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Smart Shopping.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Shopping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Shopping

2 Business Time As you guys come into class, do this…
Turn in your WikiHow articles Turn in your Unit 3 journals

3 Journal 4.2 OBJECTIVE Students will be able to… Use smart shopping strategies when making a purchase Identify marketing techniques intended to sway their opinion AGENDA Comparison Shopping “Aggressive” Negotiation Marketing Techniques This journal is bigger! Fully answer ALL the questions for full credit on the next journal check! What’s the worst purchase you’ve ever made in your life? What went wrong? How did you make such a bad deal? List some reasons why you’ve spent your money in the past on things that, looking back, were not that great a deal. Why do you know now that they weren’t such a good deal? Looking back on some of those purchases, do you feel like you should have known better?

4 Journal Discussion

5 Smart Shopping! First step to smart shopping – know how much you want to spend Comparison Shopping- Looking at multiple products and vendors to find the best deal What are the benefits? Negotiating- Discussing with the vendor to find a price you both agree on Not always appropriate, know beforehand if the merchant is willing to haggle

6 Comparison Shopping- Tips and Tricks
Use consumer reviews – make sure you aren’t sacrificing quality for price! Used is often a good option Use online comparison sites, but make sure that they’re good!

7 Comparison Shopping- Ad Scavenger Hunt
In your group, you will go through Mr. Bird’s “Magical Box O’ Fun” to find the best deals on the following items. On a separate sheet of paper (with all group members’ names on it!), list the price, location, and a description of the product. Ex. Tickle Me Elmo: $2000; Toy Collectors R Us; First Generation, Autographed, Collectors Edition

8 Comparison Shopping- Ad Scavenger Hunt
Ex. Tickle Me Elmo: $2000; Toy Collectors R Us; First Generation, Autographed, Collectors Edition Dining Set (Table and 4 chairs) Video game console 1 lb. ground beef

9 Negotiating- Video

10 Negotiating- Tips and Tricks
Don’t be afraid to walk away Don’t get greedy

11 Journal 4.3 Why do companies create advertisements? What is an example of an advertisement that you’ve seen that was effective? What made it effective?

12 Marketing Techniques Why do companies make advertisements?
To try and trick you into buying their goods? To find people interested in their products? To put their product in the best light? To make us laugh?

13 Different Types of Advertisements
Informative The presentation of simple, direct information. Status  The product is associated with those who have status and who are successful. This technique entices you to buy a bigger or better car or house than you can really afford. The product is shown with people who enjoy and understand the “finer things in life.” It attempts to appeal to your desire to be like someone else, someone with more money, or greater influence, or power, or social status. Peer Approval  This ad technique uses friendship and social popularity. Not using the product implies that you will not be popular or influential.

14 Different Types of Advertisements
Hero Endorsement  The product is shown with a well-known person. It attempts to convince you that if you just bought this product, you could be like or accepted by someone that everyone else likes, accepts, or admires. Physical Attraction The product is supposed to increase your sexual appeal. You are led to believe that you need to have this product to attract romance, find love, or be admired. It is intended to make you feel unattractive the way you are. Join the Gang Everyone else uses this product. Everybody accepts it. You should, too. Entertainment This technique promotes entertainment or temporary distraction. It masks long- term satisfaction with feelings of temporary enjoyment.

15 Different Types of Advertisements
Intelligence  “Smart” people who can't be fooled by gimmicks. This technique implies that if you don't use this product, you are not smart or are somehow being duped. Independence Indicates that people who think and act for themselves use this product. Dangling Comparatives This is a tricky one. “Works better in poor driving conditions!” Who says it works better — and better than what? Catch Phrases and Slogans The emphasis of this advertisement is on a catchy phrase, slogan, or tune which distracts your attention from the true facts.

16 Case Studies For each of the following advertisements, identify which of the above types of ad is being illustrated, and give proof in the form of an example from the advertisement Some advertisements may fall into more than one category!

17 Case Study #1

18 Case Study #2

19 Case Study #3

20 Case Study #4

21 Extras!

22 Slogans Slogan quiz- slogan-quiz#sm aihtp5hpcy0t04c756a4qp7 What makes a good slogan? Includes a benefit of the product Differentiates the product Give positive feelings about the brand

23 Slogans Assignment: Choose a company whose products you use often. Think about what makes those products unique and good. Come up with a new slogan for your company.

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