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From: Propofol Attenuates Peroxynitrite-mediated DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Cultured Astrocytes:An Alternative Protective Mechanism Anesthes. 2004;101(6):1363-1371.

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Presentation on theme: "From: Propofol Attenuates Peroxynitrite-mediated DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Cultured Astrocytes:An Alternative Protective Mechanism Anesthes. 2004;101(6):1363-1371."— Presentation transcript:

1 From: Propofol Attenuates Peroxynitrite-mediated DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Cultured Astrocytes:An Alternative Protective Mechanism Anesthes. 2004;101(6): Figure Legend: Fig. 2. Comet assay of genomic DNA of rat astrocytes. Tail moments were quantified using Scion Image software. Values are mean ± SD of four experiments performed in duplicate (  A  ). * Statistically significant  versus  control,  P  < 0.001; ** statistically significant  versus  propofol + 3 mm SIN-1,  P  < 0.001). Astrocytes were treated for 24 h with propofol or a corresponding amount of Intralipid (40 μm, 80 μm, 160 μm, and 1 mm) (  B  ) and SIN-1 at different concentrations (1, 2, and 3 mm) (  C  ).  D  ,  E  ,  F  , and  G  show the protective effects of propofol and Intralipid in SIN-1 (3 mm)–treated astroglial cells.  Arrows  indicate comet tails. SnMP = tin mesoporphyrin.  Date of download: 12/16/2017 Copyright © 2017 American Society of Anesthesiologists. All rights reserved.

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