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The key to self management

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1 The key to self management
Mindfulness - The key to self management

2 How do we make choices ? What to eat, drink ? What to wear ?
What to do ? What to say ? Tasty or healthy ? Decent or skimpy ? Watch IPL on TV or study for exam tomorrow? Do an assignment myself or copy it out from a friend? To speak respectfully or rudely ? Use abusive or courteous language ?

3 How do we make choices ? To increase pleasant feelings and avoid unpleasant feelings ! – pleasure pain principle …… Freud !! Instinctive behaviour …स्वभाविक evolutionary programming of human brain! Tasty or healthy ? Decent or skimpy ? Watch IPL on TV or study for exam tomorrow? Do an assignment myself or copy it out from a friend? To speak respectfully or rudely ? Use abusive or courteous language ?

4 Pleasure – Pain principle
A great impediment in facing life as we grow up !...... Increasing addiction among youth Inability to face unpleasant situations … road rage, aggression, violence =>Lack of self control संयम Inability to distinguish between “pleasant” and “good” प्रेय और श्रेय

5 Traditional approach of self control
Moral Education Limitations of didactic approach Example from Mahābhārata जानामि धर्मम् न च मे प्रवृति जानामि अधर्मम् न च मे निवृति 

6 Mindfulness -- the key to self management
Developing the ability to prevent instinctive reaction to feelings without any moralistic suppression How do feelings arise ?

7 Modes of Interaction with the world
Possible Inputs Possible outputs Mind Human being

8 Mindfulness -- the key to self management
People react differently to stimuli we react to feelings, not external objects reaction => either of craving or aversion role of perception, past conditioning Self management => avoid instinctive reaction to feelings responding to the stimuli wisely

9 Mindfulness -- the key to self management
Training of Mind “Understand” feelings are impermanent not to react to feelings: Neither run away nor run after feelings just observe them with equanimity as these change in their natural course Creating a space for wise response Need for practical training

10 Mindfulness -- the key to self management
Practical Training Benefits of using bodily sensations as an anchor for training the mind Strengthening the mind to develop the ability to feel subtle sensations Body Scan meditation Systematic scanning of the body to ‘feel’ the bodily sensations and training the mind not to react to them. Using breath as an anchor to raise concentration

11 Meditation process in nutshell
Select object of meditation Be aware of it, its feeling tone, its impermanent nature moment by moment Return the attention to the object Moment by moment Open Curiosity Non-judgmental Non -reactive Attention wanders Notice any reaction -- Relax Noticing attention has wandered Let us practice for a few minutes

12 Thanks !! Any Questions ?

13 Benefits of Practice Let us see the feedback from a school

14 Benefits of practice Increase in concentration & efficiency
Ability to resist temptations, distinguish between ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ ; and say NO Ability to face ups-downs of life Proper self-appraisal- knowledge of strengths and weaknesses Improvement in relationships

15 International Acceptance of Mindfulness practice in Education

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