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Presentation on theme: "SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY"— Presentation transcript:



3 PROGRAMME FOR THE DAY 10.00 am Coffee & Registration
10.30 am Welcome & Introductions Carol Hunter, SQA 10.45 am External Verification Keith Pearson, SEV for Social Sciences Colin Ross, EV for Sociology 11.30 am Meet your External Verifier and/or Graded Unit Scripts NB Each workshop will run twice 12.30 pm Plenary 12.45 pm Lunch 1.45 pm Close

4 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Research & Methodology Key Changes Outcome 1 – open book; a response of approximately 800 – 900 words/8 – 9 minutes Outcomes 2 & 3 will be assessed by an open book practical task covering the evidence requirements for both Outcomes; quantitative research is required to help understanding of a particular concept or idea; the student must report on the research – approximately 600 words Core skill of Numeracy embedded in Outcomes 2 & 3; calculations should be supervised

5 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Research Issues Key Changes Outcomes reduced from three to two: Analyse the relationship between theory in social science and the aims and practice of social science research Critically evaluate a social science methodology Outcome 1 is a closed book assessment of 1000 words Outcome 2 is a open book assessment of 1200 words Ethics moved into Research and Methodology This is just to remind you of key dates in relation to the lifespan of awards. This will be the last year for the old HNC.

6 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Sociology C: Analysing and Evaluating Sociological Debates Key Changes To Evaluations Open Book Topic – critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a combination of theories and studies that inform the debate on the topic. Coverage should make reference to a total of three evaluations from the combination of theories and studies Closed Book Topic – critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a combination of theory and study that inform the debate on the topic. Coverage should make reference to a total of two evaluations, one from a theory and one from a study

7 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
All C Units – Change to word Count for open book assessment “The assessment could take the form of an essay or set of structured questions both requiring a response of 2000 – 2500 word or an individual oral presentation or poster presentation. The oral presentation or explanation of posters should be 15 – 20 minutes in length. Evidence could also be presented as a podcast or, individual Blog or by the creation of a website with 2000 – 2500 words or any other method that is appropriate to meet the evidence requirements. It is recommended that oral presentations are recorded in some form for internal and external verification purposes.” This is just to remind you of key dates in relation to the lifespan of awards. This will be the last year for the old HNC.

8 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Review of Politics units – Reduction in Assessment Politics A Outcome 1 – two concepts and one theory (classical or modern) Outcome 2 – apply two political concepts to a theory of a state Politics B Outcome 1 – analyse two topics Outcome 2 –removal of analysis of powers and functions of the Scottish Parliament and Executive and the evaluation of the impact of proportional representation on the Scottish political system Look at 4 political topics

9 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Review of Politics units – Reduction in Assessment Politics C Outcome 1 –sample of number of items to be assessed reduced by one; extend closed book assessment to 2 hours Politics D No change

10 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Criminology: The Accused’s Journey Provides a good introduction to the SCQF level 8 Criminology Unit The unit focuses on the Criminal Justice System and not types of crime On successful completion of the unit the learner will be able to: Describe the accused’s journey through the Scottish Criminal Justice System Evaluate the Scottish Criminal Justice System The unit will be added as an optional Unit to the framework for the PDA in Criminology

11 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Other History C – two new topics added – China 1912 to present; Sub-Saharan Africa 1945 to present Developing an Assessment Support Pack for the Unit F6NE 34 An Investigation in the Social Sciences Senior External Verifier reviewing prior verified materials to review currency

12 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Good News Stories Gathering and aiming to publish examples of success stories for graduates of the HNC/D Social Sciences. Will appear on SQA web site. Academic Competences Development of Academic Competences profile 2 page document for handing out to universities or employers Student can document where skill was developed

13 Review of HNC/D Social Sciences
Social Anthropology Social Anthropology: Understanding our Place in the World (SCQF 5) x1 Social Anthropology: Who does it and how to do it (SCQF 6) x 1 Social Anthropology: The Body and its Life Course (SCQF 7) x 1 Social Anthropology : Ethnology of Scottish Peoples (SCQF 8) x 1 Support event held for centres 30th May 2107 HN Units added to optional section of HNC/D Draft teacher training programme developed by universities for November event at University of St. Andrews

14 National Certificates in Social Sciences
Scoping Report Recommendations Do not fundamentally review the awards Promote to centres and employers Highlight how these provide progression Pass specific unit comment to relevant SQA officers

15 Work to be undertaken in 2018/19
HNC/D Social Sciences Validate revised HNC/D Units in February 2018 Validate HNC/D in April 2018 Units and group awards go live on 1st August 2018 Progress work on Assessment Support Packs As above.

16 Work to be undertaken in 2018/19
Social Anthropology – review assessment of unit HK4Y 35 Social Anthropology: Ethnographies of Scottish Peoples Consider the development of additional Social Anthropology units at SCQF levels 5 & 6 Consider the development of small group awards in Social Anthropology Consider updating National Certificates Any other requests?

17 Ushare An online community which allows you to share links to relevant resources that support the HNC/D Social Sciences It allows you to submit links to resources and comment on and rate links submitted by other teaching professionals and learners Available via the following:

18 CURRENT QST MEMBERS North East Scotland College
New College Lanarkshire Ayrshire College University of Highlands & Islands City of Glasgow College Edinburgh College West Lothian College Glasgow Clyde College Dundee and Angus College This is the current membership of the QDT.

19 Seeking New External Verifiers
Currently seeking new External Verifiers for: Philosophy Psychology Geography

20 To Finish Please share the information from today with your colleagues. Key contact details: Tel: Tel: Presentations from today on Social Sciences web page Please complete evaluation which will be conducted via Survey Monkey; link to be sent out next week As above.



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