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Aiding Navigation through Centralizing Information Dissemination

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1 Aiding Navigation through Centralizing Information Dissemination
Alexandra Schafer USACE IWR

2 Abstract The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is charged with providing bulletins or notices by our “District Engineers” on information relative to the improvement of harbors and waterways such as dredging operations, and precautions due to the presence of dredging or other vessels be brought to the attention of commercial, recreational, or governmental vessel owners or operators regularly using the waterways. The Notices To Navigation Interests (NTNI Notices) process and website, stood up in 2015, contains navigation notices and operational policies by the USACE districts with a navigation mission. This single point of access informs mariners of events that affect waterway navigation such as maintenance projects, hazards to navigation, closures or restrictions, and other pertinent information and is a piece of the companion mariner information provided by the U.S. Coast Guard’s (USCG) Local Notices to Mariners and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Notice to Mariners Chart updates. This presentation will touch on collaborative efforts among the Corps, the USCG, NOAA and other entities to improve one point data entry and maximize system operability through collaborative efforts such as the US Committee on Marine Transportation interagency action teams. This presentation will also describe real time dissemination of navigation information to users in a centralized system, which is important for mariners utilizing the nation's waterways to identify current or planned performance and/or safety changes in waterways, and future improvements to the Corps notice system. Presentation Agenda: Collaborative Efforts (USCG, NOAA, CMTS) [one point data entry] Real Time dissemination of Nav information (NTNI) [centralized system, uniform data entry] Future improvements

3 Notice to Navigation Interests (NTNI)
8/23/2018 Notice to Navigation Interests (NTNI) Anything that affects navigation – dredging, maintenance, surveys – must have a notice Inform industry, other agencies and the public District Level 33 CFR ER Chapter 2 What is NTNI? Uniform data entry, centralized system 33 CFR – Discusses aids to navigation and related ER – Navigation and Dredging Operations and Maintenance Policies – Chapter 2 “MSC/District Commanders shall cooperate in dissemination of operational navigation notices and marine information to the marine industry, the public, and other government agencies, through notices and special report/notifications.”

4 8/23/2018 NTNI Homepage - POCs Non-proprietary software

5 Create NTNI Screen

6 Example NTNI

7 NTNI Public Site

8 NTNI Visualization

9 CMTS Integration Current E-Navigation Strategic Action Plan
Future IAT -  coordinated and integrated collection, processing, and dissemination of navigation data and information to provide services to stakeholders, eliminate duplication, and enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency of our waterways and ports Data IAT CMTS (Committee on the Marine Transportation System) – Federal coordination body created by Presidential directive. E-Navigation – integration of information Safer – awareness, accident awareness More Secure More reliable More efficient More integrated Harmonizing data

10 Future Endeavors Collaborate with Federal Agencies:
U.S. Coast Guard - Notice to Mariners NOAA – Notices to Mariners Chart Updates Continuing Education Site updates Visualizer Section 10 regulatory permits often require applicants to submit Coast Guard notices to mariners for work associated with their permitted activity. Continue to educate industry, partners and the public. Update the site to be more user friendly – easier for the public to access information Visualizer – Update in real time with integrated data from multiple systems.

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