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Y. Wang, et al. Dept. of Electrical Engineering,

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1 A Framework of Energy Efficient Mobile Sensing for Automatic User State Recognition
Y. Wang, et al. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California

EEMSS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION – A CASE STUDY EEMSS: The Overview EEMSS: Architecture and Implementation ENERGY CONSUMPTION MEASUREMENT AND SENSOR DUTY CYCLES Energy Consumption Measurement Sensor Duty Cycle Assignment and Computation Time SENSOR INFERENCE AND CLASSIFICATION GPS Sensing and Mode of Travel Classification WiFi Scanning and Usage Real-time Motion Classification Based on Accelerometer Sensing Real-time Background Sound Recognition PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Method Results CONCLUSIONS AND FUTUREWORK DIRECTIONS

3 INTRODUCTION Background Applications using user state recognition
Moore's law : doubling the number of transistors in unit area every 18 months Integrating complex sensing capabilities on mobile devices WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, audio, video, light sensors, accelerometers and so on Mobile phone : a powerful environmental sensing unit Monitoring a user's ambient context, both unobtrusively and in real time Applications using user state recognition Mobile cooperative services Real time traffic monitoring Social networking applications Facebook and MySpace AI and data mining techniques Learning interactions between user's behavior and the environment A combination of diverse features Motion, location and background condition Automatically adjusting ring tone profile to appropriate volume

4 INTRODUCTION Limited battery capacity of mobile devices
A big hurdle for context detection Embedded sensors → major sources of power consumption Fully charged battery on Nokia N95 mobile phone Only telephone conversation : 10 hours GPS receiver is turned on : 6 hours Energy efficient mobile sensing system (EEMSS) Hierarchical sensor management scheme for power management Automatic user state recognition Motion (such as running and walking), location (such as staying at home or on a freeway) and background environment (such as sound and crowd level) User states and state transition rules definition by an XML Three sensor management scheme State descriptor to support flexibility for application requirements Minimum set of sensors assignment to achieve energy efficiency, Invoking new sensors when state transitions happen

5 INTRODUCTION Hierarchical sensor management EEMSS Field study
Reconfiguration of active sensors dynamically EEMSS Implementation on Nokia N95 devices Using accelerometer, WiFi detector, GPS, and micro phone on the N95 Incorporation of algorithms for real-time user activity and sound recognition User states of EEMSS can currently “Walking", “Vehicle", “Resting", “Home talking",”Hom entertaining", “Working", “Meeting", ”Loud_office", “Quiet place", “Speech place", and “Loud place” Field study 10 users at two different university campuses 92.56% accuracy Improvement of the battery lifetime by over 75%

6 RELATEDWORK Multi-sensor mobile applications and services
Combining a diverse set of sensors (Gellersen et al. [5]) Monitoring and recognizing human activities with motion sensors Car manufacturing (Stiefmeier et al. [6]) Supporting a production or maintenance worker by recognizing the worker's actions Delivering just-in-time information about activities to be performed Development of a jacket with various sensors Accelerometer A common low cost sensor used for detecting motion Training data collection with one or more accelerometer in a certain period CenceMe [13] Sharing “buddies” presence with social networks in a secure manner Using sensors to capture the users' status Activity, disposition, habits and surroundings CenceMe prototype implementation on Facebook [14]

7 RELATEDWORK Sensay [12] Context-aware mobile phone using data from a number of sources Dynamic change of cell phone ring tone, alert type depending on user states Using a large number of sensors from different fields Urban / paticipatory sensing, activity recognition and health monitoring [13, 14, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20] GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi detector, oxygen sensor, accelerometer, electrocardio-graph sensor, temperature sensor, light sensor, microphone, camera, and so on Providing context information for higher layer applications Human status tracking, social networking, and location based services The problem of power management on mobile devices Survey of methods for saving power on hand-held devices(Viredaz et al. [21]) Dynamic frequency/voltage scaling [22] to reduce power consumption Suitable for lower-level system design rather than application development Event driven power-saving method to reduce extra power consumption Reducing the idle power (Shih et. al. [23])in a “standby” mode Power on only when there is an incoming or outgoing call

