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Killing stubborn sin The heart of it all.

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1 Killing stubborn sin The heart of it all

2 What’s the big deal? Nobody is perfect or expects anyone to be perfect, so what’s the problem if I mess up sometimes? Lots of people struggle with this bad habit so why should I consider it such a wicked thing when even very godly people do it too? This is just my personality. It’s just who I am. Jesus died to forgive all my sins…so I don’t need to be concerned about sin, because Jesus is there!

3 The Truth James 1:14-15 tells us this: “Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” Sin is our heart doing what it wants and rejecting what God wants

4 The Truth Yes, our circumstances, are part of what sparks our sin. But that isn’t what causes the bad fruit – it’s our heart and what it wants and believes that rejects God and causes sin in our life. This is why all sin is so ugly – it isn’t just a natural response to hard things in life. It is rejecting God’s will in order to navigate life the way I want or that seems best to me. When I remember these truths, I realize how desperately I need Jesus.

5 What hope do we have? Hebrews 4:14-16:
“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who is every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

6 What hope do we have? Hebrews 4:14-16:
God is not surprised by my struggle. He will never be shocked or caught off guard. This is precisely why He sent Christ to earth. The Bible is for people just like you and me. It speaks to ordinary people with all the familiar struggles of faith and character. Christ enters into my struggle. He has been there. He faced the full range of temptations I do. He knows what it is like to face them.

7 What hope do we have? Hebrews 4:14-16:
Christ will help. I am not alone in my struggle. Jesus gives mercy and grace just when I need it. Christ pleads my case to the Father. He pleads to the Father on my behalf until I have been fully delivered from every temptation! I can come to God with confidence. Jesus went through temptation without sin, not to show me up, but to live the perfect life for me, to die my death for me, and so to give me hope. In my times of failure, I do not have to run from the Lord. I can run to him for help!

8 Our chief weapon – God’s grace
You can be forgiven when you trust in Christ and what he has done for you, no matter how many times you have sinned and how hopeless the struggle can feel. Grace is not merely God’s kindness or undeserved favor – grace is also power. Grace is divine strength given to us in Christ so we can live in ways that please God. God’s grace forgives sins. Even though you and I are entirely responsible for our debt, when Jesus was crucified on the cross, he paid for all our sin.

9 Our chief weapon – God’s grace
God’s grace also gives us strength to live in new ways. Forgiving grace is wonderful and essential, but sinners need more…. We need grace that changes us so we can be like Jesus. And God’s grace does that. The way to receive God’s transforming grace is so easy some people find it is impossible. You just have to believe it. The moment you believe that Jesus has done what He says He has done and is who He says He is, you are changing…and the more you continue to believe it and trust it, the more you will continue to change.

10 Three take aways First, I hope that you are discontent with where your heart and life are right now. Second, remember that our problem is not the people around us or our circumstances or even the things we actually do, but our hearts and what we want or what we believe. That is where the key change needs to happen. And finally, run to Christ. He is a wonderful Savior who gives hope for forgiveness and change!

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