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Elk Grove Unified School District

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1 Elk Grove Unified School District
Laguna Creek High School While LCFF provide districts more control over spending decision, it also mandates new accountability measures in 8 state priority areas. 8 State Priorities Student Achievement Student Engagement School Climate Parent Involvement Basic Services Implementation of Common Core State Standards Course Access Other Student Outcomes LCAP Metrics for Four Strategic Goals September 2017 s

2 Four Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 1: All students will have access to standards aligned curriculum and receive high quality classroom instruction to promote college, career, and life readiness and eliminate the achievement gap. Strategic Goal 2: All students will benefit from instruction guided by assessment results (formative, interim, and summative) and continuous programmatic evaluation. Strategic Goal 3: All students will have an equitable opportunity to learn in a culturally responsive, physically, and emotionally healthy and safe environment. Strategic Goal 4: All students will benefit from programs and services designed to inform and involve family and community partners. This document provides all EGUSD LCAP metrics organized by strategic goal.

3 EGUSD LCAP Metrics Strategic Goal 1:
High Quality Classroom Instruction & Curriculum Strategic Goal 2: Assessment, Data Analysis & Action Strategic Goal 3: Wellness Strategic Goal 4: Parent, Family, and Community Partnerships Teacher Assignment Instructional Materials Content Standards Implementation Access to Courses (Honors, AP/IB, CTE) CAASPP ELA CAASPP Math CAASPP Science EAP in ELA EAP in Math Progress Toward English Proficiency Redesignation A-G Completion CTE Sequence Completion AP/IB Exams Data and Program Evaluation Assessment System Student Information System Attendance Chronic Absenteeism MS Dropout HS Dropout Cohort Graduation Suspension Expulsion School Climate Facilities Opportunities for parent input in decision making Opportunities for parent involvement or parent education Each LCAP Metric is listed under the district’s four strategic goals. Each student outcome is provided districtwide/schoolwide and for each student subgroup, including homeless and foster. Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, which had been defined by free/reduced lunch and parent education less than HS, now also includes foster youth, homeless, and migrant students.

4 Strategic Goal 1: High Quality Classroom Instruction & Curriculum
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Teacher Assignment 1. 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/ certified in the subject areas in which they teach. Instructional Materials 2. 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. Content Standards Implementation 3. Increase in percentage of teachers surveyed reporting full implementation of state content standards in ELA, Mathematics, English Language Development, Science, History/Social Science, PE, Health, School Library, Career Technical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, and World Language. Access to Courses (Honors, AP/IB, CTE) 4. 50% of middle school students will be enrolled in Honors courses. 50% of high school students will be enrolled in Honors and AP/IB courses. 60% of high school students will be enrolled in CTE courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. CAASPP ELA 5. 59% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. CAASPP Math 6. 50% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP; reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. CAASPP Science 7. Participate in Science CAASPP field test. ELA=English Language Arts CAASPP=California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress CTE=Career Technical Education

5 Strategic Goal 1: High Quality Classroom Instruction & Curriculum
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs), continued EAP in ELA 8. 64% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in ELA. EAP in Math 9. 41% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in Math. Progress Toward English Proficiency 10. 65% of EL students will demonstrate progress toward English proficiency as measured by CELDT and ELPAC (if equated), or establish baseline English Proficiency status as measured by first administration of ELPAC. Redesignation 11. 11% redesignation rate for English Learners. A-G Completion 12. 55% of students will meet A-G requirements upon graduation. CTE Sequence Completion 13. 24% of students will complete CTE sequence upon graduation. AP/IB Exams 14. 28% of students will pass an AP/IB exam upon graduation. EAP=Early Assessment Program CELDT=California English Language Development Test ELPAC=English Language Proficiency Assessments for California

6 Teacher Assignment Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 1
District Goal: 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. [ data is not yet available] District LCAP Plan Goals: : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. : 98% of core courses have teachers who are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed/certified in the subject areas in which they teach. State Priority #1 Source/Notes: Percent of core course sections that are NCLB compliant as reported by CALPADS.

7 Instructional Materials
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 2 Instructional Materials District Goal: 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. Goal Met 100% of students had access to standards-aligned instructional materials. District LCAP Plan Goals: : 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. : 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. : 100% of students have access to standards-aligned instructional materials. State Priority #1 Source/Notes: From CPL, annual sufficiency hearings.

