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9/12/11-9/16/11 Unit One Continued (and mock MCAS)

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1 9/12/11-9/16/11 Unit One Continued (and mock MCAS)
English 10 Week 2 9/12/11-9/16/11 Unit One Continued (and mock MCAS)

2 Front of Classroom/White Board Door
10B Seating Chart Front of Classroom/White Board Door Lorreno Christine Patrick Leslie Courtney Kenny Jesse Javier Devin Kendra Martely Adley Carla Jackson Meryem Asarel Nekeyla Carlheb Daysia Bryan Obayanna

3 Front of Classroom/White Board Door
10C Seating Chart Front of Classroom/White Board Door Harold Lila Ylana Owen Nancy Rockens Marcus Joshua Leela Miguel Olivia Jackson Christine Jefferson Samantha Warren Whitney Alvin Nathalie G. Rayoni Anthony Amando Aser

4 Answer the following questions in at least three complete sentences.
Monday 9/12/11 (10B single 4th period) Objectives: By the end of this class, you will be able to… 1. review the 7 elements of culture. 2. explain your cultural artifact and identify which element of culture your artifact(s) relate to. Do Now: Complete on page 4 Agenda: Answer the following questions in at least three complete sentences. Why did you select the artifacts you brought with you today? Copy your homework into your planner when you finish. Do Now Preview objectives. Interactive Notebook Set- up. Cultural Artifact share– groups of four. Homework: Cultural Artifact Personal Essay Outline (due tomorrow.

5 Cultural Artifact Small Group Share Out
2. explain your cultural artifact and identify which element of culture your artifact(s) relate to. Cultural Artifact Small Group Share Out Overview: For this activity, you will be working in groups of four to discuss/share your cultural artifacts. You will follow the guidelines below while participating in this discussion. Remember, all small group discussions are graded with a Citizenship Rubric. Guidelines: Everyone needs to have their class notes on the elements of culture in front of them for this discussion. Each person will get 4 minutes to lead discussion and share his/her personal artifacts. Decide who will share first. Person who is sharing explains what he/she thinks the word culture means. Person sharing describes the artifacts he/she brought in to share and explains why he/she chose this as their cultural artifact Person sharing explains what he/she thinks his/her culture is. Other three members of the group are sitting up, facing the speaker and giving the speaker eye contact. Person sharing asks the group: “Which element of culture do you think my artifacts connect to and why?” Group responds. Repeat until everyone in your group has shared.

6 Small Group Discussion Citizenship Rubric
4 3 2 1 Students treat each other with respect and kindness. Students encourage each other to talk/share/build and build on each others’ ideas. Students ask each other thoughtful questions. Students use a reasonable volume to communicate with each other. Students remains seated and facing each other and refrain from wandering or engaging in conversation with others. Students are productive and completes task/assignment. Student s use a reasonable volume to communicate with each other. Students remain seated and facing each other and refrain from wandering or engaging in conversation with others. Student is sometimes distracting or distracted by others. Students do not face each other or engage in meaningful/thoughtful conversation. Students do not use time wisely and do not complete the task/assignment.

7 How/where do you have to contextualize in your personal essay?
Monday 9/12/11 (10C single period 6) Objectives: By the end of this class, you will be able to… 1. evaluate your personal essay outline and review the criteria for the essay before drafting explain and utilize the structure of the interactive notebook. Agenda: Do Now: How/where do you have to contextualize in your personal essay? How is writing a personal essay similar to writing a regular essay? How are the two types of writing assignments different? Which do you prefer/feel more comfortable with and why? Silent Do Now and HW check: set-up notebook and completed essay outline. Review criteria and Ms. Fritz’s essay. Interactive notebook set- up!

