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Lyric poems Odes and Elegies.

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1 Lyric poems Odes and Elegies

2 Lyric poems Express the speaker's deep personal feelings about a specific subject Intense emotion is expressed Are often written in a form similar to that of a song May have patterns of rhythm and rhyme Attempt to help readers view common experience differently

3 Like a haiku, odes and elegies are lyric forms
An ode is a formal poem that directly addresses and praises someone or something that is highly respected or meaningful to the writer An elegy is a poem of mourning in which the author laments the death of a loved one, the loss of love, or some other loss.   

4 An ode  is a poem that shows respect in an exaggerated way to someone or something a person really loves by speaking to the person or thing as though it is alive or present Let's look at an example:

5 Ode to Watermelon by Marnie Brigs
I bite into you and relish the burst of wild flavour I haven't tasted all winter. Your sweet juice floods my mouth buries my tongue in fresh pinkish flesh. I swallow your cold fruitiness And my tastebuds smile With excitement. Oh, watermelon, The scent of June wind, mixed with the heat of the August sun washes over me as I take another bite of summer.

6 Ode to a Donut “Ode to a Donut
Ode to a Donut  “Ode to a Donut.” YouTube, uploaded by MrFAssignments2011, 14 April  2011,

7 Writing an Ode Choose a subject that you feel strongly about
Describe the subject (person or thing) in detail Exaggerate its wonderful qualities showing how important it is to human existence Use imagery that evokes the five senses Use metaphors, similes and other poetic devices Address the subject directly in some places  Share your feelings about the subject and describe its qualities

8 An elegy is a poem That shows how much a subject meant to a person
Honours and mourns the death of someone, lost love, etc. and shows regret

9 An elegy is an A traditional elegy mirrors three stages of loss
1. Expression of grief and sorrow 2. Expression of praise and admiration for the deceased (who is often idealized) 3. Finding peace and accepting the loss 

10 Works Cited “Ode to a Donut.” YouTube, uploaded by MrFAssignments2011, 14 April  2011,

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