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Primary 2 Monday 18th September 2017
Using ICT / Using Mathematics and Language and Literacy
Curriculum Using ICT / Using Mathematics and Language and Literacy - Language and Literacy - Mathematics and Numeracy - Play Based Learning - Religion (Grow in Love) - Personal Development and Mutual Understanding World Around Us (History, Geography, Science) - Creative and Expressive Arts (Art, PE, Drama, Music)
Pastoral Care and General Information
School Ethos Grow in Love/ Assemblies School / class rules Positive Behaviour Policy Rewards; Star of the Week, Pupil of the Month, Home/ School Communication Playground behaviour Personal Belongings Lunchboxes/ coats etc.. Blue book bag (no school bags) Water bottles Uniforms PE uniforms Dropping off / Collection points Playground supervision 8.45 – 9.00am Signing out at office for medical/ dental etc. Wet day – children go to their classroom Absences (note/phone call)
Language and Literacy show understanding with an appropriate response Develop focus and listen for specific information Listen for information Listen attentively and take turns when speaking and offering opinions Ask questions (why, where, how, when etc.) Respond to questions appropriately Explain ideas and opinions clearly Use of thinking time and talking partners Role play activities – assuming a variety of roles Focus for ‘Show and Tell’ Home and school reading Circle Time Show and Tell Talk Partners Thinking time Class Discussions Class Visitors Class trips
Language and Literacy Reading at Home
Reading for enjoyment! Read a wide range of genre; fiction, non-fiction, poetry, recipes etc. Reading to and with your child. Visit websites Building confidence with familiar reads. Developing sight vocabulary and fluency is essential in P2. Development of Reading Skills: Recall the story, sequence the story, answering questions/ comprehension, locate information in the text, make predictions, give and justify opinions, discuss characters.
Phonics Revision of individual sounds (phonemes) Identify letter names as well as sounds Identifying the 5 vowels and vowel sounds in words e.g. c _ t progressing to g _ _ t Identifying digraphs & vowel digraphs eg. ch, ng, th, oa, ee, oo *ai* Word building CVC, CCVC, CVCC, CVVC words (cat, frog, bump,room) Generating rhyme patterns eg. at, an, en Dictation – sounding out word Blending sounds to read words Word lists and tricky words
Writing Progress from writing words to writing sentences
Letter formation!!! Penpals scheme Children should talk about and plan what they are going to write. Encourage independence: begin to check their work for spaces, capital letters etc. Learn to edit! Write for a variety of purposes– making cards, recipes, stories, labelling diagrams etc. Use a variety of skills to spell words in their writing (phonics, familiar word endings, use of word wall) Spell correctly familiar, important and regularly occurring words. Make attempts to sound out other words.
Assessment For Learning
in P2 We are continually monitoring and assessing the children throughout the year. The learning intentions are shared with children. (W.A.L.T) Classwork & Homework End of term & Mid Term assessments Setting and marking of work Assessment informs planning: setting targets to reinforce or challenge learning Jolly Phonics Word Lists – spot checks Play observations Spelling quiz in term 2 and 3
Mathematics in Primary 2.
Mental maths 10 mins daily New focus every week Useful tool in everyday life Provides a base for developing other aspects of maths Confidence building Supports problem solving Fun, fun and more fun!
Data Handling Processes in Maths Number
Shape and space Data Handling Measurement Processes in Maths Problem solving Am I adding or taking away? Developing mathematical language Number Addition / Subtraction facts to 30 and beyond Recognising numbers to 50 and beyond Odd and Even numbers Useful Websites: Topmarks, Woodlands junior, ICT games, BBC schools ages 4-11
Shape and space Recognise 2D and 3D shapes
Discuss properties of 2D and 3D shapes Bee Bot- direction
Our favourite fruit in P2
Collect, record and interpret data using charts, diagrams, tables and graphs. Data Handling Sort and classify objects using criteria related to their properties e.g. size, shape, weight. Our favourite fruit in P2
Measurement Length Language of measurement – longer, shorter,
largest, e.t.c Measurement Time Days of the week Months of the year Recognising o’clock and half past Money Sorting coins 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p Shopping activities Money games Making amounts up to 10p and giving change Weight Vocabulary of weight – heavy, light, heaviest Volume Language of volume – full, empty, half full,
Science, History, Geography and Technology
The World Around Us: Science, History, Geography and Technology Term One: September and October November and December People who help us Food Term Two: January and February March and April Pets Growing Term Three: May and June Journeys
The Arts Religious Education PDMU
Music, Art & Drama PE * P2A Tuesday * P2B Wednesday Updated Religious Education Programme ‘Grow in Love’ replaces ‘Alive O’ Assemblies P2A and P2B Grandparents / Parents Assembly – these dates will be given out by class teacher Parental Involvement : Please pray with your child and chat about the weekly Grow in Love homework. PDMU Encouraging empathy, personal development and mutual understanding Circle time Role playing Stories Sesame Tree programme
Play Based Learning in Primary 2
Play is the most natural way for your child to learn. It helps them to develop skills and confidence and stimulates their imagination. Linked to WAU topic to enhance learning experiences. Dough / Clay Sand and Water Drama Construction Table top Small World Creative
Homework in P2 Monday Reading, Word Books, topic homework or Handwriting Tuesday Reading, Word Books, Maths (practical and workbook) Wednesday Reading, Word Books, Literacy (practical and workbook). Thursday Reading, Word Books, Grow in Love Workbook Approximately 20 minutes Please ensure reading books and reading records are returned by Friday
Thank you for all your support
Daily Routines Dinners are now £2.60 Healthy eating policy Canteen routines PTA – Annual general meeting is Monday 25th September at 7.00pm Please note: Parent Teacher meetings are on Friday 24th of November. School will be closed for pupils on this day. Thank you for all your support
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