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Lake Villa Township Baseball

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1 Lake Villa Township Baseball
Player Skills by Level Lake Villa Township Baseball

2 T-Ball / Pinto

3 T-Ball / Pinto Preparation for Coaches
Rules & tips to understand & remind yourself every day There is no score keeping in T-Ball / Pinto There is no winning team in T-Ball / Pinto Every player on your team needs you to instruct them Every player on your team WANTS you to instruct them Every player on your team bats in an inning No T-Ball game has ever finished with every player getting equal number of at-bats Coaches need to be prepared for & have a plan for the following: 99% of the players cannot catch 99% of the players cannot throw accurately 99% of the players have never hit off a tee Make it FUN – this is your opportunity to make kids love baseball & want to continue in future years

4 Running a T-Ball / Pinto Practice & Game
Use visual aids & boundaries to teach proper positions & techniques Draw a circle in the ground to designate fielding position (stay in the circle until the ball is hit) Draw X’s or lines in the ground to show where batter should stand in the batter’s box Draw one big line from home plate past 2nd base to show “left side” and “right side”. Incentives go a LONG way, but give them early in the season & give reminders along the way Double play = free ice cream Team captain next game is best listener this game First batter next game is best hustler this game Rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get equal chances to field & to learn importance of different spots in the lineup

5 T-Ball / Pinto Tips, Tricks & Verbal Cues
“V over the C” form for gripping a baseball “Thumb to Thigh – Ball to Sky”, when throwing a baseball Pinkies together below the waist, thumbs together above the waist “You can’t hit the ball if you don’t swing” This should be a mantra from day one in T-ball through the last day of Mustang level – encourage kids to swing Run through the bag, not to the bag

6 What T-Ball Should Know by End of Season
Proper Bat Grip Line up “Knocking Knuckles” Index fingers pointing straight – not crossing Proper Batting Stance Feet shoulder width apart Toes lined up in a straight line Front foot pointing at corner of plate Proper Swing Swing across your waist, don’t chop down at the ball (make sure tee is mid-thigh or waist high)

7 What T-Ball Players Should Know – Cont’d
Proper Grip of Baseball “V Over C” (four seam fastball) For smaller hands, three fingers over the seams (“W Over C”) Proper Form to Throw Baseball “Thumb to thigh, ball to sky” Arm extended behind player, ball facing away from player Throw over the top

8 What T-Ball Players Should Know – Cont’d
Proper Fielding Technique – Ground Balls Glove is a “Wall”, not a “Ramp” – fingertips of glove should be pointed to the ground not pointed toward the ball “Elephant & Alligator” – Glove arm should be hanging low toward ground, throwing arm should be used to secure baseball into the glove Toes pointing toward home plate Proper Fielding Technique – Pop Ups / Fly Balls “Pinkies Together – Thumbs Together” – For Pop-Ups over player’s head, bring thumbs together, For Fly Balls below players waist, bring pinkies together “ I GOT IT!!” or “MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!” Proper Base Running Taking the turn at first, hitting the inside corner of the bag, etc.

9 Running a T-Ball Practice
Get as many parent volunteers as you can!!!! Use visual aids & boundaries to teach proper positions & techniques Draw circle in ground to designate position (stay in the circle until ball is hit) Draw X’s or lines in the ground to show where batter should stand Draw one big line from home plate past 2nd base to show “left” & “right side” Break team into small groups of 3-4 players One group works on throwing & form One group works on fielding & form One group works on hitting & form

10 Running a T-Ball Practice
Hit 3-5 Ground Balls to Each Position Each player gets 3-5 in a row Have 2 coaches hitting grounder to get kids more chances & to keep them more engaged (One coach standing in 1st base foul territory hitting to left side, one coach standing in 3rd base foul territory hitting to right side) Instruct other fielders to encourage their teammate on every fielded ball – this develops teamwork, and keeps everyone focused Only field the ball – work on throwing to first base after fielding technique & performance is more solid. This speeds up practice, and helps avoid kids getting discouraged from bad throws Set up a bucket off to the side & instruct fielder to run ball to the bucket (this gets them out of the way & keeps them active) Hit fly balls / pop flys with a tennis racket. This increases odds of hitting accurately & hitting in the air (speeds up practice) Have a cutoff player and a catcher for you & rotate those players

11 How to Keep T-Ball Players Focused in Practice
Set up 2nd set of bases in the outfield to have 2 groups working on infield drills at the same time, then switch to 2 outfield groups Put one fielder on 1st base, one on 3rd base, have batter hit ball off tee and run bases. Batter keeps running bases until both fielders touch the ball after it stops rolling. Give points for each base touched As boring as it may seem, kids LOVE running – if all else fails, have them run the bases & make it fun (who’s the fastest? Can you beat your last time?)