8 RELATEDWORK Turdecken [24] Proposed method
Event-driven, a hierarchical power management system Proposed method Effective power management for sensors on mobile devices Hierarchical approach for managing sensors Maintaining accuracy in sensing the user's state Similar with “SeeMon" system [25] by only performing context recognition when changes

Energy efficient mobile sensing Managing sensors in a hierarchical way based on the user's current state User's real-time condition One's motion (such as running and walking), location (such as staying at home or on a freeway) and background environment (such as sound and crowd level) Sensor management Core component of EEMSS Including user state recognition Ex) “meeting in office” Existence of speech :yes Current location : office area Sensor assignment depending user state Specifying an XML-format state descriptor Sensor management rules for each state Control of sensors based on real-time system feedback

General format of a state descriptor User state definition between “<State>”and “</State>” tags Sensor speciation by “<Sensor>” tags State transition criteria satisfaction → a new state “<NextState>” Ex) If the user is at “state2" and “sensor2" returns “sensor reading 2" which is not sufficient for state transition, “sensor3"will be turned on immediately to further detect the user's status in order to identify state transition Three major advantages of xml as state descriptor (1) representation of hierarchical relationship among sensor in a clear manner (2) easy modification by someone with limited programming experience (3) easy parsing by modern programming languages (Java and Python) Current implementation of EEMSS design Manually configured sensor management rules Determination of XML state descriptor and sensor sampling intervals and duty cycles

Future extension of EEMSS design Automated sensor assignment mechanism rather than manual setting


13 EEMSS: The Overview EEMSS (energy efficient mobile sensing system)
Implementation on Nokia N95 devices N95 built-in sensors GPS, WiFi detector, accelerometer, and embedded microphone Goal of case study Prototype implementation Evaluation of state recognition accuracy, detection latency, and energy efficiency Set of states User's daily activities

14 EEMSS: The Overview State transition → a new set of sensors to recognize new activity Example of of the user states (Walking) State transition detection when the user is walking outdoor Hierarchical decision rules for walking Periodically sampling GPS when the user is walking Significant amount of speed increase : riding a vehicle Wireless access point sets : one's frequently visited places (home, cafeteria, office)

15 EEMSS: Architecture and Implementation
Main components of EEMSS Sensor management Activity classification Implementation on J2ME on Nokia N95 devices Current version of J2ME Not providing APIs to allow direct access to some of the sensors Python program Gathering and sharing sensor data over a local socket connection Layered architecture Sensor management module Classification module Sensor control interface Turning sensors on and off, and obtaining sensed data Other components for debugging and evaluation Real-time user state updates, logging, and user interfaces

16 EEMSS: Architecture and Implementation
Sensor management module Major control unit of the system Parsing a state description file Sensor management scheme Control of sensors based on user state and state transition conditions Classification module Consumer of the sensor raw data Processing the raw sensing data into desired format Magnitude of 3-axis accelerometer sensing data FFT on sound clips to conduct frequency domain signal analysis Returning user activity and position feature “Moving fast”, “walking”, “home wireless access point detected” and “loud environment” Forwarding user states to the sensor management module Sensor interface APIs Providing direct access to the sensors Support of sensor readings and instruct sensors to switch on/off GPS and embedded microphone through J2ME APIs Accelerometer and Wi-Fi detector through Python APIs.

Energy consumption of each sensor in the Nokia N95 Best coordination of sensors Energy consumption measurements on different built-in sensors GPS, WiFi detector, microphone and accelerometer Duty cycling mechanisms on the sensors to reduce the energy cost

18 Energy Consumption Measurement
Two class of sensors on a mobile phone First class : accelerometer and microphone Continuous operation and requirement of an explicit signal to be turned off Need for activation for a period of time to obtain meaningful sensing data Second class : GPS, WiFi detector, and Bluetooth scanner Gathering instantaneous samples Automatically turn off when the sampling interval is over Energy cost of the sensors Instant power drain + the operating duration Ex) (API and hardware limitations) GPS on Nokia N95s Requirement of a certain amount of time to synchronize with satellites Remaining active for about 30 seconds after a location query Assisted-GPS : satellite synchronization time to less than 10 seconds Wi-Fi scan : less than 2 seconds to finish Bluetooth scan : around 10 seconds to complete