8 Content Standards Implementation
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 3 Content Standards Implementation District Goal: 90% of teachers surveyed report full implementation of state content standards in ELA, Mathematics, English Language Development, Science, History/Social Science, PE, Health, School Library, Career Technical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, World Language, and Literacy Standards. Goal Not Met 65.2% of teachers report full implementation of State Content Standards. District LCAP Plan Goals: : Increase in percentage of teachers surveyed reporting full implementation of state content standards in ELA, Mathematics, English Language Development, Science, History/Social Science, PE, Health, School Library, Career Technical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, and World Language. : Increase in percentage of teachers surveyed reporting full implementation of state content standards in ELA, Mathematics, English Language Development, Science, History/Social Science, PE, Health, School Library, Career Technical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, and World Language. : Increase in percentage of teachers surveyed reporting full implementation of state content standards in ELA, Mathematics, English Language Development, Science, History/Social Science, PE, Health, School Library, Career Technical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, and World Language. State Priority #2 Source/Notes: Level of implementation as reported by teachers on EGUSD’s annual State Standards Implementation Survey.

9 Access to Courses – HS Honors and AP/IB
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 4 Access to Courses – HS Honors and AP/IB District Goal: 100% of students have access to and are enrolled in a broad course of study. LCAP Data Team decided on an improved measure mid-year, and goal officially changed in subsequent LCAP. District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : 50% of high school students will be enrolled in Honors and AP/IB courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 51% of high school students will be enrolled in Honors and AP/IB courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 52% of high school students will be enrolled in Honors and AP/IB courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #7

10 Access to Courses – HS CTE
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 4 Access to Courses – HS CTE District Goal: 100% of students have access to and are enrolled in a broad course of study. LCAP Data Team decided on an improved measure mid-year, and goal officially changed in subsequent LCAP. District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : 60% of high school students will be enrolled in CTE courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 61% of high school students will be enrolled in CTE courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 62% of high school students will be enrolled in CTE courses. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #7

11 CAASPP – English Language Arts
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 5 CAASPP – English Language Arts District Goals: 56% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met 54.1% of students met or exceeded standards in ELA in Disparity: 9% decrease for African American, 8% decrease for Hispanic, and 9% decrease for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 59% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 62% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 65% of students will meet or exceed standards in ELA as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Annual CAASPP results, grades 3-8, 11.

12 CAASPP – Mathematics Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 6
District Goals: 47% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met 44.1% of students met or exceeded standards in mathematics in Disparity: 10% decrease for African American, 3% decrease for Hispanic, and 8% decrease for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 50% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 53% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : 56% of students will meet or exceed standards in mathematics as measured by CAASPP. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Annual CAASPP results, grades 3-8, 11.

13 CAASPP – Science Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 7
District Goal: 100% Participation in Science CAASPP pilot. Goal Not Met. 97.5% students participated in the Science CAASPP pilot District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : Participate in Science CAASPP field test. : Establish student performance baseline in Science using 2019 CAASPP scores. : 5% increase in students meeting or exceeding standards in Science as measured by CAASPP. State Priority #8

14 EAP – English Language Arts
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 8 EAP – English Language Arts District Goal: 66% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in ELA. Goal Not Met 65.0% of students demonstrated college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) through the EAP in ELA in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 64% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in ELA. : 65% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in ELA. : 66% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in ELA. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Annual CAASPP results, grade 11. Standard Exceeded=Exempt Standard Met=Conditionally Exempt

15 EAP – Mathematics Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 9
District Goal: 45% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in Math. Goal Not Met 38.7% of students demonstrated college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) through the EAP in Math in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 41% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in Math. : 42% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in Math. : 43% of students will demonstrate college preparedness (conditional and unconditional) as measured by the EAP in Math. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Annual CAASPP results, grade 11. Standard Exceeded=Exempt Standard Met=Conditionally Exempt

16 Progress Toward English Proficiency
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 10 Progress Toward English Proficiency District Goal: 63.5% of EL students will increase one level of English proficiency as measured by CELDT. Goal Not Met 62.0% of EL students increased one level of English proficiency in District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : 65% of EL students will demonstrate progress toward English proficiency as measured by CELDT and ELPAC (if equated), or establish baseline English Proficiency status as measured by first administration of ELPAC. : Establish baseline progress toward English proficiency as measured by ELPAC. : Increase in progress toward English proficiency as measured by ELPAC. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Percentage of students that increased one level of English proficiency as measured by CELDT. Data is from SISWEB and includes tests submitted late so may not match state calculations.

17 Redesignation Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 11
District Goal: 10% redesignation rate for English Learners. Goal Met 15.7% redesignation rate in District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : 11% redesignation rate for English Learners. : 12% redesignation rate for English Learners. : 13% redesignation rate for English Learners. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Percentage of English learners redesignated to FEP as reported by DataQuest

18 A-G Completion Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 12
District Goal: 56% of students will meet A-G requirements upon graduation. [ (Class of 2017) data is not yet available] District LCAP Plan Goals: : 55% of students will complete A-G requirements upon graduation. : 57% of students will complete A-G requirements upon graduation. : 59% of students will complete A-G requirements upon graduation. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Percentage of graduates meeting UC/CSU entrance requirements as reported by DataQuest.

