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Published byAdi Darmadi Modified over 6 years ago
Role, Responsibilities and job Description of Local Planning Agency TUPOKSI BAPPEDA
Week 6
Roles Policy Making Coordination Think-Thank Administration
Planning (RPJP/Long term, RPJM/Mid, SKPD/Short) Budgeting Urgent issues – big scales Policy Making Coordination and policy formulation on development planning Coordination on financial resources (Foreign and domestic investor) Coordination on responding immediate/urgent issues Coordination Policy studies on development planning Facilitating planning agencies Cooperation with universities and professional organization Think-Thank Planning document management Drafting and report making of development implementation monitoring Drafting and making report on evaluation result Advising and general administrative service Administration
Role, responsibilities and job description of BAPPEDA
The unit that responsible for drafting and implementing the local policy on development planning and responsible for evaluating the implementation of the plan
Bappeda Role and Responsibility (Permendagri 56/2010 amended Regulation N0. 57/2007 tentang Juknis Penataan Organisasi Perangkat Daerah/Techinical Guidance – local organization structure) Local Planning Agency (Bappeda) as a government unit that responsible for: Local development planning policy, Coordination on drafting local plan which consists of vision, mission, objectives, strategy, programs and activities of each unit in the local government.
Top-down and bottom-up process
Role and responsibilities of (Local Planning Agency) in planning process Using scientific methods and framework- research by unit Technocratic process Involving all stakeholders, through Musrenbang (public meeting) Participative Implemented through every level of government Top-down and bottom-up process
Role and responsibilities of (Local Planning Agency) in Planning Process
Drafting First draft of Local Development PLan Stakeholders meeting for finalizing the Plan Final draft of Local Development PLan Monitoring Head of Bappeda is collecting and analyzing the monitoring result of the implementation of development plan from every local government unit (SKPD). Evaluation Head of Bappeda making evaluation report from every local government unit (SKPD). Evaluation report is used for the next planning cycle
Passed as local act/regulation
Role and responsibilities of Local Planning Agency in drafting Local Development Plan Vision & mission Refer to national planning Draft RPJPD Stakeholders meeting RPJPD Final draft Passed as local act/regulation Technocratic process by Bappeda Bappeda draft RPJPD Involvement of community DPRD/ Legislative
Role and responsibilities of Bappeda (Local Planning Agency) in drafting RPJMD
(1) Vision, Mission, Program Elected Official Bappeda initial draft of RPJMD Vision, Mission of Elected Official Local development strategy General Policy Local Economic State Program of unit at local gov (2) Strategic planning of SKPD Program SKPD (3) Bappeda holds stakeholders’ meeting (4) (5) Local Dev Plan is passed Bappeda final draft of RPJMD Vision, Mission of Elected Official Local development strategy General Policy Local Economic State Program of unit at local gov (6) (7) Used as a guide for drafting annual plan
Role and responsibilities of Local Planning Agency in drafting Annual Development Plan (RKPD)
Drafting Renstra SKPD Units’ Programs (9) Bappeda makes initial draft of RKPD Local Development Priorities General Policy Local economic platform Indicative budget Units’ Programs Stakeholders Meeting (SM) Village/Sub-district (10) (11.b.) (11.a.) District SM *Macrh Units’ Programs synchronization Budget harmonization Bappeda makes final draft of RKPD Local Development Priorities General Policy Local economic platform Units’ Programs (12) Provincial SM *April Central gov. representative Units’ Programs synchronization Budget harmonization (14) (15) (13) RKPD is passed As a guide for drafting local budget (APBD) National SM *April Unit Program Synchronization Budget harmonization
Monitoring Function Chapter VI, Part I, Article 45
Monitoring is under the Governor/Head of the district supervision which is implemented by Local Planning Agency Monitoring program that carried out by Local Planning Agency consists of monitoring, supervision, and follow up from various problems that do not meet the objectives of development plan The head of local planning agency reports monitoring result to the head of the district/governor, including recommendation and follow up action needed
Evaluation function Pasal 48