12 Pinto

13 What Pinto Players Should Know by End of Season
All T-Ball Skills – recap during first practice(s) Batting Step to the pitcher, don’t step out “Load your hands” – straight back toward the catcher, not behind your back “Finish your swing” Fielding Shuffle feet heel to heel, don’t cross over Charge a slow grounder Back up your fielders First step back on a pop fly or fly ball Everyone moves on every ball that is hit (ball hit right, move right. Ball hit left, move left)

14 What Pinto Players Should Know by End of Season – Cont’d
Throwing / Fielding Fielders should be able to make chest high throws “Hot Potato” – after you catch the ball, get rid of it quick “Hit the Cutoff” – know where to throw a ball when it’s hit to the outfield Pitching – later in season The steps of pitching from the stretch 1. Hands together in front 2. Lift front leg – knee up, foot below knee 3. “Thumb to thigh, ball to sky” – arm out behind you 4. Stride and throw – step toward plate, finish with hand toward target 5. FINISH WITH TOES FACING THE PLATE – pitchers need to know batters can swing and hit ANY pitch & they need to be ready after every pitch

15 Running a Pinto Practice
Most T-Ball practice techniques & drills will work to teach & keep kids engaged Add in a Pitching Station off to the side & use as an incentive Players that work hard & pay attention best get to pitch today Start with coach as catcher, then transition to player once pitching improves Use fence directly behind catcher

16 ALL LEVELS Make sure all players know to yell “I GOT IT!!!” or “MINE, MINE, MINE!!!” on EVERY ball hit in the air Make sure all pitchers know to be ready to field after every pitch – batters don’t only hit strikes, so every pitch is important Work on non-verbal cues & instruction, much like giving signs as third base coach Players hear enough yelling from parents, so try to avoid phrases like “throw strikes” or “bring it down/up” or “get in front of / under it”. The kids are trying to do their best, and they know they are supposed to throw strikes Everyone runs on and off the field There is no “i” in Team

17 Mustang / Bronco / Softball

18 Preparation for Coaches
Rules & tips to understand & remind yourself every day Mustang baseball is still not “real” baseball Wins & losses are tracked, but every team makes the playoffs The umpires are kids – many who’ve never umped a game – cut them some slack Every player on your team needs you to instruct them Every player on your team WANTS you to instruct them Coaches need to be prepared for & have a plan for the following: 25% - 50% of the players cannot catch 25% - 50% of the players cannot throw accurately 25% - 50% of the players have never hit live pitching

19 Mustang / Bronco Tips & Tricks
Use simple verbal cues when practicing Ball hit left – move left. Ball hit right – move right Every fielder moves every play First move on a fly ball is back Put extra emphasis on the following Communication – use your “outside” voice (i.e. this is your chance to be loud & scream) Baseball is a game of failure – 3 hits out of ten is considered HOF worthy You can’t hit the ball if you don’t swing The umpire is ALWAYS right Incentives go a LONG way, but give them early in the season & give reminders along the way Double play = free ice cream Triple play = free B-dubs or Wings Etc. If you want to hit this practice, you need to really focus during defensive drills Batting order is determined by attitude and effort, not talent In the first half of the season, rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get exposure at all positions & great opportunity for coaches to see what players should play each position for a successful playoff run

20 Running a Mustang/Bronco Practice & Game
Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals Pinkies together for a grounder Thumbs together for a popup Hit the cutoff Run thru first base, not to first base Hit the inside corner of the bag Listen to your base coaches Let your base coaches be your eyes Keep your eye on the ball Rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get equal chances to field & to learn importance of different spots in the lineup

