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Introduction to Internet Network Management

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1 Introduction to Internet Network Management
Jaringan Telekomunikasi, Sukiswo ST, MT Introduction to Internet Network Management Sukiswo Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT

2 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
Table of Contents Background Origins of Internet Origins of Internet Network Management Evolution of SNMP SNMP Standards and RFCs SNMP Basic Concepts Network Management Architecture SNMP Protocol Architecture Proxies Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

3 Internet Network Management
Also referred to as SNMP-based Network Management Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is often referred to as the Internet Network Management Framework which includes management architecture structure of management information management protocol plus related concepts... Most widely used in computer communication networks Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is responsible for SNMP standardization Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

4 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
Origins of Internet ARPANET (formed by US DoD, 1969) connecting four geographically separated computers in US 23 computers in ARPANET (1971) Computers in UK and Norway were connected (1973) TCP/IP protocol suite as ARPANET’s standard protocol (late 70’s) TCP/IP as NFSNET’s standard protocol (1984) Continued growth throughout the 80’s and 90’s currently more than 40,000,000 nodes on the Internet Need for the management of rapidly growing Internet! Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

5 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
Origins of Internet NM Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) until late 70’s, e.g., Ping utility Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (SGMP) High-level Entity Management System (HEMS) generalized version of Host Monitoring Protocol (HMP) SNMP enhanced version of SGMP an interim solution CMIP over TCP/IP (CMOT) long-term solution did not go very far Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

6 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
Evolution of SNMP SNMPv1 draft came out in 1988 and became full Internet standard in 1990 most workstations, bridges, routers, switches and hubs are now equipped with SNMP agent many resource MIBs (including systems & applications) have been defined RMON (1995) Remote Monitoring, extends the SNMPv1 MIB and functions SNMPv2 attempted to improve the deficiencies of SNMPv1 Full Internet Standard SNMPv3 internet drafts came out in Feb. 1998, adding security features now a full Internet Standard Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

7 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
IETF Standardization Process (RFC2026) IETF forms a working group (WG) for a specific task WG generates one or more internet drafts (ID) ID document can follow one of three tracks (1) standards track, (2) informational, (3) experimental Internet documents are published as RFCs Internet Proposed Standard Internet Draft Standard Internet Full Standard Other status: Obsolete: a document that is replaced by an updated version Historic: a document that is retired The latest status on IETF NM RFCs can be found from Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

8 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
SNMP Protocol RFCs Description Published RFC Status SNMPv1 Protocol Aug. 1988 1067 Obsoleted by 1098 SNMPv1 Protocol (republished) Apr. 1989 1098 Obsoleted by 1157 SNMPv1 Protocol (republished) May 1990 1157 Historic Secure SNMP Protocol July 1992 1352 Historic SNMPv2 Protocol Operations May 1993 1448 Obsoleted by 1905 SNMPv2 Transport Mappings May 1993 1449 Obsoleted by 1906 SNMPv2 Protocol Operations Jan. 1996 1905 Draft Standard (updated) SNMPv2 Transport Mappings Jan. 1996 1906 Draft Standard (updated) Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

9 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
SNMPv1 Standards Description Published RFC Status Structure of Identification of Management May 1990 1155 Full Standard Information for TCP/IP- based Internets (SMI) Concise MIB Definitions Mar. 1991 1212 Full Standard Management Information Base for Network Mar. 1991 1213 Full Standard Management of TCP/IP- based Internet: MIB-II Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

10 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
SNMP Full Standards RFC Title   3418    Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)   3417    Transport Mappings for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)   3416    Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)   3415    View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)   3414    User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)   3413    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications   3412    Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)   3411    An Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks   2819    Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base   2580    Conformance Statements for SMIv2   2579    Textual Conventions for SMIv2   2578    Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)   1643    Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like Interface Types   1213    Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets:MIB-II   1212    Concise MIB definitions   1155    Structure and identification of management information for TCP/IP-based internets   1065  Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

11 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
SNMP NM Architecture The manager resides in Network Management Station (NMS) while the agent resides in the managed Network Node The manager requests the agent to perform Set and Get operations on the variables in the Management information Base (MIB) By means of traps the agent occasionally notifies the manager about some events related to network operation NMS MIB Specification Manager SNMP SNMP Agent MIB Agent MIB Networked Node Networked Node Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 2

12 SNMP Protocol Architecture
Internetwork Manager process SNMP UDP IP Network-dependent protocols Agent process Network-dependent protocols User processes FTP, etc TCP Central MIB Network Admin Host Router NMS Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 2

13 The Role of SNMP SNMP NMS SNMP agent Management resources
Management application SNMP managed objects Application manages objects GetNextRequest GetNextRequest GetRequest SetRequest GetResponse GetRequest SetRequest GetResponse Trap Trap SNMP manager SNMP agent SNMP messages UDP UDP IP IP Network-dependent protocols Network-dependent protocols network or internet Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 2

14 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
SNMP Proxy Agent Proxy agent Management station Mapping function Proxied device Management process Manager process Agent process SNMP SNMP Protocol architecture used by proxied device Protocol architecture used by proxied device UDP UDP IP IP Network-dependent protocols Network-dependent protocols Network-dependent protocols Network-dependent protocols Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 2

15 Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT
Reading and Browsing Read Chapter 4 of the Textbook Visit and browse IETF Web site: U. of Twente NM Web site: Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

16 What will be covered next...
Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) Basic Encoding Rules (BER) Structure of Management Information MIB Definitions Standard SNMP MIBs SNMP Operations Developing MIBs etc. Manajemen Jaringan, Sukiswo ST, MT 3

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