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The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)

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1 The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)
Lesson 2 Nationalist Movements in Africa and the Middle East

2 The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)
Lesson 2 Nationalist Movements in Africa and the Middle East Learning Objectives Explain how Africans resisted colonial rule. Describe the rise of nationalism in Africa. Describe how Turkey and Persia modernized. Understand how the mandate system contributed to Arab nationalism and to conflict between Jews and Arabs.

3 The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)
Lesson 2 Nationalist Movements in Africa and the Middle East Key Terms apartheid Pan-Africanism Marcus Garvey. négritude movement. Asia Minor, Atatürk Reza Khan, Pan-Arabism. Balfour Declaration.

4 Africans Protest Colonial Rule
During the early 1900s, more and more Africans felt the impact of colonial rule. European nations exploited, or took advantage, of their colonies to produce profits for the parent country. Although the peoples of Africa had long tried to resist foreign imperialism, calls for change spread, fueling new nationalist movements.

5 Africans Protest Colonial Rule
Exploitation of African Colonies Took best land Mined resources Discriminated against locals Protesting Imperialism Millions of Africans served Inspired by WW for self determination Protested in large numbers A Policy of Segregation in South Africa Apartheid

6 Africans Protest Colonial Rule
Throughout Africa, Europeans operated mines and paid Africans low wages to work in them. Here, South Africans are working in a diamond mine owned by a Dutch company.

7 A Rising Tide of African Nationalism
In the 1920s, a movement known as Pan-Africanism began to nourish the nationalist spirit and strengthen resistance. Pan-Africanism emphasized the unity of Africans and the people of African descent worldwide. Among its most inspiring leaders was Jamaica-born Marcus Garvey. He preached a forceful, appealing message of 'Africa for Africans' and demanded an end to colonial rule. Garvey's ideas influenced a new generation of African and African American leaders.

8 A Rising Tide of African Nationalism
The Pan-African Congress Pan-Africanism- Marcus Garvey W.E.B. Du Bois- organized first PAC Wanted end to colonialism Writers Celebrate African Culture Negritude movement- Leopold Senghor Independence for Egypt 1922- agreed to let Egypt be free Left troops to defend Suez canal Helped lead to rise of Muslim Brotherhood Resentment of West Muslim traditionalism

9 A Rising Tide of African Nationalism
Jamaican Marcus Garvey traveled to New York City to spread his message designed to inspire pride in African culture. Here, he rides through the Harlem streets in a parade after meeting with delegates from 25 countries.

10 Modernization of Turkey and Persia
Nationalist movements greatly affected the Middle East in the aftermath of World War I. The defeated Ottoman empire was near collapse in Its Arab lands were divided between Britain and France. However, in Asia Minor, a peninsula in western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, ethnic Turks resisted Western control and fought to build a modern nation.

11 Modernization of Turkey and Persia
Atatürk Takes Power Mustafa Kemal Took control of Turkey Treaty of Sevres- Westernization of Turkey Radical reforms to westernize the country Replaced Islam in law Replaced Arabic alphabet with Latin alphabet People where western clothes built railroads and set up factories Muslim traditionalist rejected reforms Persian Nationalism and Reform Reza Khan- Modernized Persia British Oil company?

12 Modernization of Turkey and Persia
Atatürk (center) sought to modernize, Westernize, and secularize Turkey. He is still honored throughout the nation. His portrait appears on postage stamps and all currency.

13 Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East
After World War I, the vast Ottoman empire was partitioned into Turkey and several new nations that would make up the modern Arab world. Several Arab lands sat above large oil reserves, giving them global importance in a world that was increasingly dependent on gasoline-powered engines. Instead of granting independence to the Arab states carved out of the Ottoman empire, European powers turned them into mandates under their control.

14 Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East
The Rise of Pan-Arabism Former Ottoman empire carved up Pan-Arabism- However, Arabs not united European-Controlled Mandates GB- Iraq France- Syria, Lebanon, Palestine Mandates- Conflicting Promises About Palestine Balfour Declaration- Theodore Herzl- Zionist- Created the most complicated problem in history A Bitter Struggle Begins Jews migrating to Palestine Tensions grow between Jews and Arabs- both populations growing Jews establish defense force, Arabs try to stop Jewish immigration Competition for the land

15 Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East
Faisal (center) attended the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Faisal led the Arab nationalist movement during and after World War I and became king of Iraq.

16 Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East
Analyze Maps Population movement, the Treaty of Versailles, and foreign influences changed the Middle East after World War I. How did foreign influences affect the Middle East?

17 Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East
Analyze Information The changes in the Middle East had long-term and widespread effects. Who discovered the first oil field? What effect do you think this discovery had on the Middle East?

18 Quiz: Africans Protest Colonial Rule
How did Africans think fighting in World War I would impact their lives? A. They thought that their lives would remain unchanged. B. They thought they would be granted more rights and opportunities. C. They thought the victorious nations would abolish colonialism. D. They thought that colonial restrictions would grow even tighter.

19 Quiz: A Rising Tide of African Nationalism
What did the Pan-African Congress accomplish? A. It established a cooperation among Africans and African American leaders. B. It helped a few African colonies gain independence from their rulers. C. It created a charter of rights for Africans that was approved by Western leaders. D. It forced Western leaders to revise their negative views of Africa.

20 Quiz: Modernization of Turkey and Persia
Why did Atatürk want to westernize Turkey? A. He wanted to ensure that Muslim religion and culture remained strong. B. He wanted to expand Turkey by defeating the Ottoman Empire. C. He wanted to expel the Greeks and British from Turkey. D. He wanted to strengthen and modernize Turkey as a nation.

21 Quiz: Nationalism and Conflict in the Middle East
How did the Paris Peace Conference affect Arabs? A. Egypt and the Palestine Mandate gained independence. B. Separate Jewish and Arab states were created. C. Some Arab lands were made mandates of European powers. D. Arabs were freed from foreign domination.

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