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An Introduction to Flash

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1 An Introduction to Flash
Lesson 5

2 Starter Play one of the Brain Training Games
RM Shared  BITE  Brain Training Portal In 5 minutes I will ask you what features of flash you thought it used.

3 Objectives WALT (We Are Learning To): WILF (What I’m Looking For):
Develop animation capability. Become familiar with animation environments. Explore advanced animation skills WILF (What I’m Looking For): You have created your own animation. You have used simple ActionScript You have selected your assignment and begun it.

4 Action Script & Scenes Scenes Action Script
Think of a film – it has more than one scene. E.g. Scene 1 might be at a shop, and Scene 2 might be on an aeroplane. Flash animations can also have multiple scenes and you can move between them. Action Script In previous lessons, you have just been watching your movie. Action Script, lets the user get interactive with your movie!

5 Demonstration Scenes and Action Script A Simple Button Example
(example 1 | example 2)

6 Today’s Task 1 Have a go at Task 8 of your help guide. Need help?
Examples: ICT KS3  Year 9  Y9 Flash  Examples Help Files: ICT KS3  Year 9  Y9 Flash Links and Tutorials

7 Assignment Time Choose an assessment scenario which is best suited to your level (Level 4-7 available). Level 5-7 will need to complete a planning sheet FIRST. TASK 1 – Read all assignments and select one (check your level first). RM SHARED  ICT KS3  YEAR 9  Y9 FLASH  ASSESSMENT FILES TASK 2 – Level 4 – Begin your assessment. Level 5+ Complete the planning sheet. HELP: Help Videos in Shared area (in same place as above)

8 Evaluation & Tracker Complete the Evaluation and Tracker
ICT KS3  Year 9  Y9 Flash  Lessons  Lesson 5/6  Evaluation ICT KS3  Year 9  Y9 Flash  Lessons  Lesson 5/6  Tracker Save them in your Year 9  ICT  Flash folder.

9 Submission Copy your Y9 Flash folder to your portfolio.
Start  All programs  ICT  Studentbitefolio

10 Objectives Review WALT (We Are Learning To):
Develop animation capability. Become familiar with animation environments. Explore advanced animation skills WILF (What I’m Looking For): You have created your own animation. You have used simple ActionScript You have selected your assignment and begun it.

11 Plenary 3-2-1 discussion & student showcase Discuss:
3 things you enjoyed about the unit 2 things you found difficult about the unit 1 thing you would like to find more about

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