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Introduction to HCI Research

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1 Introduction to HCI Research

2 “For Fun” Predict when you think each of the following things was “invented” The personal/”desktop” computer Graphical “drag and drop” displays Hyper-text (links in text) Mouse Networks of related documents Real-time manipulation of images “Windows” like display

3 Introducing HCI My goal is that you learn a little more than JUST design. You should learn a little more about the field that has “created/influenced” these design processes.

4 The Reality of UI Design
For the most part, outdated processes are still followed Waterfall model Unproductive divisions still common User-centered design often ignored Politics a big issue Management must believe in user-centered design, or it won’t happen… Even if there are clear “usability disasters”

5 More (positive) reality
LoFi prototyping methods do work The advantages we’ve discussed have been shown in formal research The challenge is to get engineers to accept them Designers must be able to make their case Methods to reach decisions, not just argue based on personal opinions and taste

6 Why UI design needs HCI research
How to gather data to reach decisions / select among alternatives How to analyze and interpret data Awareness of what’s been tried, what works, and what doesn’t gives you a big advantage in designing new features for your product

7 HCI Research Invents new technologies, techniques, and methods for creating, implementing, and evaluating interactive systems and devices Creates novel applications of new technologies and techniques; subjects them to rigorous evaluation Studies people’s individual and group behavior in relevant contexts

8 HCI History Desktop/DM Hypertext CMC Ubicomp Misc. 1940s 1960s 1970s
Bush: As We May Think 1960s SketchPad Mouse Xanadu Engelbart/NLS Dynabook 1970s Xerox Star Bitmapped displays Direct Manipulation Desktop metaphor Office productivity Internet Usenet 1980s Apple Macintosh Many research prototypes MUDs Gesture recognition Speech recognition VisiCalc/Spreadsheets Professional coalescence User-centered design GOMS 1990s … MS Windows WWW Search engines Cell phones Online communities Instant messaging Blogs Ubiquitous Computing Apple Newton Palm Pilot (Graffiti) Large displays Sensors Wireless Annotated reality Design and Evaluation Methods Virtual Reality Collaborative filtering Social navigation

9 Vannevar Bush – “As We May Think” (1945)
Visionary paper that introduced many of the themes that have preoccupied the field of HCI The goal was to make information more accessible, specifically to educated professionals

10 The Memex (Memory Extender)
Based on technologies available in 1945 A personal extensible microfilm library Users can add pictures, annotations etc into the library User can build a trail by associating documents Trails can be shared

11 More on the technology he envisioned using
Mini camera (image capture) Microfilm (storage technology) Dry photography (printing technology) Vocoder running stenotype Advance arithmetical computational device Note: this was the infancy of the digital computer, and he did not consider it

12 Significance to HCI A compelling and profound vision: using technology to augment human capabilities to structuring and retrieving information. Inspired all the seminal systems in the field Ivan Sutherland (SketchPad) Douglas Engelbart (NLS) Ted Nelson (Hypertext) Alan Kay (The Reactive Engine) Again gained currency in the 1990s Social navigation

13 Sketchpad Ivan Sutherland, 1963
Display and manipulation of graphical objects Operations: grab, move, resize, … Enabled by hardware developments “low-cost” graphics terminals input devices such as light pens and data tablets display processors capable of real-time manipulation of images

14 Douglas Engelbart The Problem (early ‘50s) “...The world is getting more complex, and problems are getting more urgent. These must be dealt with collectively. However, human abilities to deal collectively with complex / urgent problems are not increasing as fast as these problems. If you could do something to improve human capability to deal with these problems, then you'd really contribute something basic.”

15 Douglas Engelbart The Vision (Early 50’s) …I had the image of sitting at a big CRT screen with all kinds of symbols, new and different symbols, not restricted to our old ones. The computer could be manipulated, and you could be operating. all kinds of things to drive the computer

16 Douglas Engelbart ... I also had a clear picture that one's colleagues could be sitting in other rooms with similar work stations, tied to the same computer complex, and could be sharing and working and collaborating very closely. And also the assumption that there'd be a lot of new skills, new ways of thinking that would evolve." ...Doug Engelbart

17 AFIP Fall Joint Conference, 1968
NLS system Document Processing modern word processing outline processing hypermedia Input / Output the mouse and one-handed chorded keyboard high resolution displays multiple windows specially designed furniture

