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US Interests & Regional Issues in Russia & Soviet Republics

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1 US Interests & Regional Issues in Russia & Soviet Republics
Overview & Objectives KNOW: Impact of the restructured Russian economic system on worldwide democracy Challenges of nuclear threats, nonproliferation, & missile defense Effects on U.S. caused by Russian oil production & distribution Importance of cooperation in space b/w Russia & U.S. Chapter 4, Lesson 5

2 Background Throughout 20th Century Soviet Union was our nemesis
Based most of National Defense for 40 years on Nuclear standoff w/ Soviets No longer considered major enemy Still a formidable power U.S. now trying to establish relationship w/ region

3 Impact of Restructured Russian Economic System on Worldwide Democracy
During Cold War, there was never a “hot war” b/w U.S. & Soviet Union But many hot wars carried out by the two superpowers’ proxies That era now ended & is significant for world peace Chapter 4, Lesson 5 Melanie Stetson Freeman / © 1992 The Christian Science Monitor

4 Impact of Restructured Russian Economic System on Worldwide Democracy
Breakup of Soviet Union took place a/g a backdrop of a rise in free trade around the world Many countries joined: European Union (EU) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) South America’s Mercosur Melanie Stetson Freeman / © 2008 The Christian Science Monitor Chapter 4, Lesson 5

5 Nuclear Threats, Nonproliferation, & Missile Defense
Following Soviet Union’s collapse… Were Nukes secure? Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) helps Russia & former Soviet republics control & protect their nuclear weapons Russia & U.S. announced Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism 75 nations signed up Russia also cooperating w/ U.S. in keeping nuclear weapons out of North Korea & Iran FBI director Robert Mueller speaks at Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism International Law Enforcement Conference June 11, 2007 in Miami

6 Effects on US Caused by Russian Oil Production & Distribution
Russia is world’s 2nd largest crude oil producer & exporter Russia’s oil & gas reserves give it a certain amount of geopolitical leverage U.S. could at some point need to turn to Russia for oil Chapter 4, Lesson 5 Robert Harbison / © 1997 The Christian Science Monitor

7 Importance of Cooperation in Space b/w Russia and US
Test Project U.S. & Soviet Union working together in space? Apollo-Soyuz Video1 Video 2 1st international manned spaceflight Chapter 4, Lesson 5 R. Norman Matheny / © 1990 The Christian Science Monitor

8 Importance of Cooperation in Space b/w Russia & U.S.
International Space Station (ISS) Largest international science project in space Involves not only U.S. & Russia, but also 14 other countries Purpose is primarily research

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