Evaluation is under the Governor/Head of the district supervision/responsibility which is implemented by local planning agency Evaluation by Bappeda consists of : Rating or scoring the implementation of planning process and program implementation and local development activities Collecting, analyzing and drafting the evaluation in order to meet the objective of local develoment plan
Organizational Structure
Head of Bappeda Secretariat Economic division Social and cultural division Physical and infrastructure division Research, development, data and report division Capital Investment Division Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Functional Unit
Head of Bappeda and Capital Investment
Functional Unit Secretariat Economic Division Social and Cultural Division Physical and Infrastructure Division Research, development, data and report division Capital Investment Division Technical Implementation Unit (UPT)
Role of Head of Planning Agency Kepala Bappeda (Law No 25 SPPN)
Head of Local Planning agency responsible for: Preparing the local Long-term Development Plan Holding stakeholders meeting Formulating the final draft of local development plan based on the stakeholder meeting Preparing the local Medium-term Development Plan based on vision, mission, and program of head of district into the development strategy and policy
Lanjutan (UU No. 25, 2004) Pasal 18, ayat (2) : “Kepala Bappeda menyusun rancangan akhir RPJM Daerah berdasarkan hasil Musrenbang Jangka Menengah Daerah”; Pasal 20, ayat (2) : “Kepala Bappeda menyiapkan rancangan awal RKPD sebagai penjabaran dari RPJM Daerah”; Pasal 21, ayat (4) : “Kepala Bappeda mengkoordinasikan penyusunan rancangan RKPD dengan menggunakan RENJA-SKPD”; Pasal 22, ayat (4) : “Kepala Bappeda menyelenggarakan Musrenbang penyusunan RKPD”; Pasal 24, ayat (2) : “Kepala Bappeda menyusun rancangan akhir RKPD berdasarkan hasil Musrenbang” ; Pasal 28, ayat (2) : “Kepala Bappeda menghimpun dan menganalisis hasil pemantauan pelaksanaan pembangunan dari masing-masing SKPD”; Pasal 29, ayat (3) : “Kepala Bappeda menyusun evaluasi pembangunan berdasarkan hasil evaluasi SKPD”
Secretariat (1) Job-des:
Coordinate and provide administration service including: General affair and staff subdivision, Finance subdivision Drafting activities plan subdivision.
Secretariat (2) Function :
Drafting technical policy and annual activity plan as well as development plan with Bappeda office Managing general administration and staffing Managing program on activity plan drafting and financial administration. Responsible for regulation implementation, organization and management as well as public relation
Economic division (1) Job-des:
Coordinating and drafting development plan on the area of: agriculture, cooperatives , small and medium scale business, industry, trade, transportation, labor, energy and mineral resources Function : Coordinating and drafting the annual development plan on the area mentioned aboved
Economic division (2) Consists of:
Agriculture, Cooperative, Small and medium business, industry, and trade sub-division; Coordination, planning, collecting and analyzing data, monitoring and evaluation Transportation, labor, energy and mineral resources sub-division Coordination, planning, collecting and analyzing data, monitoring and evaluation
Social and Cultural Division (1)
Job-des: Coordinating and drafting the development plan in the area of: education, art and culture, youth, sport, health, community participation, information and communication, social, religion, demography, community empowerment, women empowerment, family planning and tourism Function : Coordinating and drafting the annual development plan on the area mentioned above
Social and Cultural Division (2)
Consist of: Governance Sub-division Coordination, planning, collecting and analyzing data, monitoring and evaluation on education, art and culture, youth, sport, health, community participation and information and communication Social, Culture and Tourism Sub-division Coordination, planning, collecting and analyzing data, monitoring and evaluation on social, religion, demography, community empowerment, women empowerment, family planning and tourism
Physical and Infrastructure Division (1)
Job-des: Coordinating and drafting the development plan in the area of environment, spatial planning, land management, housing, public facilities, roads, post and telecommunication and irrigation/water management Function : Coordinating and drafting the annual development plan on the area mentioned above
Physical and Infrastructure Division (1)