8 Tuesday 9/13/11 (10C, single, 7th period) Objectives: By the end of this class, you will be able to… 1. Identify areas of excellence and areas in need of expansion in a peer’s cultural artifact essay Apply peer feedback in order to make a revision plan for your first draft Identify specific test-taking strategies for answering vocabulary questions in relation to a reading passage on the MCAS exam. Agenda: Do Now: On page 6 (regular 6) Do Now and HW check (completed first draft and set-up notebook). Silent re-reading of your essay (with pen in hand). Partner Work: Peer Review/guidelines Individual Work: Peer Review reflection and revision plan. Overview of MCAS and test-taking strategies in preparation for Thursday’s Mock MCAS. Homework: Final draft of your essay due Thursday 9/15/11 Notebook Check on Thursday. Have your homework in front of you for me to check (first draft of your essay). In at least four complete sentences: Write about a time when you either experienced or witnessed a cultural misunderstanding (you can refer to books/stories/movies). When you finish your Do Now: 1. copy your homework into your planner 2. update your table of contents!

9 Criteria for Introduction/Paragraph One
Name: __________________________ Class: __________________ Date: ___________________________ Unit One Personal Essay Peer Review Directions: For this peer review activity you will be working with a partner to review/check each other’s work. Follow the guidelines below to complete this peer review activity. Trade papers with your partner. Read your partner’s paper and make sure that he/she has met all of the criteria for the assignment. Criteria for Introduction/Paragraph One Yes: My partner met the criteria No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. Student defines the word/concept “culture” in his/her own words. 2. Student explains what his/her culture/cultural perspective is and which elements of culture are most important to them. 3. Paragraph is at least 5 sentences long. Warm Feedback: The part of your introduction that I liked the best was… I thought this was a strong part of the first paragraph because…

10 Criteria for Body Paragraph One Yes: My partner met the criteria
No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. Student started the paragraph by describing his/her cultural artifact. 2. Student gave background information about their cultural artifact so the reader could understand its significance. 3. Student explained why this artifact is an important representative of his/her culture. 4. Student explained what this cultural artifact reveals about him/her and about his/her culture. 5. Student explained which element of culture the artifact relates to and why. 6. Paragraph is at least 5 sentences long. Warm Feedback: Tell the writer which specific parts of body paragraph 1 were the best and why. Cool Feedback: Tell the writer what he she should do to clarify/expand their writing– what would make the paragraph more clear, or easier to understand?

11 Criteria for Body Paragraph Two Yes: My partner met the criteria
No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. Student started the paragraph by describing his/her cultural artifact. 2. Student gave background information about their cultural artifact so the reader could understand its significance. 3. Student explained why this artifact is an important representative of his/her culture. 4. Student explained what this cultural artifact reveals about him/her and about his/her culture. 5. Student explained which element of culture the artifact relates to and why. 6. Paragraph is at least 5 sentences long. Warm Feedback: Tell the writer which specific parts of body paragraph 2 were the best and why. Cool Feedback: Tell the writer what he she should do to clarify/expand their writing– what would make the paragraph more clear, or easier to understand?

12 Peer Review Reflection and Revision Plan
Directions: Read the feedback your partner gave you on the first draft of your essay. Then answer the following questions and devise a revision plan for the final draft of your essay. Part One: Reflection 1. The piece of feedback my partner gave me that was most helpful was… 2. This feedback gave me ideas for revising… 3. The piece of feedback that was least helpful was…

13 Revision Plan The parts of the essay My Revision Plan: What are you going to do in each paragraph to make your essay e even better by Thursday? Paragraph One: Introduction Paragraph Two: Body Paragraph One Paragraph Three: Body Paragraph Two Paragraph Four: Conclusion

14 Criteria for Conclusion
Yes: My partner met the criteria No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. Student revisits his/her description of the word/concept “culture” in new words. 2. Student summarizes the main points he/she made in the body paragraphs of the essay. 3. Student left the reader with “food for thought”. 3. Paragraph is at least 5 sentences long. Warm Feedback: The part of your conclusion that I liked the best was… I thought this was a strong part of the first paragraph because… Cool Feedback: The part of your conclusion that you should expand/clarify is…

15 Do Now: Answer on regular #6 Agenda:
Tuesday 9/13/11 (10B, single, Period 8) Objectives: By the end of this class, you will be able to… 1. Summarize the criteria for the personal essay Summarize the different sections/tasks on the MCAS exam. Do Now: Answer on regular #6 Agenda: Do Now Preview objectives Whole Class Discussion– What is the difference between a cultural artifact and stuff I like? Essay assignment– making connections between yesterday and the essay assignment. Exemplar Outline and work time. Homework: Review for your summer reading test for Friday. Essay Outline. In at least three complete sentences: Identify and describe at least one similarity between you/your culture and the culture of one of the other members of your small group yesterday. Identify and describe at least one difference between you/your culture and the culture of one of the other members of your small group yesterday. When you finish your Do Now: Copy your homework into your homework planner. Update your table of contents.

