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NCATE 2000 Unit Standards Overview.

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1 NCATE 2000 Unit Standards Overview

2 NCATE Unit Standards Developed with input from the professional community Effective for all visits in fall 2001 and beyond Emphasize results over inputs

3 Structure of the Unit Standards
Six unit standards Apply to all programs, initial teacher preparation and advanced Divided into two categories, Candidate Performance and Unit Capacity Include the standard, a rubric, and an explanation

4 What is the Conceptual Framework?
The conceptual framework represents the vision and direction for the unit and its work The conceptual framework is a process, not a thing. Codified in a document but infused throughout the unit

5 Standard 1: Candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions
Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state and institutional standards.

6 Standard #1 Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
Candidates have knowledge, skills and dispositions Content knowledge for teachers Content knowledge for other school personnel Pedagogical content knowledge Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills Dispositions Focus on student learning

7 Standard #1 Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
Assessments indicate that candidates meet Professional standards State standards Institutional standards - learning proficiencies identified in the conceptual framework

8 Content knowledge (teacher can.)
Candidates know subject matter Candidates can explain concepts in professional, state, and institutional standards 80 percent or more of program completers pass the content exam for state licensing, in states that have such an exam *Candidates in advanced programs for teachers have an in-depth knowledge of the content that they teach.

9 Content knowledge for other prof. school personnel
Other school personnel know their fields Other school personnel can explain principles and concepts delineated in professional, state, and institutional standards 80 percent or more of program completers pass the exam for state licensing, in states that have such an exam

10 Pedagogical content knowledge for teacher candidates
Candidates have broad knowledge of instructional strategies – ped. and cont. Candidates can present content in clear and meaningful ways Candidates can integrate technology in presenting

11 Pedagogical content knowledge for teacher candidates
*Advanced level candidates Have an in depth understanding of content and theories related to pedagogy Are able to select and use a broad range of strategies Are able to explain choices

12 Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills for teacher candidates
Candidates can apply their professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills Soc., historical, phil. foundations Professional ethics, law and policy Candidates consider school, family and community contexts Candidates consider prior student experiences Candidates know major schools of thought Candidates can analyze research findings

13 Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills for teacher candidates
*Advanced candidates Reflect on practice Engage in professional activities Know and can analyze research; implications Collaborate with professional community Know school, family, and community context

14 Professional knowledge and skills for other school personnel
Others have adequate understanding of prof. knowledge They know students, families, and communities They use research to improve practice They use technology to improve practice They support student learning * In revised standards, this element is combined with the element on content knowledge for opsp.

15 Dispositions Candidates are familiar with expected dispositions of professionals Values, commitments, and prof. ethics that influence behaviors, affect student learning, and professional growth Dispositions in professional, state, and institutional standards are reflected in their work

16 Dispositions * All candidates demonstrate classroom behaviors consistent with the ideals of fairness and the belief that all students can learn

17 Student learning Candidates focus on student learning as shown in:
Assessments of student learning Use of assessments in instruction Development of meaningful learning experiences based on developmental levels and prior experience

18 Student Learning *Candidates in advanced programs
Have thorough understanding of major concepts and theories related to assessment Apply these theories and concepts Analyze student, classroom, and school performance data Are aware of and use school and community resources

19 Student learning for other professionals
Other school personnel create positive learning environments They understand: Developmental levels Student, family, and community diversity The policy context in which they work

20 Standard #2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation (element 1)
Unit has an assessment system or a plan for an assessment system reflects the conceptual framework Identifies compreh/integr measures Monitors candidate performance & unit operations Includes multiple assessments & key transition points Links assessments to candidate success* Includes fair, accurate, and consistent assessments and unit operations*

21 Standard #2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation (element 2)
Data collection, analysis, and evaluation System is maintained, data are collected regularly on applicant qualifications candidate proficiencies competence of graduates unit operations program quality

22 Standard #2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation (element 2)
Data collection, analysis, and evaluation System is maintained; data are collected from: applicants candidates recent graduates faculty others in professional community

23 Data are regularly and systematically (element 2):
Compiled Summarized Analyzed Maintained using information technology *The unit can disaggregate data for alternate route, off-campus, and distance learning programs.