19 Career Technical Education (CTE)
Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 13 Career Technical Education (CTE) District Goal: 10% increase in CTE completion. LCAP Data Team decided on an improved measure mid-year, and goal officially changed in subsequent LCAP. District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : 24% of students will complete CTE sequence upon graduation. : 26% of students will complete CTE sequence upon graduation. : 28% of students will complete CTE sequence upon graduation. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: Numerator is graduates who completed a CTE sequence at any time during high school as reported by CALPADS. Denominator is the total number of HS graduates (from SISWEB).

20 AP/IB Exams Strategic Goal 1: EAMO 14
District Goal: 18% of all grade 11 and 12 students will pass an AP exam with 3+. LCAP Data Team decided on an improved measure mid-year, and goal officially changed in subsequent LCAP. District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : 28% of students will pass an AP/IB exam upon graduation. : 29% of students will pass an AP/IB exam upon graduation. : 30% of students will pass an AP/IB exam upon graduation. State Priority #4 Source/Notes: SISWEB. Numerator is graduates who passed an AP/IB exam at any time during High School. Denominator is the total number of HS graduates. While students may take multiple AP/IB exams in any given year, this is a student level calculation.

21 Strategic Goal 2: Assessment, Data Analysis & Action
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Data and Program Evaluation 1. 100% of the following programs are evaluated: EL, Wellness, Expanded Learning, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, Security and Safety, On Grade Level Reading (OGLR), Foster Youth, Homeless, and Family and Community Engagement. Assessment System 2. 50% of the district’s student assessment system will be implemented. Student Information System 3. 80% of employees will express satisfaction with implementation of new student information system.

22 Data and Program Evaluation
Strategic Goal 2: EAMO 1 Data and Program Evaluation District Goal: 100% of the following programs are evaluated: EL, Wellness, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Family and Community Engagement, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, Security and Safety, and On Grade Level Reading (OGLR) Goal Met Currently, the following programs are being evaluated: EL, Wellness, Expanded Learning, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, On Grade Level Reading (OGLR), Foster Youth, Homeless, and Family and Community Engagement. Plans were modified to conduct the Security and Safety evaluation in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 100% of the following programs are evaluated: EL, Wellness, Expanded Learning, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, Security and Safety, On Grade Level Reading (OGLR), Foster Youth, Homeless, and Family and Community Engagement. : 100% of the following programs are evaluated: EL, Wellness, Expanded Learning, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, On Grade Level Reading (OGLR), Foster Youth, Homeless, and Family and Community Engagement. : 100% of the following programs are evaluated: EL, Wellness, Expanded Learning, Attendance Improvement Initiative, Instructional Coach Model, Tobacco Use Prevention Education, Improve Your Tomorrow, Security and Safety, On Grade Level Reading (OGLR), Foster Youth, Homeless, and Family and Community Engagement. State Priorities #1 and #2, but not a required metric.

23 Assessment System Strategic Goal 2: EAMO 2
District Goal: 50% of the district’s student assessment system will be implemented. Goal Not Met Currently, the student assessment system is in the planning phase. Implementation and monitoring of implementation will occur once a plan is developed. District LCAP Plan Goals: : 50% of the district’s student assessment system will be implemented. : 75% of the district’s student assessment system will be implemented. : 100% of the district’s student assessment system will be implemented. State Priority #1 and #2, but not a required metric.

24 Student Information System
Strategic Goal 2: EAMO 3 Student Information System District Goal: 100% of new student information system transition activities are completed. Goal Met District LCAP Plan Goals: : 80% of employees will express satisfaction with implementation of new student information system. : 85% of employees will express satisfaction with implementation of new student information system. : 95% of employees will express satisfaction with implementation of new student information system. State Priority #1 and #2, but not a required metric.

25 Strategic Goal 3: Wellness
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Attendance 1. Increase attendance rate to 96.1%. Chronic Absenteeism 2. Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.6%. Middle School Dropout 3. Decrease middle school dropout rate to 0.20%. High School Dropout 4. Decrease high school cohort dropout rate to 4.1%. Cohort Graduation % of students will graduate high school on time. Suspension 6. Decrease suspension rate to 6.8%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Expulsion 7. Decrease expulsion rate to 0.03%, and reduce disparity among student groups by 10%.

26 Strategic Goal 3: Wellness
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs), continued School Climate 8. Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. Facilities 9. 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews.

27 Attendance Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 1
District Goal: Increase attendance rate to 96.3%. Goal Not Met Attendance rate was 95.8% in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Increase attendance rate to 96.1%. : Increase attendance rate to 96.2%. : Increase attendance rate to 96.3%. State Priority #5 Source/Notes: Rate=Attended/Scheduled. If the student has 1 or more periods scheduled for the day, it is counted as a Scheduled day. If the student attended 1 or more periods, for the day, it is counted as an Attended day.