19 Energy Consumption Measurement
Measurement of sensor energy consumptions Using Nokia Energy Profiler [26] A stand-alone application to test and monitor application energy usage in real time Measurement results Accelerometer : the least amount of power Capturing the change of body movement Indicator of state transition with high probability GPS : the large power drain and long initialization time Location tracking and mode of travel classification

20 Sensor Duty Cycle Assignment and Computation Time
Sensor management scheme Minimum set of sensors at any specific time Assigning an appropriate duty cycle to each sensor Periodic sensing and sleeping instead of being sampled continuously Reducing the energy consumption Duty cycles in EEMSS Saving energy cost by reducing sensing intervals Too sampling period : insufficient representation of the real condition Longer sensing period : increase of the robustness of state recognition with more energy Longer sleep interval : reducing power battery consumption, increase of detection latency Two reasons for longer duty cycles to the microphone versus the accelerometer Accelerometer : less power, and more frequent sampling Accelerometer : capturing user motion change with less detection delay compared to identifying background sound type

21 Sensor Duty Cycle Assignment and Computation Time
Periodically querying GPS Providing outdoor location and speed information 5 minutes, a relatively long duration for the GPS to lock satellite signal Wi-Fi scanning Using event-based approach Two scenarios for Wi-Fi scan (1) when the user is detected as moving, a Wi-Fi scan is conducted to check if the user has left his or her recent range (2) when the user has arrived at a new place, we compare the nearby wireless access points set with known ones in order to identify the user's current location Duty cycle parameters through extensive empirical tests No optimization or dynamic adjustment

Potential human activities inference Using sensors including GPS and Wi-Fi detector Implementation of classification algorithms Identification of user activities Identification of background sound types Using accelerometer and microphone readings

23 GPS Sensing and Mode of Travel Classification
Real-time location tracking Detecting the user's basic mode of travel Using Geo-coordinates and the moving speed of the user Combining velocity information and distance of travel Distinguishing one's basic mode of travel such as walking or riding a vehicle Classification of mode of travel Checking the recent moving distance and speed Training a classifier by several location tracking records of user Using certain threshold values Occurrence of location request timeout Indication of entering a building or other indoor environment Indication of locations in which satellite signals are not reachable

24 Wi-Fi Scanning and Usage
Performing a Wi-Fi scan Returning MAC address of visible wireless access points around the user Tagging a particular location by the set of access points visible Automatic identification of current location by checking nearby access points EEMSS implementation Ex) User is at home if the Wi-Fi scan result matches a user’s home Memorization of wireless access points feature of the user's home and office Monitoring a user's moving range with Wi-Fi scan Covering an area of radius 20-30m using wireless access point Classification if the user has moving out of that range W-Fi scan for GPS sampling start Sampling location information immediately after Wi-Fi scan When out of recent range by Wi-Fi scanning

25 Real-time Motion Classification Based on Accelerometer Sensing
Activity classification based on accelerometer readings Widely using various machine learning tools Problems in most of the previous works Requirement of attachment of accelerometers on specific body positions Requirement of several data features not suitable for real-time implementation Accelerometer readings from mobile phone Placement at various locations due to individual habit Extremely difficult to perform fully detailed motion classification [10] Standard deviation of accelerometer magnitude values One of the independent features of phone placement Suitable feature for real-time motion classification Accelerometer data collection 53 different experiments distributed in two weeks

26 Real-time Motion Classification Based on Accelerometer Sensing
Accelerometer data collection 53 different experiments distributed in two weeks Lengths of experiment : several minutes to hours Tagging ground truth of activity for analysis and comparison purposes Off-line calculation of standard deviation for different activities Standard deviation threshold values Stable, walking, running, and vehicle mode No explicit requirement of where the phone should be placed Computation per 6 seconds

27 Real-time Motion Classification Based on Accelerometer Sensing
Experimental results 26 experiments containing a combination of different user motions Very good for extreme conditions such as stable and running Confusing with walking and vehicle mode due to feature overlap above 70% accuracy Using acceleration motion as a trigger for GPS or Wi-Fi detector

28 Real-time Background Sound Recognition
Two steps for sound classification Measuring the energy level of the audio signal Classification whether environment is silent or loud x(n) : time domain signal Loud environment → speech recognition with time and frequency domains Speech → higher silence ratio (SR) [28] SR : Ratio between the amount of silent time and the total amount of the audio data No speech → “loud” or “noisy” No further classification algorithm to distinguish music, noise, etc.

