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Intermediate Algebra Mrs. Gallagher Room 350

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1 Intermediate Algebra Mrs. Gallagher Room 350
Welcome!!! Intermediate Algebra Mrs. Gallagher Room 350

2 A little bit about me This is my 13th year teaching here
I have two boys at LAE (3rd & 1st) I am currently teaching Intermediate Algebra and Algebra 1 My contact info is on the handout. is the best way to contact me.

3 About Intermediate Algebra
It is a one year course Requirements: Pass Geometry or Principles of Geometry with a C or better This class is approved as an Algebra 2 course It is intended for students who will NOT be majoring in a math or science in college We will cover all the Algebra 2 standards

4 Materials 3-ring binder for math class only Everything done in pencil
All work shown May use a calculator Your child’s cell phone should not be their only calculator Textbook should be brought to class every day They do have access to an on-line textbook for home use

5 Homework Expect homework every night including weekends
I try to give time to work on it in class every day Homework should be turned in the day after it was assigned You can find the assignments on my website

6 The Website!

7 Important Pages on the Website

8 Grades Tests are 75% of the grade Homework is 15% of the grade
Homework is updated every Friday Tests will be posted no later than one week after given Grades from the first test have been posted Grades from the second test will be posted tomorrow

9 Homework Homework is graded on completion and 3 randomly selected questions +2 = Full Credit +1 = Circled problems are incorrect +0 = Incomplete The last day to turn in homework is the day of the test Homework with a +1 or +0 can be fixed/completed and re-turned in up until the day of the test for full credit

10 Where to get Help I am available after school every day
You have a list of teachers available in the morning There is a math teacher in the media center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school The textbook website has video tutorials There is a virtual griffin lab the night before every test

11 Virtual Lab Actual Session Video w/in the hour Video w/in a day

12 Textbook Website Log in to golosal account
Log in with and 8 digit password

13 Textbook Website

14 Choose a chapter These are videos!!

15 Textbook Website

16 On-Line Assignments This is where I post the extra credit quizzes. They must be complete by the night before the test.

17 On-Line Textbook Every orange box is interactive Type in page
Bookmark a page for easy retrieval

18 Any Questions???

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