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2013 Graphic Product GCSE Exam Context:

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1 2013 Graphic Product GCSE Exam Context:
Lesson 5 Wally Olins Learning Objectives: Understand who Wally Olins is? What is Branding in the commercial world? How to create an identity? Why is analysis important when creating an Identity?

2 Learning from designers
Wally Olins Wally Olins is a practitioner of Corporate identity and branding. Born 19 December, 1930. He is regarded as one of the main gurus of branding and of its main instigators in modern business and design

3 Branding A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business. A brand can take many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, or slogan. The word brand originates from the way farmers used to identify one person's cattle from another using a hot iron stamp. A legally protected brand name is called a trademark. The word brand has continued to evolve to encompass identity - it affects the personality of a product, company or service. A concept brand is a brand that is associated with an abstract concept, like breast cancer awareness or environmentalism, rather than a specific product, service, or business. A commodity brand is a brand associated with a commodity. Got milk? is an example of a commodity brand.

4 (world wildlife foundation)
Logo Quiz Lexus Mother care Shell Pepsi KFC McDonalds Audi HMV (His Masters Voice) Vauxhall WWF (world wildlife foundation) British Telecom Michelin Adidas Yellow Pages LG (life’s good) Toyota Fat Face National lottery Reebok Inter flora

5 Why do organisations need to develop a corporate identity?
What is identity? Every organisation carries out thousands of transactions every day: it buys, it sells, it hires and fires, it makes, it paints, it cleans, it promotes, it informs through advertising, the web and other media– and so on. In all these transactions, the organisation will in some way be presenting itself. The way a company presents itself can be called its identity and this is often achieved through images and in most cases, colour. Why do organisations need to develop a corporate identity? Products and services are becoming increasingly similar, which means that consumers make purchases on emotional rather than rational grounds. For example, most customers would be hard-pressed to identify any real difference between the fuels marketed by Shell, BP and Esso. How do you build consumer loyalty? Companies are increasingly merging, especially across national boundaries. Leaders have to consider how to create a new corporation out of two old and frequently competing organisations with different and sometimes incompatible cultures, eg Volkswagen Porsche

6 What is the main function of a logo?
How have logos evolved? Logos have been around in one form or another for several thousand years. The Ancient Egyptians are known to have branded domestic animals with hieroglyphs to mark their ownership. The Ancient Romans and Greeks marked their pottery to identify the manufacturer. The great faiths of the world have all adopted symbols for ease of recognition. Logo’s Today Over the last century, our lifestyles have gradually become more complex. Conversely, the design of logos has become simpler for ease and speed of recognition in a faster world. What is the main function of a logo? A logo should show an immediate and memorable identity. It must connect with its customers in a positive manner. It must speak using visual language (this means pictures, like a comic strip).

7 To create an Identity, you need to know::
Who you are? - What you do? - How you do it? - Where you want to go? e.g. “Welcome to our Apple family” Where? Who? What? How? Why? Think about these questions? Who is their target market? What are they selling? How does the Graphic communicate with and attract the consumer? Where is it suitable for them to market their logo? In your opinion, why does this logo work for them?

8 Answers to today’s learning Objectives
Understand who Wally Olins is? What is Branding in the commercial world? How to create an identity? Why is product analysis important to creating an Identity?

9 What's on the Packaging? Website address Registered
trade mark Water resistant Contact details Address, Telephone, Persuasive slogan Recycle symbol What's on the Packaging? Price Information about the watch Background picture/ colour Copy right symbol Keep Britain Tidy symbol Bar code Company logo

10 KEYWORDS Branding Style Consistency Global Identity Logo Logotype Font

11 Logo Quiz

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