24 Standard #2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation (element 3)
Use of data for program improvement Unit systematically and regularly uses data to evaluate the efficacy of courses, programs, and clinical experiences Changes in the unit are discussed and made based on systematic use of data Candidate and faculty data are shared with candidates and faculty to encourage reflection and improvement Faculty have access to data or data systems*

25 Standard #3 Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Collaboration between unit and school partners Includes design, implementation, evaluation Includes determining placement

26 Standard #3 Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Field Experiences Field experiences are varied Both reflect the unit’s conceptual framework Candidates use information technology Sufficiently extensive and intensive Criteria for school-based faculty School faculty are prepared for their roles* Clinical faculty provide regular support

27 Standard #3 Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Candidates develop ksd’s to help all students learn Entry and exit criteria exist Assessments (multiple) are linked to standards Assessments conducted jointly by partners Allow time for reflection, feedback provide learning opportunities for candidates All candidates are exposed to settings with diverse students

28 Standard #3 Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Candidates in advanced programs Candidates in advanced programs for teachers participate in field experiences Programs for other professional school personnel participate in field experiences and clinical practice

29 Standard #4 Diversity Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Curriculum and Experiences Clearly articulated proficiencies, assessments Includes curriculum and field experiences that focus on importance of diversity Candidates learn about climate, learning styles, adapting instruction so that all students learn Fairness and belief in student ability Assessments provide feedback for improve.

30 Standard #4 Diversity Experiences with diverse faculty
Students work with diverse faculty Faculty have knowledge and skills around diversity in teaching and learning Unit makes good faith effort to maintain or increase faculty diversity

31 Standard #4 Diversity Experiences working with diverse candidates
Diverse candidates work together Unit makes good faith effort to increase or maintain candidate diversity

32 Standard #4 Diversity Experiences working with diverse students
Candidates are exposed to students from different racial, ethnic, gender and socio-economic backgrounds, and exceptionalities Candidates receive feedback from peers and supervisors to help them reflect

33 Group work for Standards 3 and 4
What is your element? What are the major differences between the unacceptable, acceptable and target levels in the rubric for your element? What types of evidence could be used to address your element? What questions might you ask? To whom?

34 Standard # 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance and Development
Qualified Professional education faculty have earned doctorates or expertise School faculty are licensed Clinical faculty from higher ed. have contemporary professional experiences

35 Standard # 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance and Development
Faculty model best practices Know content Connected to conceptual framework Value and assess candidate learning Use multiple strategies Integrate technology Reflective

36 Standard # 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance and Development
Faculty model scholarship Prof. ed faculty complete scholarly work in their fields The scholarly work is based on the mission of the unit Faculty provide service Faculty provide service to university, school, community Faculty are actively involved in prof. practice in K-12 schools Faculty are actively involved in professional associations Faculty are active at local, state, and national levels

37 Standard # 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance and Development
Faculty collaborate With A&S, school faculty and others in prof. community Aim of collaboration is to improve teaching and learning for candidates and others

38 Standard # 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance and Development
Unit Evaluation of Prof. Ed. Faculty Performance Unit does systematic and comprehensive evaluation of faculty teaching performance Evaluations are used to improve teaching, scholarship, and service

39 Standard # 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance and Development
Unit facilitation of professional development Unit provides professional development based on evaluations Prof. development supports CF, performance assessment, diversity, technology, and emerging practice

40 Standard # 6 Unit Governance and Resources
Unit leadership and authority Unit effectively manages all programs Professional community is involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the unit and its programs Unit budget Budget is proportional to others on campus *with clinical components or similar units at other campuses Budget is adequate

41 Standard # 6 Unit Governance and Resources
Personnel Faculty loads generally do not exceed 12 hrs undergrad., 9 hrs. grad. teaching p/semester *including class size and on-line delivery Supervision for clinical practice generally does not exceed 18 candidates for each full-time equivalent faculty member Unit makes appropriate use of part-time and support personnel Unit provides resources for prof. development

42 Standard # 6 Unit Governance and Resources
Unit facilities Unit has adequate campus and school facilities Facilities include support for information tech. Resources including technology Adequate allocation of resources for programs Information technology resources Access to library, curricular resources, and electronic information Resources for distance learning programs are sufficient*

43 Standards are key…. Preparation for visit Guide for Board of Examiners
Reference point for Unit Accreditation Board Read the entire standards document Share information Ask questions:

44 Group Work for Standards 5 & 6
1.Qualified faculty 2.Prof. practices in teaching 3.Prof. Practices in scholarship 4.Service 5.Collaboration 6.Evaluation 7.Professional dev. Standard 6 8. Unit leadership and authority 9. Unit budget 10. Personnel 11. Facilities 12. Unit resources

45 Group Work for Standards 5 & 6
How is your element related to the overall quality of the unit and of the candidates the unit produces? What sources of evidence might address this element?

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