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Does Mr. Bull have demand for…?:

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2 Does Mr. Bull have demand for…?:
Definition: The various quantities of a good or service that someone is WILLING and ABLE to buy at DIFFERENT PRICES at a PARTICULAR TIME WILLING and ABLE Does Mr. Bull have demand for…?:

3 YES!

4 NO!!!

5 NO!

6 Individual Demand vs. Market Demand
I may not have demand for a porsche, but others do… Market Demand – Sum of all individual’s demand

7 Grade Upgrade Certificates
Demand Schedule Grade Upgrade Certificates

8 Graphing Demand Demand Schedule Demand Curve

9 Law of Demand As Price increases, Quantity Demanded decreases As Price decreases, Quantity Demanded increases As P↑, Qd↓ As P↓, Qd↑

10 Why does the Law of Demand occur?
The law of demand is the result of three separate behavior patterns that overlap: The Income effect The Substitution effect The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility We will define and explain each… Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

11 Change in Quantity Demanded
Income Effect If price goes down, purchasing power goes up and vice versa Substitution Effect Pepsi vs. Coke

12 Nature of Demand Curve Diminishing marginal utility
What would compel you to buy additional JBCs?

13 Can you see the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility in Disneyland’s pricing strategy?

14 2010 Question 36 D Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

15 Read pgs. 54-59 and complete Demand worksheet
Homework Read pgs and complete Demand worksheet

16 Change in Quantity Demanded

17 Individual Demand Demand Can Increase or Decrease Individual Demand P
6 5 4 3 2 1 Individual Demand P Qd Increase in Demand $5 4 3 2 1 10 20 35 55 80 Price (per bushel) D2 Decrease in Demand D1 D3 Q Quantity Demanded (bushels per week) 3-17

18 Change in Quantity Demanded
Individual Demand Demand Can Increase or Decrease P 6 5 4 3 2 1 Change in Demand Individual Demand P Qd Change in Quantity Demanded $5 4 3 2 1 10 20 35 55 80 Price (per bushel) D2 Decrease in Demand D1 D3 Q Quantity Demanded (bushels per week) 3-18

19 Change in Demand Change in Income mo’ money = mo’ problems purchases
normal vs. inferior Change in Prices and Availability of Substitutes ex: Pens and Pencils Change in Prices and Availability of Complements ex: Paper and Pencils Change in Weather or Seasons ex: Shorts in winter, Sleds in summer, Gas? Change in Number of Buyers ex: larger/smaller market, population change, technology Change in Styles, Tastes, Habits, Preferences fashion, coolness, trends – ex: Change in Expectations future oriented – ex: harvest, technology

20 Practice Check HW Work through the worksheet
Homework: Read pgs and complete Supply worksheet

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