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2 What does “Remix” mean to you?
WHAT do we remix? WHY do we remix? HOW do we remix? WHAT decisions are made?

3 “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine
Let’s listen to this song for a few minutes. Do you know this song? How does it make you feel? Who is performing this piece? Do you know anything about the artist? What mode is used to deliver this piece?

4 “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine
How does this version differ from the previous one? Why do we think those changes were made? What mode is used to deliver this piece? Why? What is/are the purpose(s) of this piece? Why was it made? For whom was it made?

5 “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine
What is/are the purpose(s) of this piece? Why was it made? How does this version differ from the original audio version? From the lyric video? Why do we think those changes were made? For whom was this piece made? What role does the performer play in this piece? What mode is used to deliver this piece? Why?

6 “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine
What is/are the purpose(s) of this piece? Why was it made? For whom is this piece made? How does this piece differ from any of the others? Why do we think those changes were made? What mode is used to deliver this piece? How has the context of the song changed? How does this relate to the changes in the piece? What roles do the performers play in this piece?

7 “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine
What is/are the purpose(s) of this piece? Why was it made? For whom is this piece made? Who is the audience? How does this piece differ from any of the others? Why do we think those changes were made? How has the context of the song changed? How does this relate to the changes in the piece? What mode is used to deliver this piece? What roles do the performers play in this piece?

8 “Dog Days are Over” by Florence and the Machine
What is/are the purpose(s) of this piece? Why was it made? For whom is this piece made? Who is the audience? How does this piece differ from any of the others? Why do we think those changes were made? How has the context of the song changed? How does this relate to the changes in the piece? What roles does the performer play in this piece?

9 The Internet Movie Database’s (IMDB) list of the Top 250 movies, as voted by users

10 The Internet Movie Database’s (IMDB) list of the Top 250 movies, as voted by users
How is this piece different than the list? Why were these changes made? Why was this piece made? What is its purpose? Who is the audience for this piece?

11 “Two roads diverge in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” --Robert Frost

12 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
--George Santayana from The Life of Reason,



15 How do these images differ from the text only versions?
Why were those changes made? What are the effects of those changes? What are the purposes of these images? Are the purposes different from those of the quotes alone?

16 Activity With your partner, find an example of something that could be considered a remix. Video, images, texts, music What about your example makes it a remix? Ask your classmates some questions about your example like the ones we’ve been considering. What is its purpose? Who is its audience? What changes were made from the original? Why?

17 Creating a Rubric How would you like this project to be evaluated?
What will a successful remix look like? What goals can this project accomplish? What do you want to get out of it? What knowledge or skills would you like to have after completing this remix?

18 Proposal What earlier project of yours do you see as having the most potential for remix? Why? What ideas/discoveries do you want to remix? Why? What media/mode of delivery will help you remix this project? Why? What kinds of changes will have to be made? Why?

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