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The 14th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Iasi – ROMANIA, September 8-10, 2010 In memoriam Cristofor I. Simionescu.

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Presentation on theme: "The 14th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Iasi – ROMANIA, September 8-10, 2010 In memoriam Cristofor I. Simionescu."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 14th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Iasi – ROMANIA, September 8-10, In memoriam Cristofor I. Simionescu

2 Cristofor I.Simionescu
Founder of the Romanian school of pulp, paper and fibers

3 Cristofor I.Simionescu along his colleague Vasile Diaconescu.
Department of Pulp and Paper was founded in the academic year 1949/1950 by Cristofor I.Simionescu along his colleague Vasile Diaconescu. Elena Calistru, Emanuel Poppel, Dorel Feldman, Nicolae Asandei and Gheorghe Rozmarin joined further the teaching and research team.

4 1949-1952 The first research fields approached:
-The turning to good account of vegetal proteins; -The paper sizing in neutral conditions; -The obtaining of protein-cellulosic fibres; -The obtaining high yield pulps; -The synthesis of cellulose derivatives

5 PhD theses: Cellulose fractionation - Elena Calistru
Reed prehydrolysis – Dorel Feldman Studies of applied chemistry in paper technology –Emanuel Poppel Carboxymethyl cellulose synthesis- Nicolae Asandei Cellulose photodestruction –Gheorghe Rozmarin


7 Evaluation of chemical potential of Romanian resources:
Wood Chemistry in Romania, 1966 Wood Chemistry in Romania. Poplar and Willow, 1973 The chemistry of reed, 1966 PhD thesis in the field of reed lignin chemistry (Ioana Anton, 1968); a structural model was proposed PhD thesis in the field of kraft reed delignification (prof. Paul Obrocea, 1970) Pulp and Paper mill based on Arundo donax reed from Danube Delta (Braila)

8 Structure of reed lignin proposed by C. I. Simionescu and I
Structure of reed lignin proposed by C.I. Simionescu and I. Anton (1968)


10 Biosynthesis processes in the normal and tumor wood
Modification of chemical composition (ratio of cellulose/lignin) in the plants infected by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Inhibition of tumoral processes by hydroquinone and gallic acid; radical mechanism was proposed At present this information is applied for genetical modification of wood, to control of radicals in biological systems using lignin and polyphenols and regulation of cell plant division

11 C.I.Simionescu et al, Cellulose Chem. Technol., 25 (3-4)187-195 (1991)

12 Polyphenols have a similar action to auxin and cytokinin and they interfere sinergically with the plant hormones

13 Investigations in the field of lignin chemistry
Isolation of lignin by different methods from hardwood, softwood and annual plants Modification of lignin by different reactions: nitration, diazotization, epoxidation, hydroxymethylation, oxyammonolysis, biodegradation, mechano-chemical destruction by applying a large range of experimental conditions Applications of lignin and its derivatives in agriculture, addesive systems, bioremediation, composites etc. European projects: Eurolignin and Ecobinders

14 Cellulose and polysaccharides characterization and modification
9 PhD theses were defended in this field Structural investigation of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and seaweeds polysaccharides Different initiation systems and monomers were used in cellulose grafting Utilization of cellulose derivatives as support for enzyme immobilization and drug delivery European projects: SPONGE, EPNOE - European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence

15 1961 First International Symposium on Cellulose Chemistry and Technology
Participants: G.Centola, E.Huseman, M.Chene, N.I.Nikitin, E.Correns, G.Champetier, Z.A.Rogovin, A.I.Kalninsh, I. Sakurada, F.Wultsch

16 1965 Second International Symposium on Cellulose Chemistry and Technology Cellulose Chemistry and Technology journal was founded: Editor in chief-Cristofor I. Simionescu

17 Synthetic papers Synthetic and natural fibers along with different consolidation agents were used to obtain special papers (insulating dielectric, filter, leather imitation, textile papers) The experience was further developed in the fields of composite materials based on natural and synthetic polymers

18 Biomass complex processing
Based on existing raw materials along with other new developed by selection and cultivation plant (Asclepias syriaca) a technology to obtain chemicals and energy was proposed. [ C.I.Simionescu et al., Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 21 (1), (1987)] A pilot plant was designed and built in 1989 At present this concept is named biorefining


20 The research projects proposed and supervised by professor Cristofor I
The research projects proposed and supervised by professor Cristofor I. Simionescu have never been conjunctural. They demonstrate his most clear and all-embracing vision over the whole domain. The approached fields continue to represent important areas of investigation in scientific communities all over the world.

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