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Rolling Out The red carpet

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1 Rolling Out The red carpet
Edgerton Rolling Out The Red Carpet Edgerton

2 VIP’s Carol Copeland Stephanie Buzzell Paula Symmes Jeannie Penner
Carmen Lane










12 Reading 2009 2010 2011 3rd 97% 96% 94% 4th 89% 5TH 95% 91% 2009 2010 2011 5th 97 91 4th 94 89 3rd 96

13 Math 3rd Math 2009 2010 2011 74% 67% 80% 4th Math 90% 84% 81% 5TH Math
86% 91% 85% 2009 2010 2011 5th 86 91 85 4th 90 84 81 3rd 74 67 80

14 PL.A.Y (Practice & Learn….Activity….Your Choice)
We will be implementing a structured recess philosophy for our Edgerton Students. This structure includes a “Leveled” system with a variety of activities for student participation. Here is a quick model breakdown with the goal for all students to get to the “Your Choice” option. See Handout

15 TEAM Communication Structure
What is TEAM? TEAM is a way to develop better communication between staff and administration by having a structured communication system to build collaboration and consistency across all school settings. The main purpose of TEAM is to have more explicit time to focus on major building goals centered around instructional goals and planning. Who is involved in TEAM? We will rotate each trimester to share the responsibility in representing our grade level or department. A member of each grade level, specialist, special education, Para educator, and administration will be part of TEAM. Those involved in the TEAM process during their appointed trimester will represent their colleagues in serving as part of a shared leadership vision for our school. Members will then be responsible in communicating TEAM decision making and outcomes to their departments and/or grade level colleagues. When do we meet? TEAM will meet each month and address common building goals relating to student achievement, school safety, building wide events, instructional planning, etc. Meetings will be set for the first Tuesday of each month promptly from 8:00-8:30 in the office. Regular staff meetings will be set for the first Wednesday of each month after school. AGENDA ITEMS for TEAM to discuss could be as follows: CORE reading and math delivery Tier III support and scheduling Interventions in Math Instructional planning…..e.i. bell to bell teaching Olweus class meetings Safe and Orderly Dismissal Common area procedures Behavioral support for kids Professional development ideas Common field trips Budget issues Team Representatives: Kindergarten: Suzanne Elliott First Grade: Tanya Nickerson Second Grade: Terry Heinecke Third Grade: Melania Crabtree Fourth Grade: Lori Adkins Fifth Grade: Marilyn Saubert Specialists: Sandy Streit

16 The Glitz Grading Practices Grade level meetings
PowerSchool Training: K :00/ :45 Trimester Standards Trimester Schedules Classroom Budgets $150 New Copy Machine (200 limit/month): new copy codes are coming….sorry Sunshine Fund ($25::::this is for special occasions and staff functions) Open Houses Class sizes: Enrollment: WOW

17 OPEN HOUSES Open House Monday September 19th K-2 (6:30-8:00)
Tuesday September 20th 3-5

18 Math Interventions Fluency Program Needs IXL Number Worlds

19 The Four Questions What is it that we want students to know and be able to do? What strategies will we use to help them reach the learning goals? How will we know they’ve met the learning goals? What will we do for those who haven’t met the learning goals and those that already have the learning goals mastered?

20 District Focus 2011-12 We want our students to:
Increase their Mathematics achievement levels Be positively connected to their school Graduate successfully in a four year period

21 District Focus What strategies will we use to assist us with these goals? Continue to create and implement guaranteed and viable curriculum, pacing guides and formative assessments Continue to implement evidence based instruction practices (Classroom Instruction that Works, RTI, working with students in poverty, PLCs, CRISS, etc) Begin implementation of district wide Classroom Assignment and Grading Practice Guidelines Implementation of new student information system (SIS) and grading program – Power School

22 District Focus How will we know if our students have achieved as expected? Effective use of formative assessment practices in each of our district’s classrooms Use of common assessments Use of common grading practices Continue to make effective use of local and state assessment data for instructional changes

23 District Focus What will we do for our students who have not met the learning goals? Continue the implementation of Interventions designed to meet the individual learning needs of the students we serve (RTI) Expand and improve upon our options for struggling readers and mathematicians Provide supports to students to decrease failure rates and increase graduation rates

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