: "Decermber Theme: caring"— Presentation transcript:

1 Decermber Theme: caring
Student Bulletin Decermber Theme: caring Friday, December 1, 2017 Day 1 Caring: “To show serious interest, attention or effort; to look after.”

2 Gently used coat drive December 1st thru the 20th RMS Community Service Club is collecting gently used coats for families in Delaware County. Student, Adra Ivancich and Ms. Foran are heading this cause.

3 PTO Hurricane Relief Raffle
Winners of the Raffle are: Betsy Bower Sam Roche Samantha Gasink

4 8th Grade 7th Grade 2018 Semi-Final Round Contestants 6th Grade
Jack Condran Lia Lenthal-Cleary Noah Toren Josh Tessler Nick Lucchesi Eric Vollmer Chase Stephano Noah Conen Zach Barbarisi Reese Hillman Isabella Lo Caroline Doyle Nathan Kellerman Dan Gospodinov Cormac Harper Leon Chen Norbert Tran Chris Anderson Jack Sakowski Caitlin Hickey Lucas Fraser Cameron Douglas Sam Hilbert Ray Luan Harry Stein Caden Cleffi 2018 Semi-Final Round Contestants 6th Grade William Conway Jacob Farhy Nikita Ravi Athen Tidmarsh Elsa Gallia Zachary Han Pearce Foley Sam Murphy Eli Frankel Jacob Kellerman Leina Ciarrocchi Theodore He Karl Fredericks Charlie Spottiswoode

5 RMS Holiday Gift Drive Gifts will be collected November 27th through December 8th Benefiting children living in Delaware County Gifts may be dropped off in Room 111


7 Informational forms are available in the main office.
RMS Squash Club Informational forms are available in the main office.

8 Bake Club Ginger bread House
Mrs. McConnell will announce the baking dates 3:00 – 5:00 You must have a signed permission slip to attend.

9 Oops, I forgot! Students will be called when they have forgotten eyeglasses, contact lenses or medications. It is the student’s responsibility to check the office between class for all other forgotten items. Lunches will be delivered to the cafeteria.

10 Ski and Snowboard Club Attention ALL Students! RMS has a Ski and Snowboard Club! Sign up during Lunches 11/8, 11/9, 11/10 Please see Mr. Kelly In Room 131 Before School or During Advisory For more information! No experience required

11 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 Room 408
Homework club Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 Room 408 See Mrs. Shoulberg or Ms. Blischok with any questions. Remember to arrange transportation home.

12 See Mrs. Shoulberg in rm 408 with questions.
Best Buddies Club Days 1, 3, 4 and 5 During Advisory In the Cafeteria! See Mrs. Shoulberg in rm 408 with questions.

13 See Mrs. Daniels 212 with any questions.
Music Club Wednesdays, In the Band room, # 238 Students with or without musical talent are invited to jam after school. Play with sticks, tickle the ivories, sing or strum along. Feel free to join and see if this is your gig. See Mrs. Daniels 212 with any questions.

14 Please arrange transportation home!
Math Counts club 3:05 Room 133 Mr. McGrath Please arrange transportation home!

15 Future Business Leaders of America
First Meeting Wednesday October 24th Room 131 3:00 – 4:00 All students are welcome See Mr. Horner for details. Please arrange transportation home !

16 Magic the Gathering Club
Meets Thursdays After school Room 113 Please arrange transportation home


18 Ukulele Club Tuesday’s
Wouldn’t you just love to learn how to play the ukulele? Come to Room 113 Tuesday’s Ukuleles will be provided. Mr. Hagan Remember to arrange transportation home.

19 Co-Ed Ultimate Frisbee Club
Tuesdays 3 PM until 4 PM at the softball field.

20 Writing Center - Room 407 The Writing Center is open during Advisory.
Get ahead on your assignments or get help getting started on an assignment. You have access to the computers and printer. If you need help with study skills, you can learn different memorization techniques, note taking and test taking strategies. You need to check in with your advisory teacher and get a pass before going to Room 407.

21 ART Club Art Club meeting Mondays after school! Pick up a permission slip and bring it to Mr. McLaughlins RM, 211. Art Club is for students of all grades who wish to do more art here at RMS. Hope to see you there! Remember to arrange transportation home! ART CLUB

22 Getting picked up early???
Bring a note to school when you are getting picked up early. Show the note to the class teacher during the period in which you’ll be picked up early. Your note is your pass to the office for early dismissal.

23 RMS Reminders Available at all times in the Main Office.
Gym Shirts $ 5.00 Adult sizes Small, Medium, Large Locks $ 10.00 To replace broken, lost or papered locks. Assignment Books $3.00

24 Project Wisdom When life seems really difficult it can be hard to focus on what’s good and right in the world. Things could always be worse, it is useful to stop and think about what is right and good in your world…like the roof over your head, the clothes on your back, and the privilege of getting an education. Take a moment and think of three things you’re grateful for. Tell someone. .

25 QUOTE OF THE Week “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

We pledge, from this day forward to do our best to combat prejudice and to stop those who violate the civil rights of others. We will seek to understand those who are different. We believe that one person can make a difference and that no person should stand by when it comes to opposing hate. We will speak out against prejudice and discrimination. We will reach out to those who are victims of hate. We know that we must all promote harmony, equality and respect. By signing the pledge, we commit ourselves to creating a community that is No Place for Hate.


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