21 Running a Mustang/Bronco Practice
Set a structure & plan from day 1 – Kids need structure Today we are doing “1, 2, 3”. Next practice we are doing “A, B, C”. Make sure that whatever “A, B, C” entails, that it’s something fun for them to look forward to so they stay focused during “1, 2, 3” Each Practice, have a pitching station to work with 2-3 players per practice & let kids know who’s working each day Important: If practice is Tuesday, and there is a game Wednesday, pitchers for Wednesday game should not throw in practice Separate “trouble” kids into separate groups to eliminate distractions / interruptions Don’t Give Up If you feel a particular skill is important for safety or success, don’t short cut or skip it just to move practice along

22 Running a Mustang/Bronco Practice – Cont’d
Pitching Work with 2-3 players per practice, don’t try to work with everyone everyday – there’s not enough time Work as a group – kids feed off each other & are motivated by teammate success Work with EVERY player throughout the season – you might find a hidden talent Fielding Shuffle feet heel to heel, don’t cross over Shoulders & toes always square to home plate Charge a slow grounder Back up your fielders First step back on a pop fly or fly ball Everyone moves on every ball that is hit (ball hit right, move right. Ball hit left, move left)

23 Running a Mustang/Bronco Practice – Ideas to Keep Kids Engaged
Around the Horn – put player on each base & throw from base to base Focus on throws to glove side, chest high, hands together for quick transfer Work Clockwise & counter-clockwise Fielder at 1st throws to 2nd & follows his throw Practice multiple rounds, then measure time around Relay Drills Three players – outfield, cutoff, infield All players in a straight line from outfield to home Throws to glove side, chest high, hands together for quick transfer Baserunning Drills Home to First – timed First to Third – timed, with and without sliding into third Knockout Hit grounders / fly balls until there is only one player left Increase difficulty every round

24 Running a Mustang/Bronco Practice – Ideas to Keep Kids Engaged
Hit & Run Player at first & third, batter at home Batter hits either off tee or soft toss & runs bases Players at first & third chase ball & both have to touch ball when it stops Batter gets points for every base touched Excellent way to make kids run without it feeling like it’s a punishment

25 What Mustang / Bronco Should Know by End of Season
All T-Ball & Pinto Skills – recap during first practice(s) Batting “Start high, finish high” – swing starts with hands up near back ear, and finishes with hands up near front ear” “Step, Hips, Hands” – while a swing may not be exactly like this, every player needs to understand how all of these work & how they work independently “Palm Up – Palm Down” at point of contact “Big Step Does Not Mean Big Hit” – Little step, big hit Fielding Shuffle feet heel to heel, don’t cross over Hands in front – not resting hands or elbows on knees Charge a slow grounder Back up your fielders on EVERY play First step back on a pop fly or fly ball Everyone moves on every ball that is hit (ball hit right, move right. Ball hit left, move left)

26 What Mustang / Bronco Should Know by End of Season
Throwing Able to hit the cutoff Able to throw chest high Able to make throw from 3rd to first Running Bases Proper running form Hit inside corner of every base Sliding Slide with your back to the baseball If stealing a base, back to the catcher If advancing on a ball hit to outfield, back to the outfield NO HEAD FIRST SLIDES!!!!!!

27 ALL LEVELS Make sure all players know to yell “I GOT IT!!!” or “MINE, MINE, MINE!!!” on EVERY ball hit in the air Make sure all pitchers know to be ready to field after every pitch – batters don’t only hit strikes, so every pitch is important Work on non-verbal cues & instruction, much like giving signs as third base coach Players hear enough yelling from parents, so try to avoid phrases like “throw strikes” or “bring it down/up” or “get in front of / under it”. The kids are trying to do their best, and they know they are supposed to throw strikes Everyone runs on and off the field Tuck in your jersey There is no “i” in Team Respect – “yes coach”, “thanks blue”

28 Other Tips / Ideas Don’t put a player in a situation that increases their odds of failure For example: Mark has never thrown a strike, don’t put him on the mound in a close game Non-verbal cues reduce the noise and stress of a game Try and get every boy to try pitching in practice – you’d be surprised what you find & it helps reduce pressure/stress Show up at field an hour early, if not more Be willing to spend some money to make practices more efficient (i.e. Tennis racket to hit fly balls, extra bases to have 2 infields, extra Tees, etc) Don’t try to make every player throw or hit “perfectly” – every player has their own style, and many won’t want to change. Maximize your own time helping their style become successful (unless long term injury is a risk) Use a tennis racket to hit fly balls – easier to repeat & more accurate

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