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Modern Library Concepts

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1 Modern Library Concepts

2 Concepts… The modern library serves as a community center - listening to the community and addressing what is heard.

3 Concepts… A modern library also serves as a hub to connect citizens to valuable information, government initiatives, local and international NGO activities services, and businesses.

4 Concepts… The modern library is an institution that functions as a connector in its community - learning the unique community needs, offering both traditional and innovative services, and adapting as the community changes.

5 COMPONENTS Space and furniture Collections Technologies Users
Library services Partners Librarian For a library to become modern it needs to focus on 7 components above mentioned.

6 Space and furniture The space represents the business card of the library. Library’ users and visitors are always attracted by how a library can host users in an attractive space. The space of the library must be welcoming, open, oriented towards the comfort and the needs of users (children, teenagers, adults, elderly), accessible for all people, including people with disabilities and should provide the physical platform for discussions, meetings, trainings, and content creation. This component should shift from providing the access to collections to being adapted to users’ interests and learning needs.

7 Children corner in a village library, Crihana Veche, Moldova

8 Children space in Chisinau Municipal Library branch, Moldova

9 Creative element, usage of old TV, raion of Soldanest, Moldova

10 Space adapted to teenagers interests

11 Raion library of Soldanesti provides the space for trainings and meetings, Moldova

12 Raion of Soldanesti, Moldova

13 An important part of turning the library into a modern space represents the diversity of resources displays. Book display in Chisinau Municipal Library.

14 Book display in Chisinau Municipal Library

15 Book display in Chisinau Municipal Library

16 Creative element, Chisinau Municipal Library

17 Creative element, Chisinau Municipal Library

18 COLLECTIONS Library collections should be diverse and address users’ needs in terms of access to information, training, culture and leisure, hobbies.

19 Audio-video collection

20 Music tools

21 San Antonio Public Library, Texas, collection of digital resources.

Information Technology include the hardware and the software of the library. The IT should be functional, placed in easy accessible places, connected to Internet (most preferably wi-fi), with data bases needed for various professional groups

23 Moldova

24 Raion of Rezina, Moldova

25 Raion of Rezina, Moldova

26 Raion of Ialoveni, Moldova

27 IT support (librarian and community member)
Website/blog Social network page IT support (librarian and community member) Using the Information Technology the library should promote its activity, services and be in contact with its patrons, partners, volunteers and potential users online through websites/blogs or social networks page.

28 USERS Users represent another component of the modern library. They are different from the perspective of gender, age, social profile, ethnic criteria, interest and needs. A library should carry out ongoing assessment of users’ needs and interests and provide services accordingly.

29 Raion of Telenesti

30 Raion of Ialoveni

31 Raion of Orhei

32 Raion of Ungheni

33 NEW LIBRARY SERVICES A new library service represents a set of activities systemically organized using information technology and addressing the community members information and training needs.


35 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Raion of Calarasi Support and counselling for jobseekers (support development of CV, preparation for interview)

36 Recreation and culture
Raion of Soroca Clubs/Groups on various hobbies/interests (flowers, embroideing)

37 Digitalization of local history
Digital inclusion Crihana Veche, Raion of Cahul Digitalization of local history

38 Communication Raion of Telenesti

39 English classes for children/adults
Education English classes for children/adults Raion of Calarasi

40 Online government services
Raion of Orhei Online government services

41 PARTNERSHIPS Partnerships are vital for a modern library. The most important “partner” of a library is its patron or user.

42 Partnerships can be set up with local education institutions, local public authorities, private sector, non-governmental organizations and other community stakeholders.

43 LIBRARIAN The librarian is the most important component of a modern library. A modern librarian should be a multifunctional, informed, trained, oriented towards the needs of the users.






49 COMPONENTS Space and furniture Collections Technologies Users Library services Partners Librarian


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