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Religions of South Asia

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1 Religions of South Asia
Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism Talk Grades A little Map Practice Notes- Religions of India


3 What is religion? A set of beliefs:
Concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe Usually involving devotional and ritual observances Often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs

4 Religious Distribution in India

5 Hinduism

6 Origins and Distribution
Originated in Indus River Valley 4,000 years ago, oldest major religion in the world. No single founder or central religious organization Geographic distribution: India (80%), large Hindu populations also in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia

7 No specific holy book. Instead, there are the Vedas (four texts) the sacred books of Hinduism

8 Place of Worship: Temple

9 Rituals, practices, worship
Puja (formal worship at home or temple) - giving a gift to a holy deity or honored guest. Meditation Yoga


11 Is Hinduism monotheistic or polytheistic?
Beliefs vary widely - Monotheistic: there is one God who has millions of faces. Or Polytheistic: many gods.

12 Holy Site: Ganges River
The river has a long history of reverence in India and is seen by many Hindus as a goddess.

13 Basic Beliefs of Hinduism:
Hinduism is a way of life, constantly seeking the truth through: 1. Reincarnation 2. Karma 3. Dharma

14 Caste – A social class system
The Caste System - The goal is to move upward, escape the eternal cycle of reincarnation, and unite with Brahmin. Caste – A social class system Brahmin – priest, teacher Kshatriya – warrior, landowner Vaishya – merchant Sudra – farmer, laborer Untouchables – outside the caste; referred to as “Dalit”

15 Sikhism

16 Sikhism Founded by Guru Nanak Dev, who was born in 1469
Began as a movement to combine Hinduism and Islam About 23 million Sikhs worldwide, making Sikhism the fifth largest religion in the world Majority live in the Indian state of Punjab

17 Sikhs wear the “5 K’s”

18 Buddhism

19 …polytheism, monotheism, pantheism?
Pantheism – view that God and the Universe are identical (i.e. everything is god and nature/the universe are divine) Pantheists don’t believe in a personal or creator god

20 Origin and Distribution
Place of Origin: Northern India, 1st sermon on meaning of life by the Ganges River. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama 489 BCE Reaction to teachings of Hinduism Pantheistic religion Today practiced in China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka, SE Asia… Differences in beliefs from region to region

21 The many faces of Buddha “The Enlightened One”

22 Story of Siddhartha Gautama
- Experience as a prince - Observation of suffering - Discovery of the Middle Way

23 Key Beliefs and Teachings
Buddhist receive spiritual guidance from the “enlightened one” Follow the 4 Noble Truths Suffering is universal Suffering is caused by craving (selfish desires) The cure for suffering is to rid oneself of cravings To rid oneself of cravings follow the noble eightfold path to enlightenment

24 Sutras (lessons of the Buddha)
Holy Text Sutras (lessons of the Buddha)

25 Practices and Rituals Belief in reincarnation
Buddhist practice meditation to achieve enlightenment and Nirvana Some Buddhist sects value entering a monastery for some or all of their life

26 Jainism* An Indian religion that emphasizes complete non-violence and asceticism. It began in the sixth century BC, the same time Buddhism was developing. Incorporates Hindu concepts of karma and reincarnation, but rejects the Veda scriptures, castes and the idea of a creator god. The goal of life is to reach liberation by a life of purification and discipline

27 Monks and nuns undertake the ascetic life full-time and take the "Five Great Vows":
Non-violence Truth Non-stealing Celibacy Non-possessiveness

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