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Qu’est-ce qu’on fera demain?

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Presentation on theme: "Qu’est-ce qu’on fera demain?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qu’est-ce qu’on fera demain?
L’objectif: To understand the use and formation of the futur simple in French

2 Trouve les verbs au futur simple
Discuss how they think it might be formed, are there any irregulars?

3 Mets les images dans le bon ordre
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e a d c b f

4 Traduis les verbes On mangera On regardera On jouera On rentrera On écoutera On fera On ira On n’ira pas On ne mangera pas We will eat We will watch We will play We will get back We will listen We will go We will do We won’t go We won’t eat

5 Écoute le message sur le répondeur. Copie et complète la grille.
9 h 11 h 13 h 14 h 18 h 20 h Activité On jouera au volley. On ira à la piscine On fera un pique-nique On fera du velo On ira au café On regard-era un DVD

6 What verb might help you learn these endings?

7 To eat - manger I will eat Je mangerai

8 To play - jouer He will play Tu joueras

9 To listen - écouter We will listen Nous écouterons

10 To sell - vendre I will sell Je vendrai

11 To work - travailler They will work Ils travailleront

12 To wait - attendre You (all) will wait Vous attendrez

13 To finish - finir She will finish Elle finira

14 To speak - parler I will speak Je parlerai

15 To write - écrire Will you write? Tu écriras?

16 To leave - partir We will leave Nous partirons

17 To take - prendre He will take Il prendra

18 There are only about 24 verbs which have irregular stems but use the same future endings. Here are the 15 most important…

19 Verb Future stem acheter To buy achèter- (s’)appeler To (be) called appeller- aller To go ir- avoir To have aur- devoir To have to devr- envoyer To send enverr- essayer To try essaier- etre To be ser- faire fer- pleuvoir To rain pleuvr- pouvoir To be able to pourr- savoir To know saur- venir, devenir To come, to become viendr-, deviendr- voir To see verr- vouloir To want voudr-

20 The future stem always ends in…

21 Put the verbs into a sentence.
Traduis les verbes… They will have She will be It will be We will do You (all) will have to I will want He will go We will come They will be She will have Extra! Put the verbs into a sentence.

22 What are the future endings?...
Something that I have learnt today is... Using a new phrase I have learnt today, I can now say... Name three irregular future stems... What are the future endings?... The most difficult thing today was... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What is the difference between le futur proche and le futur simple… What does the simple future translate as in English? What letter does the future stem ALWAYS end in?...

23 ai jouer Next lesson starter:
Divide group into two teams each pupil has 2 or 3 pieces of paper with future stems on and future endings. 2 sets because there will be two teams. I say a word in English – e.g “I will play” and they need to create the sentence by running to the front. jouer ai

24 Le futur proche Le futur simple Aller + infinitive
Le futur proche vs. Le futur simple Although they are virtually interchangable it is worth pointing out a few differences Aller + infinitive Something that is going to happen More informal Used more in spoken language More immediate and certain Le futur proche Endings added to future stem Something that will happen More formal Used more in writing More distant future Le futur simple

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