Consist of: Environment and Spatial Planning Sub-division Coordination, planning, collecting and analyzing data, monitoring and evaluation on environment, spatial planning, land management, Housing and Public Facilities Sub-division Coordination, planning, collecting and analyzing data, monitoring and evaluation on housing, public facilities, roads, post and telecommunication and irrigation/water management
Research, development, data and report division (1)
Job-des: Coordinating and drafting the development plan in the area of economy, social and culture, physic and infrastructure, collecting data, statistic, analyzing and evaluating, monitoring and drafting development implementation report, its statistical information and documentation. Function : Drafting the technical policy and implementation on the area mentioned above
Research, development, data and report division (2)
Consist of: Research and Development Sub-Division: planning and implementing research and development in the area of economy, social and culture, physic and infrastructure Statistic, Data and Report Sub-Division: planning and implementing collecting data, statistical program, analyzing and evaluating, monitoring and drafting development implementation report, its statistical information and documentation including cooperation among various units, developing statistic network, survey etc
Capital Investment Division (1)
Job-des Coordinating capital investment Function: Drafting technical policy and program implementation on promotion, investment cooperation, investment monitoring and assistance
Capital Investment Division (2)
Consist of : Promotion and Investment Cooperation Sub-division: implementing program on promotion and investment cooperation, including plan drafting, evaluating all investment application, supporting the infrastructure for investment, managing data and promotion Investment monitoring ad assistance Sub-division: Implementing program on investment monitoring and assistance, coordination, permit, and controlling local investments.
Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Functional Unit
Are operational units of Bappeda and Capital Investment Functional position is determined based on expertise and specialization needed These units are responsible to assist local government based on local need and their expertise These units are supervised by senior staff who is appointed by the Bappeda The number of expertise (UPT/FU) are determined base on need and work load
Management (1) It is required to implement key work principal such as coordination, integration and synchronization both internal and external among units within local government as well as with other institutions. Every head of the unit have to supervise its staff . If there is problems have to be resolved based on laws and regulations Every head of the unit is responsible to lead and coordinate of the sub-units and their staffs as well as to guide and advise the task
Management(2) Every head of the unit is required to follow the rule and responsible to their head and prepare report as it is scheduled Each report received by the head of the unit is required to be analyzes and be used as materials for drafting further report and for giving the direction to his/her employee.
Susunan Organisasi Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Riau)
a. Kepala Badan b. Sekretariat, terdiri dari : 1. Sub Bagian Umum dan Kepegawaian 2. Sub Bagian Keuangan dan Perlengkapan 3. Sub Bagian Perencanaan dan Pengendalian c. Bidang Sosial Budaya, terdiri dari : 1. Sub Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia 2. Sub Bidang Sosial Dan Budaya d. Bidang Ekonomi, terdiri dari : 1. Sub Bidang Pertanian 2. Sub Bidang Ekonomi e. Bidang Fisik dan Prasarana, terdiri dari : 1. Sub Bidang Prasarana Wilayah 2. Sub Bidang Tata Ruang dan Sumber Daya Alam f. Bidang Pendataan Kerjasama, Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Evaluasi, terdiri dari : 1. Sub Bidang Pendataan dan Kerjasama 2. Sub Bidang Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Evaluasi. g. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional.
Contoh: Struktur Bappeda Kuningan, Jabar
a. Kepala Badan. b. Sekretaris, terdiri dari : 1) Sub Bagian Umum; 2) Sub Bagian Keuangan; 3) Sub Bagian Program. c. Bidang Sosial Budaya dan Pemerintahan, terdiri dari : 1) Sub Bidang Sosial Budaya; 2) Sub Bidang Pemerintahan. d. Bidang Ekonomi, terdiri dari : 1) Sub Bidang Ekonomi Hulu. 2) Sub Bidang Ekonomi Hilir. e. Bidang Fisik dan Lingkungan Hidup, terdiri dari : 1) Sub Bidang Fisik. 2) Sub Bidang Lingkungan Hidup. f. Bidang Penelitian, Pelaporan dan Evaluasi, terdiri dari : 1) Sub Bidang Penelitian; 2) Sub Bidang Pelaporan dan Evaluasi. g. Kelompok Jabatan Fungsional.
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