18 Engelbart’s “workstation”

19 Engelbart’s mouse, 1964

20 Engelbart’s vision Shared work shared files and personal annotations
electronic messaging shared displays with multiple pointers audio/video conferencing ideas of an Internet

21 Alan Kay’s Vision of a Personal Computer – 1969
Dynabook vision (and cardboard prototype) of a notebook computer: “Imagine having your own self-contained knowledge manipulator in a portable package the size and shape of an ordinary notebook. Suppose it had enough power to out-race your senses of sight and hearing, enough capacity to store for later retrieval thousands of page-equivalents of reference materials, poems, letters, recipes, records, drawings, animations, musical scores...”

22 Anyone know what the first “desktop” environment was?

23 Anyone know what the first “desktop” environment was?
Xerox PARC Alto – mid 1970s Star – 1981

24 Desktop Metaphor File Cabinet = The Hard Drive
The hard drive (and other kinds of storage media like floppy disks) store files and folder. Folders = Folders Folders (also known as directories or sub-directories) allow you to organized files and other folders.

25 Desktop Metaphor Documents = Documents
These are files you create and edit. Trash or Recycle Bin =Trash This is where you put files and folders that you want to delete or get rid of.

26 Xerox Star Hardware

27 Keyboard & Mouse

28 Display

29 Significance A commercial machine that incorporated features that defined the PC for the next 25 years Direct manipulation Desktop metaphor… the very idea of using a metaphor WYSIWYG Icons Dialog boxes Windows Mouse Bitmapped displays Local hard disk Network connectivity

30 The Star was the first machine based on usability engineering
inspired design extensive paper prototyping and usage analysis usability testing with potential users iterative refinement of interface

31 But most of you have never heard of this!
But a commercial failure cost ($15,000) - IBM had just announced a less expensive machine limited functionality, e.g., no spreadsheet closed architecture: 3rd party vendors could not add applications perceived as slow over reliance on direct manipulation

32 Significance Steve Jobs, Apple Co-founder "And they showed me really three things. But I was so blinded by the first one I didn't even really see the other two. One of the things they showed me was object orienting programming they showed me that but I didn't even see that. The other one they showed me was a networked computer system...they had over a hundred Alto computers all networked using etc., etc., I didn't even see that…. “

33 Significance “… I was so blinded by the first thing they showed me which was the graphical user interface. I thought it was the best thing I'd ever seen in my life. Now remember it was very flawed, what we saw was incomplete, they'd done a bunch of things wrong. But we didn't know that at the time but still though they had the germ of the idea was there and they'd done it very well and within you know ten minutes it was obvious to me that all computers would work like this some day."

34 Commercial Success: Apple
Apple Lisa (1983) based upon many ideas in the Star predecessor of Macintosh somewhat cheaper ($10,000) commercial failure as well Apple Macintosh (1984) “old ideas” but well done!

35 Why did the Mac succeed? aggressive pricing ($2500)
did not need to blaze a trail learnt from mistakes of Lisa and corrected them; ideas now “mature” market now ready developer’s toolkit encouraged 3rd party non-Apple software interface guidelines encouraged consistency between applications domination in desktop publishing because of affordable laser printer and excellent graphics

36 The next generation of Screen based “Touch” Interfaces
BumpTop Interfaces Jeff Han’s “Multi-touch” Computer Screens

37 Tangible User Interfaces
Make “ordinary” physical objects computational input/output devices

38 Media Blocks Ullmer & Ishii, MIT Media Lab
Based on small, electronically tagged wooden blocks Physical icons ("phicons") for the containment, transport, and manipulation of online media Media Blocks interface with media input and output devices such as video cameras and projectors, allowing digital media to be rapidly "copied" from a media source and "pasted" into a media display Media Blocks are compatible with traditional GUIs, providing seamless gateways between tangible and graphical interfaces Media Blocks act as physical controls for tasks such as sequencing collections of media elements.

39 Media Blocks

40 Senseboard Jacob et al, Tufts University and MIT Media Lab
Use tangible media to manipulate abstract information Small magnetic “pucks” (with RFIDs) represent pieces of information to be organized, such as a message, file, bookmark, citation, presentation slide, movie scene, or newspaper story Users arrange pucks on a grid on a special whiteboard Physical manipulations correspond to digital operations Supports organizing tasks

41 Senseboard

42 Senseboard

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