16 General Information about the English MCAS Exam
Objective/SWBAT: Summarize the different sections/tasks on the MCAS exam. MCAS= Massachusetts Comprehension Assessment System All 10th graders across the state will take the exact same exam at the same time, under the same testing conditions. Your test is not scored by your teachers– exams are sent away to be scored Your test scores are used to evaluate the level of instruction of our school and your promotion to the next grade. Your test scores become a part of your transcript, which means the colleges you apply to will see your scores. Your test scores also determine your eligibility for the John and Abigail Adams scholarship which is a merit based scholarship based on the top 25% of the school district and gets you free tuition at any Umass school for four years. The test includes reading passages, multiple choice questions, open response questions (one-two paragraphs) and a long-comp. (5 paragraph essay). The test is untimed– you have as much time as you need to finish the test and none of the sections are timed (unlike the IOWA). The test is administered over the course of three testing days. You will not have regular classes during MCAS testing. You will taking a practice MCAS exam this week in English to see which areas we need to most focus on during MCAS prep instruction. Some of you will be placed in mandatory MCAS prep classes after school based on your practice score.

17 More info. on the structure of the test!
Objective/SWBAT: Summarize the different sections/tasks on the MCAS exam. You will be given multiple choice questions in relation to several reading passages (poetry, non-fiction and fiction). You will write several open response paragraphs specifically in relation to a prompt and one of the reading passages. You will write one long comp. (essay) in response to a prompt and one of the books you have read either in 9th or 10th grade. You are required to write a rough draft and a final draft. You are expected to also complete an outline before your rough draft.

18 Preview the questions before you read so you have a reading focus.
Objective/SWBAT Identify specific test-taking strategies for answering vocabulary questions in relation to a reading passage on the MCAS exam. Test-taking Strategies for answering multiple choice question and reading passages Preview the questions before you read so you have a reading focus. Read actively– annotate the text by taking margin summary notes– this will help you go back and answer questions. If the passage is short, re-read it– often it takes more than one reading to understand what the passage is about– this is especially true of poems. Read the directions carefully for each section. Underline key words in the directions. Read all possible answer choices for multiple choice questions. Use process of elimination to answer multiple choice Look back at the text to find answers.

19 Do Now: On page 6 (under yesterday’s Do Now)
Wednesday 9/14/11 (10B Double Periods 1 and 2) Objectives: 1. You will be able to experience what it is like to confront and deal with a culture highly different from your own and reflect (in writing) on this experience Summarize the different sections/tasks on the MCAS exam and identify specific test-taking strategies that will help you on the Mock MCAS on Friday. Agenda: Do Now: On page 6 (under yesterday’s Do Now) Do Now and HW check (outlines) “Brief Encounters” Simulation Activity. Reflection on Activity Whole class debrief Making connections– how does this connect to the essential questions? To the cultural artifacts activity? To the personal essay? Writing Time (work on your first draft). MCAS introduction and overview/test taking strategies. Homework: First draft of essay due Friday 9/16/11 Have your homework in front of you for me to check (completed essay outline). In at least four complete sentences: Write about a time when you either experienced or witnessed a cultural misunderstanding (you can refer to books/stories/movies). When you finish your Do Now: 1. copy your homework into your planner 2. update your table of contents!

20 “Brief Encounters”: The Situation
You will be divided into two groups: the Padyas and the Chispas. Each group has their own set of cultural norms or rules. You will be given information about your cultural norms and some time to get familiar with how you will be expected to act throughout the simulation. You will pretend that you are student representatives from your cultural groups and that the two groups have been invited to a party sponsored by an international student exchange organization. The party organizers hope the two groups will get to know one another and learn about each other. You will return to your home school and present culture reports to your classmates. Objectives: 1. You will be able to experience what it is like to confront and deal with a culture highly different from your own and reflect (in writing) on this experience.

