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Collaboration and Integration in the learning community through Robotics.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration and Integration in the learning community through Robotics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration and Integration in the Learning Community through Robotics

2 Collaboration and Integration in the learning community through Robotics.
Members Shawn Taylor, Newton High School, 9-12 and PS Susan Blubaugh, ESSDACK, 7-12 Todd Vogts, Sterling High School, 9-12 David Burchfield, Chase High School, 9-12 Doug Lippstreu, Chase High School, 9-12 Areas of Impact Digital Media, Precision Machining, IT, Bloggers, Community Outreach, ELA, Math, and Physics.

3 Your Driving Challenge
How can our students collaborate with and integrate the resources of our community to create a robot based on defined requirements?


5 Learning Objectives Evaluate and assign to tasks.
Develop strategies for monitoring interconnected assignments. Implement project management skills to design and complete a collaborative project.

6 (End) Product(s) A robot that will preform a desired task.
A fully functioning website. Prototypes using various media forms that communicate desired design requirements. Meeting our financial objectives.

7 Project Processes: Defining, Planning, Doing, Reviewing
Set managerial hierarchy Students develop milestones, activities, tasks Use Trello (link) All phases

8 Project Processes: Formative Assessment
Stages happen concurrently &/or overlap Similar assessment tool throughout Trello Participation / Student involved Reflections, etc. Competition In-class, larger

9 Project Processes: Summative Assessment
Focus on Product(s) Functioning website Functioning robot Successful fundraising campaign

10 Review and Revise Constant and consistent communication
Realigning milestones & deliverables to reality

11 Present and Celebrate! Presentation & demonstration to community
Open House Reception Students, faculty, staff Donors All community members All ages

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