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OpenMRS Uses People are using the OpenMRS platform and API for all sorts of things. Here are a few that I know about... Darius Jazayeri Lead Software Developer.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenMRS Uses People are using the OpenMRS platform and API for all sorts of things. Here are a few that I know about... Darius Jazayeri Lead Software Developer."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenMRS Uses People are using the OpenMRS platform and API for all sorts of things. Here are a few that I know about... Darius Jazayeri Lead Software Developer Partners in Health

2 Disease-specific EMR (MDR-TB)
Credit: Dave Thomas (PIH)

3 LIMS Integration MSH|^~\&|neal_lims|PIHIMB-LAB|HL7LISTENER|PIHIMB-EMR| ||ADT^A28|neal_lims |P|2. PID||| D^^^IMB ID^||NOTREAL^Name^|| ^Y|M||||||||||||||||||||||N|||||||||| MSH|^~\&|neal_lims|PIHIMB-LAB|HL7LISTENER|PIHIMB-EMR| ||ORU^R01|neal_lims |P|2. OBX|1|NM|654^SERUM GLUTAMIC-PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE^DCT||20||||||F||| Credit: Neal Lesh, Christian Allen (PIH) – better version in progress at AMPATH...

4 Inpatient Care Credit: Andrey Kozhushkov,
Ghislain Kouematchoua (Göttingen)

5 Research Data Coordination
Credit: Dave Thomas

6 Adaptive Turnaround Documents
Credit: Vibha Anand, Paul Biondich (Regenstrief)

7 Eligibility Across Institutions (TB in LA)
Credit: Monica Waggoner

8 Google Maps Integration
Credit: Owais Ahmed, Aamir Khan

9 ID Cards and Barcodes Credit: Brian Mckown (AMPATH)

10 “Mateme” Touchscreen Registration
Credit: Jeff Rafter (Baobab), Evan Waters (PIH)

11 iPhone App Credit: Rowan Seymour

12 Notifiable Condition Detector
Credit: Shaun Grannis, Regenstrief Institute

13 Health Data Exchange Credit: Odysseas Pentakalos

14 HTML Form Entry Credit: Darius Jazayeri <tr> <td>
Symptomes: <br/> <obs conceptId="432" style="checkbox" labelText="Visite de routine, pas de probleme"/> <br/> <obs conceptId="1364" rows="10" cols="60"/> <br/><br/> Conditions socioeconomiques: <table><tr><td> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="1309" answerLabel="necessite d'un emploi"/> <br/> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="2862" answerLabel="faim"/> <br/> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="2863" answerLabel="frais scolaire"/> <br/> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="5622" answerLabel="autre"/> </td><td> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="2864" answerLabel="probleme avec maison"/> <br/> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="2865" answerLabel="enterrement"/> <br/> <obs conceptId="2861" answerConceptId="2866" answerLabel="inaccessibilite de l'eau"/> </td></tr></table>

15 XForms Form Designer Credit: Daniel Kayiwa

16 Periodic Indicator Reports
Credit: Justin Miranda

17 Reusable User Interface Components
Credit: Darius Jazayeri

18 OpenMRS Uses People are using the OpenMRS platform and API for all sorts of things. Here are a few that I know about... Darius Jazayeri Lead Software Developer Partners in Health

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