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Lifestyle of The Middle Ages

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1 Lifestyle of The Middle Ages
By Ryan Place

2 Everyday Life Most people worked on the land, growing food and rearing livestock. Hard work Men, women, and sometimes children labored in the fields, ploughing, sowing, harvesting, and making hay for horses Life revolved around the castle and the manor

3 Towns A medieval town was walled and entered by gates that were shut from nightfall to sunrise. The streets were narrow and houses high The centre of the town was usually a large market square Surrounded by the town hall, town buildings, the great town church, and halls of various gilds

4 Loose tunics in which hung to the knees
Clothing Men Loose tunics in which hung to the knees Wool pants were also sometimes added to the tunic, as well with leather shoes. In harsh weather men wore jackets, the length of the jacket indicated wealth.

5 Clothing Women All wore tunics which fell to their ankles
Under these dresses women would wear wool or linen undergarments On occasion woven tights or socks to cover their legs

6 Food Preserved salted fish Cheese from cows, sheep, and goats
Apples & pears Grapes for eating and wine Vegetables harvested from the fields. (Corn, onions, tomatoes)

7 Health Medicine As populations in towns and cities increased, hygenic conditions worsened Medical practices were limited No antibiotics making diseases almost impossible to cure

8 Many myths and superstitions
Health Continued Many myths and superstitions Thought bad odor meant disease and disease of the body was caused by sins and tainted souls Sought relief from illness by prayer, meditation, and other non- medical practices.

9 The Plague The Black Death
Bubonic plague Carried in the saliva of fleas, who were infected by plague-ridden rats Estimated 1/3 or as many as half of the total population died Originated in Europe 1347, spread westward to plains of Asia covering the whole continent

10 The Plague Symptoms Huge, painful swellings (boils) which appeared on neck, armpits, and groins Swells oozed blood and pus High fever, delirious Afflicted person usually died within 48 hours

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