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The Fossil Record.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fossil Record."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fossil Record

2 Extinction DoDo Bird Pleiosaur

3 whooly mammoth Tasmanian Tiger


5 Relative Dating

6 Fossil index

7 Radioactive dating

8 Geologic time scale

9 Earth's early atmosphere

10 Miller and Urey 1. suggested how the earth's early atmosphere gave rise to the chemicals necessary for life today Endosymbiont hypothesis 1. Lynn Margulis 2. hypothesis that prokaryotic cells hosted another cell and eventually gave rise to the eukaryotic cell

11 Precambrian Time 1. life existed only in the sea 2. 90% of Earth's history 3. prior to 600 million years ago 4. oldest animal fossils 5. origin of eukaryotes 6. transition of oxygen in the atmosphere 7. oldest known fossils

12 Paleozoic Era to 251 million years ago 2. dramatic geological, climate and evolutionary changes 3. most rapid and widespread diversity of life in Earth's history 4. fish, arthropods, amphibians and reptiles all evolved 5. life moved onto land 6. at the end of the era the large reptiles and 1st modern plants appeared 7. ended with a large mass extinction that took about 30 million years to recover from

13 Paleozoic Era


15 PreCambrian Time ~life existed only in the sea ~90% of Earth's history ~oldest animal fossils ~origin of eukaryotes ~transition to oxygen in atmosphere

16 Paleozoic Era ~dramatic geological, climate, evolutionary changes ~most rapid and widespread diversity of life in Earth's history ~fish, arthropods, amphibians and reptiles evolved ~life to land ~ended with a mass extinction

17 Cambrian Period ~hard parts (shells and outer skeletons) ~invertebrates (jellyfish, worms and sponges) ~trilobites

18 Ordovician and Silurian Period
~ ancestors of modern octopi and squid ~1st animals on land ~1st vertebrates ~jawless fish ~1st land plants (damp areas)

19 Devonian Period ~ferns appear (drier area plants) ~insects on land ~"Age of the Fishes" ~jaws, bony skeleton and scales ~shark appeared

20 Carboniferous and Permian Periods
~life expanded over continents ~reptiles evolved ~winged insects evolved ~mass extinction (96% of complex life in the ocean disappeared

21 Mesozoic Era ~dominance of dinosaurs ~flowering plants

22 Triassic Period ~fishes, insects, reptiles, and cone bearing plants ~Age of reptiles ~dinosaurs and mammals appear

23 Jurassic Period ~dinosaurs ruled the Earth ~birds are thought to be close relatives to the dinosaurs

24 Cretaceous Period ~Reptiles dominant ~meat eating T.Rex dominant ~extinct flying reptiles ~leafy trees, shrubs and small flowering plants produce fruits ~mass extinction at the end

25 Cenozoic Era ~mammals evolved to live on land, water and even in the air

26 Tertiary Period ~climate warm and mild ~oceans had marine mammals evolved ~land flowering plants and insects

27 Quarternary Period ~climate cooled causing ice ages ~oceans-algae, coral, mollusks, fishes and mammals thrived ~sky-insects and birds ~land-mammals ~4.5 million years ago our earliest ancestors appeared

28 17-4: Patterns of Evolution
1. Extinction 2. Adaptive Radiation ~a single species or small group of species evolves into different forms that live in different ways

29 3. Convergent evolution ~process by which unrelated organisms come to resemble each other 4. coevolution ~2 species evolve in response to changes in each other over time

30 5. punctuated equilibrium
~pattern of long, stable periods interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change 6. developmental genes and body plans ~changes in how genes are expressed leads to variations

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