28 Chronic Absenteeism Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 2
District Goal: Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.3%. Goal Not Met Chronic absenteeism was 10.8% in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.6%. : Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.4%. : Decrease chronic absenteeism to 10.2%. State Priority #5 Source/Notes: A student is considered chronically absent if he/she was absent 10% or more of the total days enrolled.

29 High School Dropout Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 4
District Goal: Decrease high school cohort dropout rate to 4.3%. Goal Met High school cohort dropout rate was 4.2% for the Class of 2016 District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease high school cohort dropout rate to 4.1%. : Decrease high school cohort dropout rate to 3.9%. : Decrease high school cohort dropout rate to 3.7%. State Priority #5 Source/Notes: Cohort dropout rate as reported by DataQuest.

30 Cohort Graduation Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 5
District Goal: 90.5% of students will graduate high school on time. Goal Met 91.0% of students graduated high school on time for the Class of 2016 District LCAP Plan Goals: : 91.5% of students will graduate high school on time. : 92.0% of students will graduate high school on time. : 92.5% of students will graduate high school on time. State Priority #5 Source/Notes: Four-year cohort graduation rate as reported by DataQuest.

31 Suspension Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 6
District Goal: Decrease suspension rate to 8.0%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met Decreased overall suspension rate to 7.9% in Disparity: 3% decrease for African American, 5% increase for Hispanic, and 1% increase for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease suspension rate to 6.8%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease suspension rate to 6.6%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease suspension rate to 6.4%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #6 Source/Notes: Suspension Rate is the number of off-campus suspensions per 100 students, or suspensions divided by student population. If one student was suspended three times, it would count as three suspensions. Population is enrollment on CBEDS information day, the first Wednesday of October. Because the numerator is not a student count, the suspensions as a percentage of the population can more accurately be described in terms of a rate, or suspensions per 100 students.

32 Expulsion Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 7
District Goal: Decrease expulsion rate to 0.03%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. Goal Not Met Expulsion rate was 0.03 in Disparity: 72% decrease for African American, 142% decrease for Hispanic, and 29% increase for SED subgroups in District LCAP Plan Goals: : Decrease expulsion rate to 0.03%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease expulsion rate to 0.02%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. : Decrease expulsion rate to 0.01%. Reduce disparity among student groups by 10%. State Priority #6 Source/Notes: Expulsion Rate is the number of expulsions per 100 students, or expulsions divided by student population. Population is enrollment on CBEDS information day, the first Wednesday of October. Because the numerator is not a student count, the expulsions as a percentage of the population can more accurately be described in terms of a rate, or expulsions per 100 students.

33 School Climate Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 8
District Goal: 5% improvement in school climate as measured by Cal-SCHLS Goal not measured due to change in source data. Baseline established with new measure. Student: 71% average favorable response. Staff: 84% average favorable response. Parent: 88% average favorable response District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. : Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. : Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. State Priority #6 Source/Notes: CORE school climate surveys of students, school staff, and parents.

34 School Climate Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 8
District Goal: 5% improvement in school climate as measured by Cal-SCHLS Goal not measured due to change in source data. Baseline established with new measure. Student: 71% average favorable response. Staff: 84% average favorable response. Parent: 88% average favorable response District LCAP Plan Goals were modified to: : Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. : Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. : Improvement in school climate as reported by students, school staff, and parents. State Priority #6 Source/Notes: CORE school climate surveys of students, school staff, and parents.

35 Facilities Strategic Goal 3: EAMO 9
District Goal: 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. Goal Met 100% of students had clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Tool and Williams Review in District LCAP Plan Goals: : 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. : 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. : 100% of students will have clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities as measured by the FIT Healthy School Survey and Williams Reviews. State Priority #1 Source/Notes: Williams Review for Title1 schools receiving a site visit in , and Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) Healthy School survey for the remainder of school sites. A passing rating represents a minimum or basic level.

36 Strategic Goal 4: Parent, Family, and Community Relationships
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes (EAMOs) Family and Community Engagement 1. 78% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. Family and Community Engagement Subgroup 2. 84% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs.

37 Family and Community Engagement
Strategic Goal 4: EAMOs 1 & 2 Family and Community Engagement District Goal: 85% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. Goal Not Met 76% of parents indicated effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decision for schools or the district. District Goal: 85% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. Goal Met 85% of parents indicated effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. District LCAP Plan Goals: : 78% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. : 80% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. : 82% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent input in making decisions for schools or the district. : 84% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. : 86% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. : 88% of parents will indicate effective provision of opportunities for parent involvement or parent education, particularly for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs. State Priority #3 Source: Parent Survey

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