29 Real-time Background Sound Recognition
Fast Fourier Transform Implementation on the mobile device Frequency domain features of four types of audio clips Male's speech, a female's speech, a noise clip and a music clip Speech signals : more weight on low frequency spectrum from 300Hz to 600Hz SSCH (Subband Spectral Centroid Histogram) algorithm [29] Speech detection Comparison with speech peak frequency thresholds (300Hz - 600Hz)

30 Real-time Background Sound Recognition
Sound data set 1085 speech clips, 86 music clips and 336 noise clips 4 seconds length for each clip Classification accuracy with different SR thresholds Increase of SR threshold → decrease of false positives Decrease of speech detection accuracy SR = 0.7 : more than 90% of detection accuracy and less than 20% false positive


32 Method Evaluation of EEMSS Phase I - Lab Study Phase II - User Trial
State recognition accuracy State transition detection latency Energy efficiency Phase I - Lab Study Lab study over 1.5 months with our team members Calibration of classification parameters Parameters used to determine mode of travel based on GPS readings Duty cycles for different sensors e.g. the sampling frequency of accelerometer, GPS and microphone Duty cycles for system energy consumption measurement Phase II - User Trial User trial in November 2008 at two different universities Test of EEMSS system in a real setting Recruit of 10 users Undergraduate, graduate students, faculties and family members

33 Method Phase II - User Trial
Introduction about basic operation of mobile device Manual recording diary for two days per user A standardized booklet (three simple questions) Motion (e.g.: walking, in vehicle, etc), location, sound (e.g.: quiet, loud, speech, etc) 260 running hours of EEMSS application More than 300 state transitions

34 Results State Recognition Records
Tracking the user's location by recording geo-coordinates of the user Location information per 20 seconds Daily traces captured by EEMSS Two different participants from CMU and USC on two campus maps Different modes of travel Dashed ones : vehicle mode Solid ones : walking mode Comparison with ground truth diaries Dashed curves : bus routes Solid curves : a user’s traces between home and bus station

35 Results State Recognition Records State Recognition Accuracy
Probing background sound Quiet, loud and containing speech User activity inference at some places Working, meeting, resting, etc. Combining detected background condition with location obtained by Wi-Fi scan State Recognition Accuracy Comparing the system recognized state log with the ground truth records Ratio of correctly recognized records over total records Average recognition accuracy over all users : 92.56% Standard deviation of 2.53%

36 Results State Recognition Accuracy State Transition Detection Latency
Three super states for recognition accuracy “Walking”, “Vehicle” and “At some place” by location and mode of travel Percentage of recognition accuracy Column : ground truth Row : recognized states of EEMSS. Staying at some place : very high accuracy Home, office, etc. False positives (12.64% of walking time and 10.59% of vehicle time) Regular slow motions of vehicles → walking State Transition Detection Latency

37 Results State Transition Detection Latency Device Lifetime Test
Vehicle mode Quick detection with only one or two GPS queries At some place mode Less than 5 minutes for GPS location request timeout, and Wi-Fi scan Detecting the transition from riding a vehicle to walking Longer time to distinguish slow motion of vehicle and walking Sampling acceleration data per 6 seconds Background sound change detection : less than 3 minutes (duty cycle) Device Lifetime Test Lab studies : two researchers for 12 days Average device lifetime with EEMSS : hours

38 Results Device Lifetime Test Power Usage
Turning on GPS, accelerometer and microphone with same sampling frequency WiFi scanning per 5 minutes Less than 5 hours regardless of user activity Power Usage

Mobile device based sensing platform Rich contextual information about users Environment for higher layer applications Considering limited battery capacities EEMSS (sensor management scheme for mobile devices) Selectively turning on minimum set of sensors to monitor user state Triggering new set of sensors to achieve state transition detection Shutting down unnecessary sensors at any particular time Implementation on Nokia N95 devices Evaluation with 10 users from two universities Future work More sophisticated algorithms to dynamically assign sensor duty cycles Implementing sensor management scheme on more complex sensing applications

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