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Computing equilibria in extensive form games

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1 Computing equilibria in extensive form games
Andrew Gilpin Mathematical Games - March 29, 2005

2 This talk Extensive form games Poker AI Representation
Computing equilibrium Poker AI History of poker research Current research

3 Extensive form representation
I = {0, 1, …, n} – players (V,E), terminals Z – tree P: V \ Z H – controlling player H = {H0, …, Hn} – information sets A = {A0, …, An} – actions u : Z Rn – payoffs p – chance probabilities Perfect recall assumption: Players never forget information Game from: Bernhard von Stengel. Efficient Computation of Behavior Strategies. In Games and Economic Behavior 14: , 1996.

4 Computing equilibria via normal form
Normal form exponential, in worst case and in practice (e.g. poker)

5 Sequence form Instead of a move for every information set, consider choices necessary for each leaf These choices are sequences and constitute the pure strategies in the sequence form S1 = {{}, l, r, L, R} S2 = {{}, c, d}

6 Realization plans Players strategies are specified as realization plans over sequences: Prop. Realization plans are equivalent to behavior strategies.

7 Computing equilibria via sequence form
Players 1 and 2 have realization plans x and y Realization constraint matrices E and F specify constraints on realizations {} l r L R {} v v’ {} c d {} u

8 Computing equilibria via sequence form
Payoffs for player 1 and 2 are: and for suitable matrices A and B Creating payoff matrix: Initialize each entry to 0 For each leaf, there is a (unique) pair of sequences corresponding to an entry in the payoff matrix Weight the entry by the product of chance probabilities along the path from the root to the leaf {} c d {} l r L R

9 Computing equilibria via sequence form
Primal Dual Holding x fixed, compute best response Holding y fixed, Compute best response Primal Dual

10 Computing equilibria via sequence form: An example
min p1 subject to x1: p1 - p2 - p3 >= 0 x2: 0y p >= 0 x3: y2 + y p >= 0 x4: y2 - 4y p3 >= 0 x5: -y p3 >= 0 q1: -y = -1 q2: y1 - y2 - y3 = 0 bounds y1 >= 0 y2 >= 0 y3 >= 0 p1 Free p2 Free p3 Free end

11 Sequence form summary Poly-time algorithm for computing Nash equilibria in 2-player zero-sum games Poly-size linear complementarity problem (LCP) for computing Nash equilibria in 2-player general-sum games Major shortcomings: Not well understood when more than two players Sometimes, polynomial is still slow (e.g. poker)

12 Poker Poker is a wildly popular card game Challenges
This year’s World Series of Poker is expected to have prizes totaling almost $50 million Challenges Incomplete information Risk assessment Deception and counter-deception Sequence form does not directly apply Two-player Texas Hold’em has ~1018 nodes

13 Hold’em Poker Every player receives hole cards
Some cards are placed on the table (flop, turn, river) Betting rounds after each deal of cards Players can bet, raise, check, fold, call At end of the game, player with best hand takes the pot

14 Previous work in poker research
Rule-based Simulation/Learning Game-theoretic Manual abstraction “Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies for Full-scale Poker”, Billings, Burch, Davidson, Holte, Schaeffer, Schauenberg, Szafron, IJCAI-03. Distinguished Paper Award. Automated abstraction

15 Finding equilibria in large sequential games of incomplete information (Joint with Tuomas Sandholm)
Outline: Extensive game isomorphism Restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformation GameShrink – automatically shrinking games Application to poker Approximation methods

16 Extensive game isomorphism: example

17 Extensive game isomorphism: example

18 Extensive game isomorphism: definition
Let G=(I,V,E,P,H,A,u,p) and G’=(I’,V’,E’,P’,H’,A’, u’,p’) be given. A bijection f:V V’ is an extensive game isomorphism if: f induces a graph isomorphism between (V,E) and (V’,E’) For each information set h in G, f induces a bijection between the nodes of h and some h’ in G’ P(x) = P’(f(x)) for all x in V \ Z U(x) = u’(f(x)) for all x in Z p(h,a) = p’(f(h), f(a)) for all h in H0

19 Restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformation
The restricted game Gx is obtained from G by removing all nodes except x and its descendants. (Gx,Gy) is contractible within G if x and y are in the same information set Every node in that information set has the same parent, and the parent is either in a singleton information set or a chance node Gx and Gy are extensive game isomorphic For (Gx,Gy) contractible, the restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformation is the game where Gx and Gy are “merged”

20 Restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformation: example

21 Main equilibrium result
Thm. Let G be a sequential game with observable actions, let G’ be obtained by one application of the restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformation, and let s’ be a Nash equilibrium for G’. Then the corresponding s for G is a Nash equilibrium.

22 Computing ExtensiveGameIsomorphic?(x,y)
If x and y both leaves, return u(x) == u(y) If x and y have different number of children, or if a different player controls them, return false Construct bipartite graph Gx,y (see next slide). Return true if Gx,y has a perfect matching; otherwise return false.

23 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

24 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

25 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

26 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

27 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

28 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

29 Constructing Gx,y Each vertex corresponds to an information set containing a child node. Edges connect information sets where there exists a bijection between extensive game isomorphic vertices (extensive game isomorphic information sets)

30 GameShrink: Efficiently computing restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformations
Bottom-up pass: Compute the ExtensiveGameIsomorphic relation for each pair of equal depth nodes. Top-down pass: For i from 0 to height(G): For each information set h at level i whose nodes share a common parent: Apply the restricted game isomorphic abstraction transformation to each applicable x and y in h

31 Enhancements Disjoint-set data structure for storing isomorphisms
Implicit enumeration of game tree nodes Necessary conditions for extensive game isomorphism Payoff histogram database

32 Application to poker Theorem. In poker, can compute isomorphisms only considering card tree. J1 K J2 J2 K K J1 J1 J2 -1 -1 1 1

33 Rhode Island Hold’em Invented as a testbed for AI research [Shi & Littman 2001] More than 3.1 billion game tree nodes Applying sequence form: LP has 91 million rows and columns Applying GameShrink: LP has 1.2 million rows and columns Solvable in about 1 week GameShrink itself takes less than 1 second, the LP solve still dominates

34 Future poker research More difficult games Maximally vs. Optimally
Multi-player Tournament Maximally vs. Optimally

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