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Michael J. Petrilli Chester E. Finn, Jr. Thomas B. Fordham Institute

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1 Accountability for High Achievers: Designing a System to Support All Kids 
Michael J. Petrilli Chester E. Finn, Jr. Thomas B. Fordham Institute Mike’s name should be first

2 Failing Our Brightest Kids
The U.S. is doing poorly Things that hold us back What other countries are doing How states’ assessments and accountability systems can help

3 I. The U.S. is doing poorly domestically
Percentage of students at/above NAEP Advanced level, by grade and subject, 2013

4 I. The U.S. is also doing poorly internationally
Average PISA math score and percentage of high scorers, 2012

5 I. The U.S. is doing poorly: Excellence gaps (Poverty, Domestic)
Our lag worsens for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. Percentage of students at/above NAEP Advanced level in 8th grade math, by subsidized lunch eligibility, 2005–2013

6 I. The U.S. is doing poorly: Excellence gaps (Race, Domestic)
Percentage of students at/above NAEP Advanced level, 8th grade math, 2003–2013

7 I. The U.S. is doing poorly: Excellence gaps (Socioeconomic, International)
Percentage of students at levels 5 or 6, ESCS top and bottom quartiles, PISA math, 2012 Not essential

8 II. Things holding us back
Maximizing achievement of high-ability kids is not a priority for U.S. education policy. State and federal accountability systems (NCLB and beyond) focused on low-achievers I changed this one ALYSSA, CAN YOU SPLIT INTO TWO SLIDES? FONT IS TOO SMALL

9 II. Things holding us back, pt. 2
Little incentive for schools to devote resources to students above “proficient” Additional obstacles: Weak data Uneven programs, limited access to them Disputes over student identification & eligibility Allegations of “elitism” and “creaming”

10 III. How other countries do it: Some examples
Japan Selective high schools with exam-based admissions Singapore Universal screening in 3rd grade Separate, full-time gifted classrooms in middle grades Western Australia Universal screening in 4th grade Gifted sections of some high schools—and two gifted-only high schools Germany Special sections in some “gymnasia” for high-ability students Ontario Gifted education part of special education, with all the benefits and drawbacks of SpEd identification, IEPs, etc.

11 IV. Toward the future: moves the U.S. should make:
Place topic on policy agenda and revive debate about a society that pursues both excellence and equity Stronger data and better R, D & Evaluation Post-ESSA: Develop accountability systems that account for growth, not just proficiency, of all students, including high achievers Adaptive tests that gauge gains at the “high end” & go beyond grade-level content

12 NCLB’s negative impact on strivers
Move to after current slide 9

13 How ESSA Accountability Systems Could Prioritize High Achievers
Measure “academic achievement” via more than proficiency rates – an index, or scale scores. Use a robust growth measure, and include all students (not just low performers”) Include “gifted” or “high achieving” students as a reportable subgroup. Weight growth heavily in schools’ summative grades.

14 Most States Have Work to Do
According to a new analysis by the Center for American progress, just 3 states weight growth more heavily than proficiency rates in their accountability system

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