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Friends of Our Cabaña Gathering 2016

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1 Friends of Our Cabaña Gathering 2016
Update from WAGGGS 8th February 2016

2 Agenda Update from WAGGGS 2. Looking forward 3. Supporting our Cabaña
Update on activities Restructure – Organisational change Restructure - How will it impact the World Centres? 2. Looking forward Future plans for Our Cabaña –short term & long term Improving the Cabaña scholarship program Plans for Kusafiri 3. Supporting our Cabaña Work of the Friends of Our Cabaña in 2015 How we allocate donations Questions

3 Update from WAGGGS

4 Free Being Me 2013- Free Being Me empowers girls to gain confidence in their bodies and enjoy a life free of image-related anxiety. In partnership with Dove, over 2.5 millions have been reached so far in 112 countries worldwide.

5 Surf Smart Developed with Symantec, Surf Smart is a fun way to learn the skills to be safe online. In 2015 it officially launched in 17 countries as well as at Cabaña!

6 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015-30
WAGGGS adopted the SDGs for its Global Action Theme for 2015 and beyond. This focus will help define our focus areas for coming years and will replace the MDGs.

7 UPS – Resilience in Changing Times 2015-16
Aims to develop the long term sustainability of the Movement, building leadership capacity and empowering volunteer leaders Mexico, Panama, UAE, South Africa and Nigeria will benefit from an Leadership training event and detailed research studies to identify how to increase membership Membership growth will secure the future of the Movement and World Centres

8 Kusafiri World Centre launch 2015 -
2nd October revealed the name of the 5th World Centre for the Africa Region. The World Centre will host it’s first participants in 2016

9 Membership growth By 2020, WAGGGS will grow our membership to 12 million girls and young women in 154 countries. Growth will be led by our membership team and will include: A rapid response team Closer coordination with MOs for fundraising and development Renovated membership process leading successful MOs to full membership more efficiently

10 Launch of the new website
The new WAGGGS website launched in September 2015 Designed to be easily navigable it will ensure that WAGGGS and the World Centres’ digital presence remains competitive We continue to develop and improve the website and would welcome feedback

11 Restructure: Organisational changes
At the end of 2015 a new top-level management structure was agreed Four strategic departments: Membership (Elisa Chiodi), Global Programmes, Engagement and Corporate Services (Andy Murphy). These replace the previous six departments. The four physical World Centres sit within the new Corporate Services department The World Centre Managers will report to a new post similar to that currently being covered by Jen Barron and previously filled by Gill Sewell. That person will also manage the relationship with Guias de Mexico and will report to the Director of Corporate Services

12 Restructure: World Centres
The Director will ensure that the four physical World Centres are properly managed and maintained, proper plans are in place for the long term improvement of the premises, high standards of customer care and that income is maximised and costs controlled (but without compromising their core purpose) Functional links to the Global Programme team for programmes delivered through the world centres, both global and unique programmes. Kusafiri (the “fifth World Centre”) will sit entirely with the Global Programmes department. The Engagement department will be responsible for managing the relationships with donors, including the “Friends” groups, and also for WAGGGS’ publicity about World Centres.

13 Looking Forward

14 Plans for Our Cabaña Short term
WAGGGS continues to support Guías de Mexico and Our Cabaña. This year we will commission a survey to identify long term needs in order to get an asset management plan in place. This is already done at Sangam and Chalet. World Foundation applications in 2016 include:- Renew support for the volunteer program Scholarships for event attendees

15 Long term WAGGGS will await the outcome of the survey before any long term projects are planned This recognises the recent large drawdown on funds for the emergency compliance measures and the water well repairs

16 Improving the scholarship program
Remaining funds for the scholarship and volunteer program were used in 2015. The World Centre hopes to continue this program and enable more volunteers to visit and return home with stories from Cabaña We will promote opportunities more widely through all channels, both by WAGGGS and GDM.

17 Plans for Kusafiri World Centre Juliette Low 30 May – 5th June 2016
The Juliette Low Seminar, named for the founder of GSUSA, (30 May – 5th June) will be held at Kusafiri in 2016. Over 50 participants will meet in Ghana to engage in community work and leadership development, and finishing with an action project focused on one of the SDGs.

18 Supporting Our Cabaña

19 Thanks to the work of the Friends in 2015…
There is improved power in the kitchens thanks to the new mini substation Improved access to drinkable water around the clock, no longer limited to the government provided 5 hours 12 people were sponsored to attend the Cultural Connections event at Cabaña in August

20 Maria Jose Proano visited London to join WAGGGS staff and other World Centre teams for Global Staff Week Cabaña was brought up to date in order to comply with government regulations ensuring it’s continuity New sinks and plumbing in the dormitories

21 Refurbished craft room
Volunteers from 8 countries joined the team and experienced Cabaña! The Friends also supported the Asociación Guías Argentinas with their quota repayment for 2015, ensuring that more funds could be directed to activities

22 How we allocate donations
Direct donations from the Friends are allocated to either operations or scholarships depending on the donor’s wishes. The operations fund is used to underwrite the cost to WAGGGS of maintaining Cabaña. This ensures that WAGGGS doesn’t need to drawdown on other donations to support WCs and that they continue to welcome guests. The scholarship fund is used to support girls and young women to visit Cabaña and to volunteer at the World Centre. Volunteers consistently report on the positive and unique experience of volunteering at a World Centre

23 How we allocate donations
Donations from the World Foundation are used for a variety of projects. Examples of project include – Plumbing repairs Refurbishment of facilities Unanticipated urgent costs Both donations through the World Foundation and directly to WAGGGS are vital to the continuing success of Cabaña.

24 Support for countries in the Western Hemisphere Region
The region has identified that the following countries are in need of support this year Venezuela USD Grenada – 729 USD Barbados – 1,344 USD

25 Questions Thank you for your continuing support for Our Cabaña and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

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