21 How will I be Graded During This Simulation/Game?
Your participation in and conduct during this simulation/game will be graded according to the following rubric. This grade will be entered into the “graded class work (40%)” section of the grade book. 4=A 3=B 2=C 1=D Student took the simulation seriously for the entire game and exhibited the cultural norms of his/her group. Student acted like a leader and encouraged others in his/her group to take the game seriously and follow directions. Student used an appropriate voice/volume during the game and behaved professionally. Student did not need reminders from the teacher about focus or behavior. Student did not take the simulation seriously for the entire game. Student needed one reminder from the teacher to focus and stay on task. Student did not take the simulation seriously and distracted others during the activity. Student needed several reminders from the teacher to focus and stay on task. Objectives: 1. You will be able to experience what it is like to confront and deal with a culture highly different from your own and reflect (in writing) on this experience.

22 “Brief Encounters” Groups
Objectives: 1. You will be able to experience what it is like to confront and deal with a culture highly different from your own and reflect (in writing) on this experience. “Brief Encounters” Groups Pandyas Patrick Kendra Kenny Meryem Obayanna Bryan Courtney Adley Jesse Daysia Lorreno Chispas Javier Christine Martely Carlheb Carla Dyani Devin Nekeyla Jackson Leslie Asarel

23 In your report, you need to:
Culture Report Elect a recorder to write down your group’s report on the piece of poster paper at your “home school”. You have ten minutes to quietly discuss your experiences with the other group. In your report, you need to: Describe what others from your cultural group might encounter if they visited the other nation. Describe the other groups’ values and behaviors. Describe how interacting with this other group made you feel. Choose a reporter to share your cultural report with the whole class. Objectives: 1. You will be able to experience what it is like to confront and deal with a culture highly different from your own and reflect (in writing) on this experience.

24 Debriefing/Whole Class Discussion
Answer any three of the questions on page 10 of your interactive notebook: 1. How did you feel about the behavior of the members of your own group? Of the other group? 2. Did your groups’ culture report use positive, negative or neutral language to describe the other group? 3. During the party, what did you do if a member of your culture did not observe a particular norm? 4. Agree or disagree with the following statements: People have difficulty describing the behaviors of other groups in nonjudgemental terms. People don’t question the culture norms that are handed to them. Most of the group’s norms are maintained through peer pressure. The same behavior can be perceived differently, depending on your group’s norms. How would the game be different if the Padya men dominated the women? What lessons from this activity would you want to keep in mind if you were going to spend time in an unfamiliar culture? If you were going to read the literature of an unfamiliar culture? Objectives: 1. You will be able to experience what it is like to confront and deal with a culture highly different from your own and reflect (in writing) on this experience.

25 T/W and T/S Connections
How does this activity relate to your personal essay? How does this activity relate to your summer reading?

26 Review test taking tips and expectations. Mock!!!!!
Friday 9/16/11 (10C double block) Objectives: By the end of this lesson, you will be able to… 1. Practice test taking strategies and demonstrate their reading and writing skills by taking a Mock MCAS exam. Do Now: On p. 12 Agenda: Review your packet of information on the MCAS exam from our last class. Make a list of 5 things you need to do in order to do your best on the Mock MCAS today, as well as on the real MCAS in March. Do Now Review test taking tips and expectations. Mock!!!!! Homework: Summer Reading Test Monday!!!!

27 Mock MCAS For the Mock MCAS exam, you will receive a Classwork grade. Your grade will be based on the following criteria: Preview the questions before you read so you have a reading focus.  Read actively– annotate the text by taking margin summary notes– this will help you go back and answer questions.  If the passage is short, re-read it– often it takes more than one reading to understand what the passage is about– this is especially true of poems.  Read the directions carefully for each section.  Underline key words in the directions. Read all possible answer choices for multiple choice questions. Use process of elimination to answer multiple choice Look back at the text to find answers. 

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